Geng Wei's efforts to ease the atmosphere were successful, and Zhang Xiaolong talked a lot, chatting with Geng Wei and Kong Ning.Only Ou Fourteen, who was driving, frowned so much that it was about to bear fruit, because Guanglao's wine collection was about to be stolen and drunk.

When they arrived at the place, Geng Wei had already wiped out a bottle of Wuliangye, Kong Ning drank a small cup, Zhang Xiaolong didn't drink, he doesn't want to drink now.

Ou Fourteen got out of the car and opened the door, and said impatiently, "Get out of the car. Elder Guang is waiting in the monastery on the mountain."

Zhang Xiaolong got out of the car and looked up. On one side was the vast sea, and on the other side was a hill surrounded by pines and white snow. A small road wound up, and a temple could be vaguely seen behind the forest.

"It's rare that there is such an elegant place in Dengzhou. What's the name of the monastery above?" Zhang Xiaolong asked Ou Fourteen beside him.

"You'll know when you get up." Ou Shisi left behind a sentence, drove away, and glared at Geng Wei when he got into the car, because Geng Wei slipped another bottle of Moutai in the car.

Watching Ou Shisi drive away, Zhang Xiaolong smiled and said, "Brother Wei, when I first saw you, you were much more stable than now."


Geng Wei cursed, pointed at Zhang Xiaolong and smiled: "Why didn't you say I was stupid at the beginning, but now that I think about it, it's really horrible!"

"Oh! I think you have learned badly from monkeys."

"Don't lament here, we hacked Chen Si to death last time, so we can go home early."

"Come on, let's go up the mountain."

Geng Wei walked in front with a wine bottle. He just drank a bottle of Wuliangye, which made him shake a little.

Kong Ning held Zhang Xiaolong's arm, and because of the alcohol, a rosy face appeared on his little face, Zhang Xiaolong couldn't help but kissed him, in exchange for Kong Ning's beating.

Geng Wei turned his head and said angrily: "I want to call home, don't talk about me here, are you angry with me?"

Kong Ning smiled and said: "If you are jealous, why don't you bring Lili here."

"What's more, his father seems to know about our affairs. The old man doesn't want to see me, so he insists on Lili going back." Geng Wei was not angry at all when he spoke, but smiled: "When the matter here is over, I will Please take a few days off to snatch people back."

"Come on. I support you."

Kong Ning waved his small fist to express his absolute support for Geng Wei.

After such a commotion, the atmosphere improved a lot. From the bottom of the mountain to the top of the mountain, I felt better and better along the way.

When I arrived at the gate of the temple, I looked up. The plaque of the temple was covered by a white cloth, and the name on it could not be seen.

At this time, Chen Si was walking up from another small road, followed by a burly man and Xu Hongjun.

The layout of Guangshan is indeed good. People on both sides go up the mountain together, which can avoid fighting halfway.They all looked at Dingfu coldly, seeing that the situation was about to intensify, Guangshan walked out of the temple gate in good time, followed by Gao Xue and Fang Ying.

The appearance of Gao Xue and Fang Ying surprised Zhang Xiaolong. He thought it would be Lu Lun who came, but after thinking about it, he was right. Gao Xue and Chen Si were also in the same group. It would be fair for him to face Chen Si.

Fang Ying probably came here for Tang Zhen.

"Guang Lao, Gao Lao, Major Fang, long time no see."

The latter words were spoken to Fang Ying, but Fang Ying turned his face away, not giving Zhang Xiaolong any good looks at all.

At this moment, Chen Si also came over, cupped his hands and said, "Guang Lao, Boss Gao, it's been a long time."

Guangshan smiled and said: "Fang Ying, take Xiaolong to prepare." Then he said to Gao Xue: "Gao Xue, please take Chen Si to prepare. I will wait for you in the main hall."

Guangshan called everyone by their names, because his identity was there,

Gao Xue said, "Okay, Mr. Chen, let's go together."

Chen Si gave Zhang Xiaolong a cold look, snorted coldly, and followed Gao Xuejin.

The big man who followed behind Chen Si muttered, "A bunch of lifeless bastards."

This person really doesn't have any city mansion at all, and Chen Si actually brought a bastard over here.

At that time, Xu Hongjun behaved strangely. He was supposed to be on Chen Si's side, but he came over to greet Zhang Xiaolong and said, "Brother Landlord, I am a young scholar Xu Hongjun, from Harbin."

Zhang Xiaolong said very politely: "If you have a chance, please say hello to Mr. Xu for me."

"Sure, sure, I heard that you can cut people in half with one knife, this time you have to experience it." Xu Hongjun didn't care that Chen Sihui would hear it.

The big man following behind Chen Si shouted angrily: "Xu Hongjun, are you still here? Fourth master is waiting."

"Here comes."

Xu Hongjun shouted, and said to Zhang Xiaolong: "This man is called Shi Xiong, and he looks like a bear. He is typically muscular and simple-minded. I really don't understand why Chen Si brought this idiot here."

After Xu Hongjun finished speaking, he cupped his hands and left.

It's really strange, when Chen Six came to the duel, he brought an idiot, an outsider, was he playing psychological tactics?

Watching Chen Si and the others go in, Zhang Xiaolong had a few question marks in his mind.

Seeing Zhang Xiaolong not moving, Fang Ying said impatiently, "Mr. Zhang, we should go in too."

"Okay, I'll be right here."

Kong Ning put his arms around Zhang Xiaolong's arm, pouted his mouth, suddenly became jealous, and said in a low voice, "Xiaolong, are you having an affair with her?"

Although Kong Ning's voice was not loud, all four people present could hear her, and she held her breath in a jealous tone.

Fang Ying, who was walking in front, suddenly felt that the ground had turned into cotton balls, and almost slipped and fell to the ground. She turned her head and gave Zhang Xiaolong a hard look, showing no hostility towards Kong Ning.

Zhang Xiaolong smiled wryly, feeling very wronged.

Hearing this, Geng Wei couldn't bear it anymore, he directly supported the pillar of the mountain gate and laughed heartily.

The faces of Kong Ning and Fang Ying were both blush from the laughter.

Fang Ying stomped her feet and said angrily, "Don't mess around, don't come in with me."

After finishing speaking, Fang Ying walked in quickly. The originally heroic female major showed the posture of a little woman. If she said that she and Zhang Xiaolong did not have an affair, no one would believe it.

Kong Ning said aggrievedly: "I knew it."

Zhang Xiaolong patted Kong Ning's hand and said: "It's not what you think, there is only a fighting friendship between us."

"Not in bed."

Geng Wei dropped a very powerful sentence and went in with a smile.

Zhang Xiaolong shook his head, Geng Wei was spoiled by Wang Xiaofei, and after drinking some wine, he seemed a little frivolous, Zhang Xiaolong really missed that Geng Wei who was so serious all day long with a stern face!

But now this one, Geng Wei who occasionally complains is not bad, brothers are together, it's boring to keep a straight face all day long.

"Let's go baby, don't make trouble."

Zhang Xiaolong dragged Kong Ning into the monastery, they were laughing and laughing here without any tension, and followed Fang Ying directly into the side hall on the right.

At this time, Chen Si had already entered the side hall on the left side. Before he entered the door, he looked back and saw that Zhang Xiaolong and the others were not nervous at all, and suddenly smiled. I'm nervous, it looks like there's going to be a fierce battle today."

Gao Xue said, "You don't seem to be nervous."


Chen Six smiled without answering, went into the side hall, sat down and poured a glass of water to drink.

Xu Hongjun was the last to come in, and he said frantically: "This Zhang Xiaolong is interesting, and his chick is not bad, why don't I hack him to death now, grab his chick, and share it with everyone."

Gao Xue frowned and thought, "Why is there another lunatic here?"

"Kong Ning, this woman is quite tasty."

Chen Si seemed to be reminiscing about something, a smile with a deep meaning appeared on his face, and then he said: "After I kill Zhang Xiaolong, you can take Kong Ning back to play for a few days, but you have to think about sending it back to me. "


Xu Hongjun laughed heartily, sat on the edge of the bed, and looked at the other side with a lustful face.

Zhang Xiaolong and the others entered the side hall on the right, where the offering was actually the Son-Sending Avalokitesvara, Kong Ning walked over to burn a stick of incense, and bowed respectfully three times.

Geng Wei said drunken words again, "What's the use of you begging for this? After you go back, you'll be more begging to the landlord, and the child will be born."

There was a trace of bitterness on Kong Ning's face, and he didn't answer, but sat quietly beside Zhang Xiaolong, resting his head on Zhang Xiaolong's shoulder, his eyes sparkled, and he tried not to cry.

When Geng Wei saw him, he was half sober and knew that he had said something wrong.

There are some things that you can't just think about. Kong Ning was raped by Chen Si at the age of 14, and he didn't get any kind of care. In addition, Chen Si did it on purpose, and his body suffered a loss. It was very difficult to conceive.

Everyone knows something about this, because they are afraid that Kong Ning will be sad, so they dare not mention it lightly.

Geng Wei put the Moutai in his hand aside, he looked a little embarrassed, and thought to himself: "In the future, you should drink less wine, if you say the wrong thing, you will hurt others and yourself!"

Zhang Xiaolong patted Kong Ning's hand, stole through the window, and looked across, with a bleak murderous look in his eyes.

At this time, Xu Hongjun happened to look over, and the two looked at each other. Xu Hongjun was so frightened that his heart tightened, as if another sharp knife cut him head-on, and he had an urge to avoid it, and sweat immediately appeared on his forehead.

Not angry in his heart, he stared back angrily, seeing contempt in Zhang Xiaolong's eyes.

Xu Hongjun stood up abruptly, and stretched his hands into his arms, only to remember that he didn't bring a weapon today.Xu Hongjun turned his head and said to Chen Si: "Fourth Master, can I participate in the duel for you? I must kill Landlord Zhang with my own hands."

Everyone present was taken aback, not knowing his anger.

Chen Si said: "Nonsense, this

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