The boys of Youyi Gang stopped them, and the two still looked at each other like a bullfight, their eyes were bloodshot, panting heavily, as if they would wring each other's head off if they had the chance.

Standing between the two of them, Gong Huaixiang said sharply: "Our Yibang provided you with a location, not for you to fight alone. If you want to fight, you can make an appointment and find a place where no one is around."

This is the headquarters of the Yi Gang. If two guests fight, the Yi Gang will lose face. Gong Huaixiang wants to protect the face of the Yi Gang, so he is not polite to the two of them.

Zhang Xiaolong shrugged and said: "Mr. Gong, I will save face for you, I won't argue with him."

Liu Xiaodong pushed aside the Yibang disciples around him, tidied up his clothes, and didn't speak, his attitude was still extremely arrogant.

Gong Huaixiang said: "The two of you should have finished talking. Brother Yihui has prepared a banquet for the two of you."

"I still have something to do, so don't bother me." Liu Xiaodong shook his head, and said to Zhang Xiaolong: "My people are looking for Wang Ruoxuan, and I will let you know if I find them." After speaking, Liu Xiaodong left directly.

Zhang Xiaolong glanced at him, knowing in his heart that Wang Ruoxuan's matter was not over yet.

Whether Wang Ruoxuan is dead or alive is a matter of Liu Xiaodong's thought, but Ximenqing's blow is irreparable. The matter of screwing his son to death with his own hands will haunt his heart like a curse, every moment All tormented his soul, and this injury would get worse and worse with time, making life worse than death.

Similarly, Wang Ruoxuan would suffer the same pain, even worse than Ximen Qing.

Everyone saw that Zhang Xiaolong was in a bad mood, and saw that Zou Beibei provoked it. Ren Qiong took advantage of the situation and pushed Zou Beibei into Zhang Xiaolong's room. Zou Beibei provoked it, and she had to solve it by herself. As for the method, it was self-evident.

Zhang Xiaolong was indeed in a bad mood. He had listened to Happy New Year, and his first filming had a good reaction, but when Wang Ruoxuan made a fuss, all his good mood disappeared.

"Xiaolong, I'm sorry." Zou Beibei put her arms around Zhang Xiaolong's waist from behind, and put her head on his broad and solid back.

Zhang Xiaolong sighed, patted Zou Beibei's hand and said, "It's not your fault, it's Wang Ruoxuan's behavior that is too radical, and none of us can stop her from doing that."

"I'm sorry, I should care about her a little bit, but I don't know how to help her resolve what happened to her."

"I don't blame you anymore, don't tell me I'm sorry."

Zhang Xiaolong pulled Zou Beibei into his arms, hugged her tightly, pointed to Bai Xue outside the window and said, "Look at Xue, I always think about annoying things, how will I live in the future."

"En." Zou Beibei nodded.

The two of them rubbed their ears together, whispering, dreaming of a bright future.

Waking up in the morning, Zou Beibei served Ren Qiong a cup of tea respectfully. As for what happened last night, it was self-evident.

Ren Qiong drank tea and whispered something in Zou Beibei's ear, which made Zou Beibei bow her head in shame.

Seeing the girls frolicking over there, Zhang Xiaolong's mood improved a lot. Every smile of them would bring him happiness, incomparable happiness.

After breakfast, Zhang Xiaolong went directly to Yang Yihui, and asked the exam questions straight to the point.

Yang Yihui was not surprised, he readily agreed to Zhang Xiaolong's request, and gave Zhang Xiaolong the questions and answers of the Macau Finals.

Then he said: "Xiaolong, why are you fighting with Liu Xiaodong?"

"You have heard about it."

Zhang Xiaolong felt a little embarrassed, and actually fought in someone else's house.

"I told all my subordinates to shut up. They won't spread the word about it. They'll all talk about it, asking for money rather than anger, but sometimes they can't bear it."

Yang Yihui got up, took out a document from the safe, put it in front of Zhang Xiaolong and said, "Look at this."

After Zhang Xiaolong read it carefully, he didn't make a sound. This is the investigation report of Yang Yihui being attacked. To Zhang Xiaolong, this was a long time ago.

According to the report, the attack on Yang Yihui was all planned by Li Shengmin, a cadre of the Korean Benlei Hall.

Yang Yihui said: "Li Shengmin has now turned back to the Benlei Gang to establish his own family. I have already contacted the Benlei Gang. They hope that I can support them and help them clean up the traitors."

"Mr. Yang wants me to act together?"

If Yang Yihui has this intention, Zhang Xiaolong is very willing to participate.

Yang Yihui nodded and said: "That's exactly what it means. Although the alliance between Yibang and Longtang is not written on paper, it is unbreakable."

Zhang Xiaolong smiled but did not answer, what Yang Yihui said was true, they moved to Chensi together, this relationship has been recognized by the world.

Yang Yihui continued: "I hope that in the future, you can take care of Dandan well."

Pooh!If Zhang Xiaolong drank water, he would definitely spit it out.

Zhang Xiaolong looked at Yang Yihui in disbelief and said, "Mr. Yang, you are not joking. I have enough women around me, and Dandan is just so old!"

Yang Yihui smiled and said, "It's not that young, it will be fifteen after the Chinese New Year."

Zhang Xiaolong said: "I have a lot of women, so I can't give Dandan any guarantee."

"It doesn't matter, there are so many women around you, it doesn't matter how many more you have. There are more than a dozen women around Liu Xiaolong, and I don't see him talking too much."

Zhang Xiaolong rubbed his nose, feeling that Yang Yihui was saying: one sheep is herding two sheep, and shedding them.

What a theory!Just as Zhang Xiaolong was about to speak, Yang Yihui said, "This is a political marriage. The world is like the Warring States Period. There are many things we can't help ourselves. It doesn't mean that in modern society, marriage can be free."

"But Dandan is still young."

"I didn't say to let Dandan stay with you, let her live with you first, and wait for you to be together again when you are 16 years old."

Hold!This is no longer an arranged marriage, nor is it the evil old society.

Seeing Zhang Xiaolong's hesitation, Yang Yihui smiled and said: "Dandan has known about this since Chen Si's death, and she likes you quite a bit, so don't worry, haha."

Hold!There must be a conspiracy, Wei Dandan is known as the Golden Baby, but why is Yang Yihui willing to give up the source of the righteous gang's money.

"This is not allowed!" Zhang Xiaolong refused again and again, he is not a lolicon, how could he fall in love with a little girl, and he is waiting for ten years or so.

"Xiaolong, if you don't agree, you just don't give me face." Yang Yihui put on a straight face, pretending to be angry.

Because the matter was too weird, Zhang Xiaolong would agree, but just as he was about to refuse again, Wei Dandan walked in from the outside and said to Yang Yihui: "Uncle, let me talk to him about something."

Yang Yihui nodded, stood up and went out, only Zhang Xiaolong and Wei Dandan were left in the room.

Wei Dandan sat across from Zhang Xiaolong, and said with a smile: "Bad guy, you have a good heart, my uncle gave me to you, you don't even want it, you just don't want to see me."

"You little girl, how old are you!"


Wei Dandan laughed like a silver bell, the childish voice was full of joy, tears came from laughing, she wiped the corner of her eyes and said: "My uncle was testing you just now, there are so many women around you, who knows if you are Pervert, what if you cheat on me?"

Hold!Fortunately, my brother is not a lolicon.

"It's just you." Zhang Xiaolong measured Wei Dandan, and said, "With your current figure, in another ten years, you may give me the urge to be a pervert again."

"Bad guys." Wei Dandan threw a black line on his forehead and threw the pillow on the sofa.

Zhang Xiaolong grabbed the pillow and said, "You're done testing, do you have anything to tell me?"

"I want you to help me sell the new No. 4, and do everything possible to replace the old drugs. I will give you the formula of the new No. 4." Wei Dandan said very seriously, but the child's voice did not change, and it seemed not serious enough.

Zhang Xiaolong thought to himself: "Could it be testing me again. Give me the new No. 4 formula? Impossible."

Zhang Xiaolong shook his head and said: "I'm sorry, I don't touch this thing, there are many people who are interested in the new No. 4, you can find others to cooperate."

"It's because you don't like drugs that I'm looking for you. I believe you are different from others. Don't refuse me first. I'll show you some information."

Wei Dandan took out a small e-book from his arms, called out the file and handed it to Zhang Xiaolong.

Wei Dandan said: "New No. 4 is actually a newly emerging mixture of methadone and naltrexone, which can stimulate people's nerves like drugs and at the same time repair the human body."

Zhang Xiaolong looked at the information. Methadone is a weak agonist, while naltrexone is an antagonist. Both drugs are commonly used to help people treat drug addiction.

According to Wei Dandan's information, New No. 4 is a combination of methadone and naltrexone, and some special ingredients have been added, which can not only satisfy drug addicts' addiction, but also restore the body's immune system.

"New No. 4 is my masterpiece. When it was just synthesized, I did not announce it to the public. Instead, I conducted an experiment on mice. The results of the experiment found that the mice who had been addicted to drugs before took New No. 4 for a period of time. After that, stopping the drug again, the drug addiction will be greatly relieved."

"In the past few years, our charity has vigorously promoted the new No. 4. It is to destroy the old drug market. Once we fully grasp the drug trade, it will be out of stock for two weeks at a time, which can save many people. And the side effects of the new No. 4 It is very small and does not cause much harm to the human body."

Zhang Xiaolong looked at Wei Dandan, if what Wei Dandan said was true, the Yi Gang would not lose a word of righteousness, they would rather bear the infamy, but also promote the new No. 4.

The face is like a demon king, and the heart is like Bodhi.

"Does Mr. Yang know?" Zhang Xiaolong asked.

Wei Dandan said with a smile

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