Best Landlord

Chapter 31 Running away

At one o'clock in the morning, on the third floor of Heitie Wine, in the large living room of more than a hundred square meters, there were four men.Zhang Xiaolong sat on a single sofa, staring blankly at the three people in front of him. On the left was Yang Fucheng, the general manager of Heitiejiu, and on the right was Hou Dehai with a gloomy face. Glenn stood behind Hou Dehai with his hands crossed in front of his stomach.

After talking with his father Hou Jun, Hou Dehai then brought black iron wine, and Yang Fucheng and Ge Lun explained the whole story to him again.During this time, Glenn didn't add fuel to the issue to shirk his responsibility, he was the one who gave the order and everyone saw it, so he didn't dare to play dirty tricks to provoke Zhang Xiaolong who was "a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers".After many encounters, Glenn already had a better understanding of Zhang Xiaolong's character. In his eyes, Zhang Xiaolong was a low-key beast who didn't pursue much and had no ambitions, but had extremely strong self-esteem. His bottom line will become the kind of desperate Sanlang who dares to fight without fear of anything, without any taboos.Glenn thought in his heart that this was a kind of brainless performance, no different from a desperado.It was fast for a while, and it died fast.It's the same as driving a car without the brakes or cutting the brakes and going a hundred yards.

Although Glenn didn't like it, he didn't dare to provoke this kind of person.Now he thinks even more that he doesn't need to do it himself if he wants the whole Xiaolong, and he will become enemies with him wherever he goes.What puzzled him was that Brother Hai's arrival today was strangely calm, but in the past when such a big incident happened, Brother Hai would have jumped up long ago.But today he came without accusing anyone.

"Landlord, I know what happened. In terms of work, you have not made any mistakes. On the contrary, you have done a good job. It is worthy of our praise and learning from all employees. Don't put too much pressure on you." Hou Dehai calmly comforted Zhang Xiaolong, who has been refusing to speak, said: "Third sister went to Vietnam to see the scenery. She has received the news that she will be back within three days at most. By then..."

"What does this have to do with Xiaoying?" Zhang Xiaolong interrupted him wondering.

"It doesn't matter." Hou Dehai pondered, "But Sanmei is the chairman of Heitie, and some things still need to be dealt with by her. I'm just a minority shareholder of Heitie, and now I'm just doing it for her when such a big thing happened. make a decision."

"Decision? What decision?" Zhang Xiaolong raised his eyebrows, guessing secretly.

Before he could open his mouth, Hou Dehai said again: "Landlord, Ge Lun and Yang Fucheng have already analyzed the seriousness of the matter with you. In terms of work, you are indeed not responsible, but the person you injured was Liu Xiaodong, the prince of Hunan. For your safety, I decided to..."

Speaking of this, Hou Dehai stopped, observed Zhang Xiaolong's expression, saw that he was staring at himself without blinking, and said euphemistically: "Landlord, you are the heir of Mr. Zhang, my father is very optimistic about you, what does he mean by the old man?" I want you to practice more and find your own principles of life. Generally speaking, we are willing to help you. However, Spring City is very chaotic now, so I want you and Glenn to go out to avoid the limelight and wait for things Go back after that."

At this time, Yang Fucheng took out a wad of money and a golden bank card from his briefcase, put it in front of Zhang Xiaolong, and said, "Landlord, this is the [-] yuan in cash that Brother Hai prepared for you, and the card is also saved." For some money, you can withdraw it at will within [-] yuan, if it is not enough, just give us a call, and we will pre-deposit it for you regularly."

"This is Brother Hai's wish, and it's also our Heitie's wish. The third lady told me in advance." Fearing that Zhang Xiaolong would not want it, Yang Fucheng emphasized again.

"Landlord, my original intention is that I want you to go to Xi'an or Shanghai to join my two old friends, and Glenn will also go, so that you two can take care of each other." Hou Dehai said: "As for Chuncheng, you know I will take good care of those friends of yours, I believe that no matter how much Liu Xiaodong hates you, he probably won’t dare to mess around in the territory of the Southern Army Gang, the most important thing is that you, the person involved, have to make arrangements.”

"Brother Hai."

Looking at the 1 yuan in cash and bank card in front of him, Zhang Xiaolong glanced at Yang Fucheng, then at Ge Lun who was standing, and finally looked at Hou Dehai. At this time, he seemed a little reserved. He didn't know why Hou Dehai was so kind to him suddenly. But after knowing the seriousness of the matter, he knew that it was inevitable for him to leave Heitie. After hearing so much from the other party, he knew that it would be difficult for him to stay in Spring City any longer. Hou Dehai's words showed that it was inevitable for him to leave, but he had to Which Zhang Xiaolong really didn't think about it, letting the other party arrange is not what he wants.He has no money, and if he wants to run away, he really needs money. After thinking about it, he said embarrassingly: "I accept the money, but I can't take this card. I can go anywhere with 1 yuan. Tie has only worked for two days, and his monthly salary is only 3000 yuan. Now you have caused so much trouble for you, and you are still so generous to me. No matter what the reason is, I will write down this love. When I have money in the future I will return it to you. As for where to go, I really haven't made up my mind yet, and I don't want Brother Hai and everyone to worry about it. In short, if I leave, I won't cause trouble for Heitie again, so you can rest assured."

"Landlord, you are too out of touch."

Hou Dehai pretended to be angry and said: "You have caused trouble for yourself because of Heitie. As one of the people in charge of Heitie, I am very sorry that I can't protect you Zhouquan. Now I have no choice but to let you run away. The money is For you, this little money is really nothing to us, the most important thing is to arrange for you so that you will not be hunted down by Liu Xiaodong's people, so don't be so polite, or you will have trouble with yourself."

The more money you have, the greater the possibility of escaping from the other party.Zhang Xiaolong knew this very well, and he also knew that he didn't pay that much money now, and if he didn't pay it back, it would be a matter of the future, and what he said was purely polite.It's okay for him to ask for [-] yuan. It's because of Heitie. It's only natural for the other party to run away and spend a little money if the other party doesn't solve the problem, so Zhang Xiaolong won't feel too much pressure.But he really couldn't take that golden ICBC card.Taking it is tantamount to selling yourself.

The reason why Hou Dehai made two-handed arrangements was firstly to test and secondly to win over.After listening to his father Hou Junyu's earnest words, he really understood a lot and became a lot more courageous.

"I'm not being polite, I really don't need so much." Zhang Xiaolong put the 1 yuan in cash into his pocket, but pushed the gold card back to Yang Fucheng, and then he stood up, "Brother Hai, Mr. Yang, everything is clear. It's getting late, I'll go back and pack up, and try to leave as soon as possible."

Hou Dehai and Yang Fucheng looked at each other, didn't force him anymore, got up and said a few polite words, and watched Zhang Xiaolong go downstairs and leave.Hou Dehai didn't ask Glenn to see him off. On the contrary, Yang Fucheng accompanied Zhang Xiaolong downstairs to leave Heitie, and then he went back to the garage and drove away.

The third floor of the wine.

"Don't say anything."

Hou Dehai raised his hand to stop Glenn who was about to speak, picked up the golden bank card on the table and handed it over to him, "You take this card, go to Xi'an to find 'Lu Ze', he will arrange everything for you. Note Stay, and don't come back without my order."

"Understood." Glenn bowed, turned and left without further words.

Hou Dehai leaned on the sofa and meditated for a while, then he took out his mobile phone to make a call, and sat for a few minutes before going downstairs to leave.

Zhang Xiaolong got out of the black iron wine from the back door, and walked towards Chen Tie's rented house at a faster pace. Along the way, he vigilantly scanned his surroundings for any suspicious people staring at him, but he was thinking about what to do next in his mind.It has been less than two months since I came to Spring City, and Heitie has only been working for two days. I didn't expect that I would be forced to leave this newly familiar city so soon.He has no regrets, but has been reflecting, wondering whether what he has done is acting in accordance with his heart.In retrospect, he found that he was right, because he didn't take the initiative to attack anyone, but those people were oppressing him one by one.This also made him more determined in his heart.

"I did it right, but my method was wrong. I have to improve it in the future." Thinking all the way, Zhang Xiaolong couldn't help but slow down when he didn't find any suspicious person following him.After a while, he came to the downstairs of the rented room, and was about to go upstairs when a figure appeared behind him like a ghost and patted him directly on the shoulder.

Zhang Xiaolong was startled, turned around and punched him, but the other party reacted very quickly and jumped away.

"Landlord, it's me, come with me." Chen Tie yelled in a low voice, and ran towards the carport outside mysteriously. Zhang Xiaolong didn't think much, and followed behind in doubt.Soon, Chen Tie pushed his motorcycle out of the shed, and saw a black box on the tailstock.

"Don't dawdle, go up." Chen Tie threw a helmet prepared in advance towards him, and started the car directly.When Zhang Xiaolong got into the car hesitantly, Chen Tie hit the gas pedal twice, controlled the Yamaha and rushed out.

"Tie Dan, what kind of plane are you flying in the middle of the night?" Seeing that the speedometer reached 80 in a blink of an eye, Zhang Xiaolong couldn't help shouting at Chen Tie, who was bending over and driving.Although he had only known Chen Tie for a few days, Zhang Xiaolong had developed trust in him, especially after Chen Tie asked him to move in with him, Zhang Xiaolong regarded him as a friend.This is why Zhang Xiaolong dared to get into his car without any clue.

"What kind of plane to fly! The cannon is coming soon. If we don't run, we will both die." Chen Tie drove the car into the road on the left side of ** University and stopped. He pulled up when he saw no one around. Helmet covered: "Landlord, I don't know how Black Iron will arrange it. I don't have much time to explain it to you now. I have received reliable news that a large passenger plane took off from Changsha Huanghua International Airport half an hour ago and flew directly to In Chuncheng, Liu Xiaodong personally brought someone to Chuncheng, and I went to the hospital to find out that Guan Zhihong's hand is indeed useless. Although he said he could connect it well, he only has the strength to hold chopsticks in the future, and it is impossible to hold a knife again... ...We have to leave quickly, I don't know where we are going, at least we have to leave Chuncheng first, do you dare to follow me?"

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