Just like everyone's guess, Dengzhou and Qingdao fell consecutively, and Chen Si couldn't sit still anymore. While strengthening the defense along the coast of Liaodong, he organized elite troops in the gang to prepare for a counterattack.

Because the allies were too weak, the Northern Alliance basically collapsed, and Chen Si could not count on anyone but himself.

Nan Yong, who was lurking inside the Thunder Gang, sent an alarm, and Chen Si assembled the most elite troops under him, preparing to forcibly land in Dengzhou and Qingdao.The first team, a group of more than [-] people led by Leiren gang leader Yue Jingqiu, will charter a plane and fly directly to Dengzhou.At the same time, Liu Chuan, the cadre of Leiren Gang, also organized more than [-] people to charter a direct flight to Qingdao.

As Liu Chuan's confidant, Nan Yong will follow him to Qingdao this time.

"Do it at the same time? Is Chen Si crazy?" After receiving the news, Zhang Xiaolong was a little surprised.

The all-round offensive style of Li Yunlong in the TV series is rare in reality, and it is even more impossible for gangsters to do things. There are too many restrictions. Although the Leiren Gang has tens of thousands of gang members, they must mobilize to fight against others , there are only a few thousand people who can go to battle, and most of the rest of the bottom gang will not be willing to work hard.

Zhang Xiaolong felt that Chen Si must be releasing fake news to deliberately confuse the enemy.Guessing Chen Si's plan, Zhang Xiaolong called Chen Tie who was lurking in Dengzhou.

"Tie Dan, Chen Si is likely to launch a counterattack, let Xu Weiguo be careful and hold the territory."

Chen Tie was lurking in Dengzhou and had been secretly following the situation in Dengzhou. He opened a small noodle shop at the Dengzhou pier, and the business was booming.

Chen Tie said: "Let him stand out. It would be best if Chen Si could come to Dengzhou in person, and I would have a chance to kill him with one shot."

Although Zhang Xiaolong thinks this is an opportunity, it's better to be careful.He said: "Tie Dan, don't do it until you are [-]% sure. If Chen Si really comes to Dengzhou, I will go to Dengzhou too. Your people must be hidden."

"I know, don't worry."

Chen Tie understood Zhang Xiaolong's meaning, Xu Weiguo was a cicada, if Chen Si was a mantis, Chen Tie would do his duty as an oriole and not expose himself too early.

During this period of time, Xu Weiguo performed very well. He visited the big boss of the Baidao in Dengzhou many times, and gave money to women. His severed hand played a big role at this time. He quickly climbed to the chairman of the Dengzhou Disabled Persons Federation, Ye Jiesheng. , became an annual entrepreneurial pacesetter of the Dengzhou Disabled Persons' Federation, and became a well-known public figure in Dengzhou.

"Tie Dan, get Xu Weiguo ready, the real battle is about to begin."

"Landlord, don't worry."

Zhang Xiaolong hung up the phone, but in fact he was not at ease at all. Facing the offensive of Leiren Gang, whether Xu Weiguo could stand up to it.

Just when Zhang Xiaolong was about to go to Dengzhou, news came from Linshi that a mysterious force suddenly appeared in Linshi, and three local elder brothers who took refuge in Longtang were beheaded overnight.

All of a sudden, people in Linshi were panicked, and many local forces began to waver.

Soon the instigator came to the surface, and it turned out to be the long-lost sparrow Su Zhouzhou. After he led people to kill three local elder brothers who took refuge in Longtang, he spent a lot of money to recruit many subordinates, and began to seize the territory of Linshi. He has already occupied Linshi Most of the blocks in the North District seem to have the posture of dominating the city.

Previously, Su Zhouzhou fled Dengzhou and did not dare to go south, so he mingled with the escaping volunteers and escaped from the customs by boat. When he arrived in Dalian, Su Zhouzhou, who was penniless, could only find a part-time job near the pier. Clean up residues such as cinders and slag remaining during shipment at the wharf.

Su Zhouzhou didn’t want to earn hard money, so he became a liar. Letting him work as a dock worker would kill him. He wanted to cheat some money from the workers around him, but the temporary workers who worked with him were very poor. There was nothing to be deceived at all, Su Zhouzhou, who was as tired as a dog every day, secretly vowed to take revenge one day sooner or later.

He completely forgot about cheating Zhang Xiaolong of money, and completely put himself in the position of the victim.

At that time, Liu Chuan, a cadre of Lei Ren Gang, was recruiting people in Dalian, and Jiangsu people joined the gang. Su Zhouzhou immediately signed up to join Lei Ren Gang and received a monthly subsidy of 2000 yuan, which was much better than working as a temporary worker at the dock.

Liu Chuan recruited a total of [-] Jiangsu people in Dalian. Among these people, the only one who is more clever is Su Zhouzhou, and there are others who can fight better than Su Zhouzhou. Shameless enough, Su Zhouzhou meets this requirement.

Soon Su Zhouzhou became the captain by flattering him. When Su Zhouzhou was full of ambition, Liu Chuan arranged a task for Su Zhouzhou, which was to go back to Jiangsu to fight against Zhang Xiaolong.

At that time, Su Zhouzhou almost lost his temper. He understood the situation. At this time, leading the team to fight back to Jiangsu is not much different from courting death.

But looking at Liu Chuan's eyes, Su Zhouzhou couldn't do without going, so he had to bite the bullet and agree.

Liu Chuan's sense of responsibility is a little higher than that of the old triad president. Even if he treats the legendary cannon fodder, he will help equip it a little so that the cannon fodder will not die too quickly.

"Don't worry, Sparrow."

After Liu Chuan said this, he felt awkward, and quickly changed his words: "You go to Jiangsu first, and then I will send people to support you, and I will not let you fight alone in Jiangsu."

What else could Su Zhouzhou say, this cannon fodder is for sure.Su Zhouzhou secretly returned to Jiangsu, and Liu Chuan gave him twenty of the most powerful killers and 500 million strategic funds.In order to prevent Su Zhouzhou from absconding with the money, Liu Chuan specially arranged for an accountant.

Knowing that he couldn't hide, Su Zhouzhou gritted his teeth and returned to Jiangsu. He didn't dare to come to City A. He first went to Xuzhou to gather a force before heading south with confidence.

Killing the three local big brothers in Linshi is just the beginning.

When Zhang Xiaolong heard that Su Zhouzhou was back, a murderous look flashed in his eyes, and he sneered, "Come back, Chen Si really knows how to find someone, which saved me a lot of energy!"

Wang Xiaofei knew that Zhang Xiaolong hated Su Zhouzhou, but the current situation was special, it was not worth getting angry over a liar.

Seeing Wang Xiaofei's worry, Zhang Xiaolong smiled and said, "Monkey, don't worry, I won't change my strategy for a little liar."

Seeing that Zhang Xiaolong was very calm, Wang Xiaofei was quite relieved. He knew that Su Zhouzhou was in Zhang Xiaolong's heart, so he said: "Chen Si sent people to invade Jiangsu. It must be to disturb our sight. Su Zhouzhou was probably selected temporarily." It’s not worth your while, I’ll let Guan Wang deal with it.”

Guan Wang let Su Zhouzhou run away in Dengzhou, and he was not punished when he came back. He seemed very complacent, much bolder than before, and often talked about his achievements in Dengzhou, not an ordinary showman. Bag.

"Landlord, find something for Guan Wang to do, so that he won't be blowing Boolean every day."

Wang Xiaofei is very tired of Guan Wang bragging all day long.

Zhang Xiaolong shook his head. In the past, Guan Wang could be used to catch Su Zhouzhou, because Su Zhouzhou was an insignificant little person, but not now. Su Zhouzhou now represents the Rairen Gang. To kill him, he must find someone he can trust.

"Guan Wang is cowardly and fearful of death, greedy and greedy, and he is very happy. This time we are going to take care of Su Zhouzhou, and we will also take the whole of Jiangsu into our pocket. If Guan Wang is allowed to do it, he will make great achievements and may not cause any trouble. Come."

Zhang Xiaolong is not optimistic about Guan Wang, especially his character.


Wang Xiaofei repeated the goatee repeatedly, and felt that Zhang Xiaolong was right, nodded and said: "I see Guan Wang's appearance, he can't make a big deal, he is indeed a very troublesome person."

"Monkey, I think it's you who should make the move. I can rest assured that you will handle the matter."

Zhang Xiaolong thought about all the people around him. He wanted to focus on Dengzhou wholeheartedly. Geng Wei wanted to organize a team directly under him to prepare for the battle. He couldn't move, and he couldn't use others. Only Wang Xiaofei was the most suitable one.

Wang Xiaofei nodded and said: "Leave this matter to me, but you can't let other people idle, it's better to let Guan Wang go to Dengzhou again, it's better to go there in a big way, so that Chen Si is choosing the target At that time, it is possible to choose Qingdao, which is called showing strength to the enemy and reducing our risk."

Wang Xiaofei's heart was quite dark.

"I understand your idea."

Zhang Xiaolong rubbed his nose, and said with a bit of embarrassment: "If we do this, people from the Yi Gang will find out afterwards, but we will be hated."

Wang Xiaofei said with a sinister smile: "They won't hold grudges, but will thank us instead."

Zhang Xiaolong smiled wryly. He understood what Wang Xiaofei meant, and he used a large force to show his strength, and asked Chen Si to fight Gong Huaixiang. As long as he sent people to support Gong Huaixiang afterwards, the Yi Gang would not doubt Zhang Xiaolong and others' intentions, but would instead I feel that Longtang has tried his best and is a good friend.

Wang Xiaofei continued: "I remember a foreign book that said: There are no permanent friends, only permanent interests. I forgot the title of the book, but I think this is true. If we want to develop Longtang, we should not be too scruples .”

"It won't be thick black school. It's too realistic."

Zhang Xiaolong blinked his lips, feeling that this was a lot to say, but he was against his will. Does it have to be from the perspective of profit when making friends?Can't be friends without interests?

The foreign book that Wang Xiaofei said was called "On the Monarch", which was born 500 years ago.As soon as it was published, it aroused widespread repercussions in Western religious, political, academic and social circles, and was regarded as an evil book.

The theory in this book is very suitable for the underworld to fight for hegemony, but it is a bit dissatisfied with Zhang Xiaolong's character, Zhang Xiaolong is not yet that dark.

After thinking hard, Wang Xiaofei said: "It doesn't seem to be. I'll go back and look it up when I have time. I also forgot what book it is."

"Tell me after you find it, and I'll take a look too."

Zhang Xiaolong became a little interested in this strange book.

A secret discussion between Zhang Xiaolong and Wang Xiaofei pushed Guan Wang to the cusp again. The two thought that sending a large force there would make Chen Si feel apprehensive, but it was because of sending Guan Wang there that Chen Si made up his mind to attack Dengzhou of

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