Dengzhou used to be an important town along the coast of Shandong. The ancient city of Dengzhou was built since the Ming Dynasty, and now there is only a small section of the city wall by the sea, which is now the site of Dengzhou Ancient City Park.

The snow is getting heavier.

Holding a big umbrella, Zhang Xiaolong and Kong Ning stood on the wall of the ancient city, looking at the bustling city in the snow.

"Didn't expect me to come."

Kong Ning asked in a low voice, she was wearing a snow-white down jacket, with no makeup and light makeup, she looked into the distance faintly, her eyes were full of mist, as if she was weeping, joyful, and worried.

Kong Ning put one hand on his heart, and said quietly: "Xiaolong, I don't know why, my heart hurts so much."

Zhang Xiaolong held Kong Ning in his arms and let her rest her head on his chest.

"Kong Ning, in this duel, I will definitely kill Chen Si and avenge your whole family." Zhang Xiaolong's tone was very peaceful, but the murderous spirit in his heart became more and more serious.

Originally Zhang Xiaolong thought his heart was calm, but when he saw Kong Ning appearing at the door, he suddenly realized that he was not calm. Every time he thought that the duel was about to start, his heart would beat crazily.

The murderous aura accumulated in his chest, making him want to swing a knife, and there was only one word in his mind: "kill".

This state may be suitable for large-scale fights, but it is definitely not suitable for a one-on-one duel. Chen Si cannot be underestimated. Any mistakes in the duel will lead to death.

What Zhang Xiaolong needs is not passion, but calmness.

Kong Ning's hand tightly grasped the clothes on her chest, tears flowed down her eyes, she whispered: "What I'm thinking about now is not revenge, I'm worried about you."

Kong Ning wiped his eyes, looked up at Zhang Xiaolong and said: "Xiaolong, we don't want to participate in the duel, we go back to City A, Huichun City, there are many ways to get revenge, it's too dangerous for us to do this."

In the past few years, Kong Ning's heart was full of hatred. Since she was with Zhang Xiaolong, a little bit of love has been added to her heart. Danger.

Zhang Xiaolong shook his head, put Kong Ning in his arms again and said: "Kong Ning, it's too late to cancel the duel now, I have to fight this battle, I have no way out."

Tears flowed from Kong Ning's eyes and flowed onto Zhang Xiaolong's chest. She tightly grasped Zhang Xiaolong's clothes with both hands, as if holding her in her hands forever, letting him hold her forever.

The two of them stood on the city wall, amidst the falling snowflakes, it made people watch, a little bit heartbroken.

Qi Fanghang, who was guarding in the distance, tightened his clothes, and looked up at the top of the city. The picture in his sight was so beautiful that he was stunned there.

"Is it a romance film?"

Qi Fanghang muttered, then slapped himself on the face, and cursed: "I don't understand fart romance movies, but the landlord's methods of dealing with women are really too high-end."

Just after muttering, a woman's voice below asked: "What a high-end method!"

Qi Fanghang followed the voice and saw that Zou Beibei was wearing a bright red cloak, wearing a snow-white scarf, and walking up the horse path of the city wall with a red paper umbrella in his hand.

Qi Fanghang was stunned again. The current Zou Beibei is simply a Qing Dynasty princess who came out of TV dramas. He is so noble that people dare not look directly at him. Compared with the lady on the city wall, he is absolutely not inferior in the slightest.

"Miss Zou."

Qi Fanghang met Zou Beibei in City A, and knew that Zou Beibei and Zhang Xiaolong had some scandal, entanglement, and ambiguity.According to the message on the trail, Zou Beibei is pregnant with a child and went back to Shanghai to have a baby. Now it seems that the rumors are wrong.

"Xiaolong, it's up there."

Zou Beibei came up, with an unconcealable longing in her eyes, and it was Zou Beibei who was like a little woman who came up.

"This... this..." Qi Fanghang didn't know how to answer, the landlord was on top, but there was also a woman on top.

"Why are you so embarrassed? I know that Kong Ning is there, and I'm not here to be jealous."

Zou Beibei's words are very gentle.

Qi Fanghang smiled wryly and said in his heart: "You didn't come here to be jealous, why did you dress up like this, obviously because you didn't want to lose your reputation in front of Miss Kong, lest the landlord brother take a look at you."

Qi Fanghang suddenly felt that it was a tragedy to imitate Wang Xiaofei, he should be more elegant, he should learn from his landlord and live an elegant life, otherwise he would be regarded as a local rich man and an upstart.

Qi Fanghang rubbed his nose, specially imitating Zhang Xiaolong's movements.

At this moment, Zou Beibei walked up, and she stood there, looking at the two people standing on the top of the city amidst the flying fragrance, tears burst out of her eyes, and a constant grievance and sadness welled up.

Zou Beibei wiped away her tears in a hurry, and said to Fanghang in a low voice: "When they come down, they will say that I have been here, and ask him to come to me at night, and I live in New Empire City."

Qi Fanghang responded, "Understood."

Zou Beibeiyu covered her mouth with her hands, holding back her sadness and hurried away.

Qi Fanghang was stunned for a while, then shook his head and said with a wry smile, "Didn't you say you didn't come here to fight for the wind and get jealous? Why are you still crying? There is no fight for the wind, but the jealousy is too big."

Smacking his mouth and touching the tip of his nose, Qi Fanghang suddenly understood why all his girlfriends like romance movies, this kind of movie is really interesting to watch.

In the past, Qi Fanghang would hate the prince-type male protagonists in those idiotic romance films. He suddenly felt that he should work harder and let women fight for him. Maybe it would be a good thing.

Because of this thought, Qi Fanghang's life path has changed since then.

The two people on the top of the wall didn't fight for long, when Kong Ning's crying subsided, Zhang Xiaolong said softly: "Kong Ning, let's go down, if we freeze you to death, I will die of heartache."

"En." Kong Ning nodded while wiping away tears, incomparably docile and pleasant.

Zhang Xiaolong came down from the top of the city with Kong Ning in his arms, and drank Yidao Kungfu tea in the antique teahouse below the city to relax his body, and then left by car, Qi Fanghang found a free time, and told Zhang Xiaolong about Zou Beibei's arrival, and did not give up Ning knows.

Zhang Xiaolong patted Qi Fanghang approvingly, and said, "You are getting more and more careful, you have a bright future."

Qi Fanghang touched the tip of his nose and smiled embarrassedly.

Back at the hotel, Zhang Xiaolong asked Kong Ning to go back to the room first. He didn't hide anything, and told Kong Ning directly: "Zou Beibei has something to do with me. I'll go over and have a look. You go back to the room first."

Kong Ning nodded obediently and walked into the elevator room. When the elevator room closed, she waved and smiled at Zhang Xiaolong.

But when the elevator door was completely closed and the elevator began to slowly ascend, Kong Ning suddenly felt sore again, just now he was still in love, so he turned around and went to find another woman.

Want to hate Zhang Xiaolong, but she really can't get up.

Zhang Xiaolong sent Kong Ning into the elevator, and then took another elevator to the floor where Zou Beibei lived.As soon as he got out of the elevator, he saw Zou Beibei's six female bodyguards. They all glared at Zhang Xiaolong with extremely angry eyes. A place to beat girls!

"Mr. Zhang, Missy is waiting for you in the house!"

The tone of the beating girl was very rude, as if Zhang Xiaolong was a heartless man.

Zhang Xiaolong didn't bother with them, he opened the door and entered the house.The beating woman came from behind and scolded, "You are not allowed to go in."

Qi Fanghang said aggrievedly: "I didn't intend to go in either!"

"How dare you talk back!" the beating girl said sharply.

Qi Fanghang just fell silent. He looked at the six beating girls in front of him, and wanted to go to the six dancing little girls in the Shark Nightclub. He agreed that they were women, and the number was the same. Why is there such a big difference!

If Qi Fanghang dared to refute, he would definitely be beaten up. The six beating girls seemed to be in a bad mood.

Inside the house, Zou Beibei was standing by the window, wearing a bright red cheongsam, outlining a hot figure.

"You're here." Zou Beibei turned her head, her eyes glistened with wisdom. This is Zou Beibei, a gold member of Pinlan Club.

The tweaking of a little woman cannot be found in her.

"Beibei, I heard you were looking for me."

When Zhang Xiaolong walked into the living room, he didn't show any restraint because of Zou Beibei's expression. He walked up to Zou Beibei. Zou Beibei originally had a resolute face. When Zhang Xiaolong approached step by step, Zou Beibei couldn't help showing a panicked expression.

"Don't..." Zou Beibei took a step back, blushing.

Zhang Xiaolong grabbed her by the shoulder and asked with a smile: "You don't look like one at all, are you jealous?"

"Who will be jealous of you." Zou Beibei bit her lips when she spoke, her voice was coquettish and not convincing at all.

Instead, Zhang Xiaolong asked with a straight face: "Why did you leave City A suddenly? Why did you say you married the champion of the Macau Finals? Why?"

"I..." Zou Beibei lowered her head, feeling a little panicked and sweet.What I was going to say to Zhang Xiaolong, I forgot all of a sudden, my mind was empty, and only the man in front of me was in my eyes.

Zhang Xiaolong said sternly: "I will definitely win the Macau Finals, so don't run away then."

"I hate it."

Zou Beibei leaned her head on Zhang Xiaolong's body, feeling a little cold, and the part of Zhang Xiaolong's clothes that was wet with Kong Ning's tears was not dry yet.

Zou Beibei asked softly: "I saw you standing there, is she crying?"

Zhang Xiaolong knew that Zou Beibei was talking about Kong Ning, so what should he say next?He just stood on the ancient city wall flirting with Kong Ning, and was about to go to bed at night, and now he is hugging Zou Beibei again.

Suddenly flashed a picture of beautiful faces, Hou Ying, Wang Xue, Ren Qiong, Su Qing, Ding Fanglu, Jiang Lan, and then Wang Ting, Wei Dandan, Fang Ying, Fan Ronger

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