The atmosphere in the casino became more and more tense, but the gamblers onlookers didn't leave immediately, and approached to watch the excitement. If there were no security guards to stop them, they would rush over and start a war.

Li E walked between the two parties, and said with a smile: "You two calm down, calm down, if you have something to say, give my father some thin noodles, and don't make things too big."

Macau is the territory of gambling king Zhang Feng, fighting here as an outsider is stepping on Zhang Feng's face, Li E looks polite, his eyes have become cold.

Zhang Xiaolong thought to himself: "This person is much better than Hou Dehai, he knows when to be tough and when to be gentle."

Xu Baojun nodded, looked at Zhang Xiaolong coldly, and said: "Boss Zhang is President Zhang's disciple, I will definitely give this face, but there must be some explanation for this matter."

Qi Fanghang scolded: "Give it to your mother? Ah! No, your mother is too old, I will marry your granddaughter."

This time even Zhang Xiaolong frowned, just like what Zou Beibei said, Qi Fanghang's mouth is indeed a provocative thing.


Xu Baojun pointed at Qi Fanghang angrily, and was about to scold him angrily, when suddenly his body jerked, and he turned his head in disbelief.

"You..." The target this time was not Qi Fanghang, but a woman behind him.

Xu Baojun's face became extremely pale, a ball of blood oozed from his chest, and a stream of blood flowed out from the corner of his mouth.

"Go to hell."

The woman yelled, drew out the knife and made another knife.

"Protect Big Brother." Xu Baojun's pony roared loudly.

Everyone rushed towards the woman behind Xu Baojun. The woman was thinking of stabbing the third time and there was no chance. Xu Hongjun rushed up and swung his fist to turn the woman's face with a punch.

Blood spattered everywhere, and the people around Xu Baojun were in chaos, some were pressing down on the assassin, and some were rushing to rescue Xu Baojun.

Looking at the mess on the opposite side, Zhang Xiaolong took out a cigar, lit it in his mouth, and whispered to Zou Beibei: "Look at what's going on."

Zou Beibei recovered from her astonishment, shook her head and said, "I don't know."

Zhang Xiaolong said: "The finals have not yet started, yet another big boss has fallen. It seems that this Macau finals will not stop. Let's be more careful in the future."

Zou Beibei asked worriedly: "You are not afraid, this matter may involve you."

Zhang Xiaolong said: "Chen Si's death is all on my head, so what if I add another Xu Baojun, now there is a power vacuum in the Northeast, maybe we should consider entering the Northeast."

"If you send someone, this matter will really have something to do with you."

Zhang Xiaolong exhaled a smoke ring and sighed: "Oh! What a pity, what a great opportunity this is!"

Zhang Xiaolong glanced at Liu Chuan and Nan Yong. If he wants to start business in the Northeast, he doesn't have to do it himself.Zhang Xiaolong found a place to sit down with a look of indifference to the world, smoking a cigar, ordering a glass of red wine, watching and smiling.

Li E hurriedly found the doctor in the casino, and insisted on Xu Baojun's behalf. The doctor shook his head, indicating that he was dying. The knife pierced through the back of the heart and directly pierced the heart. Anyone else would surely die.

Xu Hongjun hugged Xu Baojun's body and wailed, seemingly expressing grief from the bottom of his heart.

Liu Chuan and Nan Yong stood beside, Liu Chuan also had a sad face, but Nan Yong had a calm face, as if it was not a person who died, but an old dog.

Li E's originally shocked expression also became flustered. After he ordered his subordinates to do things, he walked up to Zhang Xiaolong and said, "Xiaolong, you didn't arrange this matter?"

Li E had such doubts, Zhang Xiaolong was not surprised, stopped Qi Fanghang who was about to shout again, Zhang Xiaolong asked: "You are Mr. Li E."

"Exactly." Li E nodded, his tone still a little anxious, and asked again: "Xiaolong, you didn't arrange this matter?"

Zhang Xiaolong shook his head and said: "I didn't arrange it. I brought Beibei to play. It was completely accidental to meet them. If the little lunatic didn't look for trouble, he wouldn't be able to fight."

Li E didn't doubt Zhang Xiaolong's words, nodded and said, "It's fine if you don't, I won't let anyone wrong you."

Listening to the words, Li E seemed to be defending Zhang Xiaolong, which surprised Zhang Xiaolong. They just passed each other before, and there was no friendship at all. Why did Li E defend him so much.

At this time, Wang Xiaofei squeezed over, stroked the goatee and said, "Landlord, you are not mean enough to kill someone without calling me."

"Just a skirmish."

"Small conflicts? Small conflicts can cost Xu Hongjun's life." Wang Xiaofei counted his fingers like a fairy, and then exclaimed: "Wow! Not good, there must be bloody disasters in these few days!"

Wang Xiaolong walked up to Li E, sized him up carefully, and said, "Misters, you are sure to suffer from bloodshed in the past few days. You'd better find seven or eight virgins to rejoice and get rid of the bad luck."

Hold!This is a good thing!Xing Xiaolong smiled in his heart, and turned to look at Li E. With this body, seven or eight girls were done, and they were still squeezed into dried squid.

There was a trace of warmth on Li E's face, and he also felt that Wang Xiaofei was playing with him.

But here, someone really believed it, and Zou Beibei asked worriedly: "Monkey, Xiaolong, do you want to be happy?"

Zhang Xiaolong almost fell off his seat, hugged Zou Beibei into his arms and said, "Baby, don't worry, the monkey wasn't talking about me, it was Mr. Li."

Wang Xiaofei smiled lewdly and said: "It's okay, it's okay to be happy about nothing, you should also find some virgins for the landlord."

Zou Beibei also realized her gaffe, and cursed: "Damn monkey, Xiu is talking nonsense."

At this time, someone from the opposite side brought a body bag, packed Xu Baojun up, and started to pack up the female assassin.

The female assassin's face was livid, foaming at the mouth, and she committed suicide by swallowing chloride.

Someone died, but Zhang Xiaolong and others are laughing here, it is really not kind.

Xu Hongjun was devastated, and looked viciously at Zhang Xiaolong and the others. Seeing Zhang Xiaolong and the others talking and laughing, he believed in his heart that Zhang Xiaolong and the others sent someone to kill Xu Baojun.

Xu Hongjun became angry, rushed to a security guard with a gun, grabbed a gun from the security guard, pointed at Zhang Xiaolong and shouted: "Landlord Zhang, pay back my uncle's life."

In desperation, a large group of security guards rushed up and pushed Xu Hongjun down.


Before Xu Hongjun was pushed to the ground, he pulled the trigger three times.

The first bullet hit Li E's shoulder, the second bullet hit the ceiling, and the third bullet wounded a security guard who rushed up.

During the original fight, the gamblers around were just watching the excitement. When the gunshot fired, the gamblers immediately exploded and fled in all directions. People crowded and ran out, and the scene was completely out of control.

The scene was completely out of control, and the chaos was a good opportunity to take advantage of the fire.

Zhang Xiaolong ordered in a low voice: "Xiao Qi, gather the brothers together, don't make a mess, and don't want idlers to approach you."

Qi Fanghang called the horse boys to form a circle, he personally led the electric baton to guard the outside, Zhang Xiaolong and Wang Xiaofei started to drag Li E into the circle.

Zhang Xiaolong asked the boys to take out the tissues and help Li E plug the wound.

Wang Xiaofei stroked the goatee and said with a smile: "Look, I told you that you have a bloody disaster, and you can't avoid it without seventeen or eighteen virgins rejoicing."

"Brother Monkey, are you sure? You said just now that there are only seven or eight, but now there are seventeen or eight."

Qi Fanghang, who was standing in the outer circle, turned his head and asked jokingly. Wang Xiaofei stood up and kicked him, cursing: "Little monkey, you know how to tear down my platform. Believe it or not, I will deduct your wages."

"Don't mind! Am I wrong?"

Qi Fanghang hurriedly begged for mercy.

Li E fell to the ground, his face was pale from the pain, and his head was sweating profusely.

After a while, the people in the casino almost ran away, and Xu Hongjun was still being suppressed, clamoring desperately to avenge his uncle.

The people who originally set off the two sides, who felt that they had nothing to do with them, took the opportunity to leave, and there were many fewer people left in the casino.

Zhang Xiaolong looked at him, shook his head and said, "Xiao Qi is right, he is really a mad dog."

At this time, the doctor who helped Xu Baojun clean up came over, and Zhang Xiaolong asked someone to let him go and let him and Li E do first aid.

The doctor blocked the wound with gauze and said: "The bullet is still inside, we must find a way to get it out, and we must send it to the hospital immediately."

The doctor seemed to be afraid that Zhang Xiaolong would not let him go. Zhang Xiaolong smiled and said, "I'm just a spectator, and I'm not a kidnapper. Quickly bring a stretcher and send Mr. Li to the hospital, as well as the injured brother over there."


The doctor walked away to find a stretcher. Li E held his wound and thanked him in a trembling voice, but he couldn't make a sound, instead he felt a sharp pain from the wound.

Zhang Xiaolong hurriedly said: "Stop talking, the doctor will be here soon."

Li E nodded, with gratitude in his eyes. When he looked at the suppressed Xu Hongjun, his eyes turned into anger, extremely angry.

Soon someone came to carry Li E away, Li E shook his head and said in a trembling voice, "I'm waiting." Now half of his body was stained red with blood, his face was pale, and he looked extremely pervasive.

Sweat dripped down Li E's forehead, if it were someone else, he would probably have passed out.

Zhang Xiaolong admired secretly: "What a man."

Xu Hongjun and his men were all held in the casino.

At this time, finally, some platinum-level bigwigs felt that Liu Xiaodong and Huang Meng were the first to arrive. The two of them came with Ma Zai, and they immediately blocked and occupied a space.

Xiao Sa, Huang Meng's subordinate, said to himself: "This landlord Zhang is really brave, first kill Chen Si, and then kill Chen Si."

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