Best Landlord

Chapter 37 Heroism

After a long time, the two separated.Hou Ying blushed, lowered her head and inadvertently straightened her raised T-shirt. Zhang Xiaolong looked at her and showed a slightly funny smile again.The moment the tip of his tongue touched, he felt so perfect. This feeling was not as strong as Su Qing's first time, and he was not as intoxicated and warm when he was with Wang Xue. Just now he seemed to be immersed in a dream, fascinated!Zhang Xiaolong's forced kiss was well timed, so that Hou Ying had no time to refuse and resist, and it was too late to regret when her lips touched together, soft and intoxicated, because it was the first time for her to experience this wonderful passion , even if she has always been strict with herself, she completely ignores the pedestrians on the side of the road in her capacity.

Those tourists seemed to be looking at the "West Lake View", praising the passion of this young couple embracing together regardless of worldly vision.Even just kissing takes a lot of courage.At this moment, Zhang Xiaolong felt his ambition returned.He had an urge to hold Hou Ying in his arms for care, not just as simple as kissing.

"Ah! Yo!" Zhang Xiaolong stood up and stretched his hands and feet, looking ahead with great enthusiasm.

Hou Ying gradually became shy when facing the eyes of pedestrians, she couldn't help but give her a blank look, and said: "I'm proud, you scoundrel, let's go!" Picking up the camera, she walked down the mountain without looking back, her steps were obviously faster than before many.Zhang Xiaolong picked up his bags and followed.

This time he was really proud, his heart was very cheerful, all his troubles were thrown out of his mind, and only the shy Hou Ying in front of him who had no intention of taking pictures was in his eyes.I thought that Hou Ying would always be so quiet, never angry, shy, coquettish, expressionless, always so indifferent to others.Now Zhang Xiaolong finally understands that every woman has a petite side, and to make her gentle and have to have certain means.Zhang Xiaolong didn't think he had that ability, but he did see the shadow of the former Xiaoying from Hou Ying.

All the way down from the mountain, the two talked a lot tacitly, and also had some common topics.Hou Ying was no longer so indifferent, and after having an intimate contact, she became more docile towards Zhang Xiaolong, and spoke directly, no longer beating around the bush and trying to persuade him what to do.Because she could see that Zhang Xiaolong's expression was different from before.

Observing facial expressions is her strong point, and Zhang Xiaolong is also good at this, so they can become extremely tacit and connected with each other with just one eye contact, maybe this is only temporary, but the distance between the two is indeed getting closer a lot of.They both wanted to keep the closeness going, so the itinerary has remained the same.When they came to the parking lot at the foot of the mountain, the two of them boarded the mini car and headed towards Lijiang again.And the seemingly gentle young man with glasses still followed behind unhurriedly.

"Xiaolong, have you noticed? The man in the car behind has been following us all day." Hou Ying looked at the rearview mirror and said to Zhang Xiaolong when he was about to enter the ancient city of Lijiang.In the car, the two had been chatting happily and laughingly.

Zhang Xiaolong smiled lightly, with a relaxed expression, and said: "I know, I found out a long time ago.".

"No, you found out?" Hou Ying didn't believe it, she looked at him in astonishment, "He has been following us since entering the Three Pagodas, although he didn't do anything, but he recorded our whereabouts with the camera, from beginning to end I found out that you never even glanced at him, how do you know he is following us?"

"Not seeing him doesn't mean I don't know. He stayed in the hotel last night, and he followed us when we left the hotel today." Zhang Xiaolong pushed out a cigarette from the cigarette case, seeing Hou Ying frowned slightly He put it back again, "This person's tracking method is not good at all, maybe he didn't mean to avoid us at all, and he changed a car in the ancient city of Dali, so I believe he is not alone, there should be accomplices. They Let us know he is following without hesitation, I think this is someone sent by your father, there should be no malice."

"Well, I think so too." Hou Ying nodded, and suddenly, his face was reddish, and he said with a little embarrassment: "Xiaolong, it's already dark, we'll find a hotel to live in later, you go find out which one he lives in." Room, find a way to delete those photos in the camera."

"Why delete it, hehe, you are afraid that Hou Jun will see us together..." Zhang Xiaolong snickered.


Hou Ying patted him with one hand, pretending to be angry and said: "Whether you want to go or not, I will go."

"Miss Hou has an order, how dare the landlord not keep it." Zhang Xiaolong laughed, "Don't worry, he can't take this photo back. I'll go and do him later, so that he can't see the sun tomorrow, so you can Sleep well."

"Don't mess around. Dad is doing it for my own good. I just don't want his old man to know that we are so close. What's more... nothing happened between us now!" Hou Ying cared about her adoptive father Hou Jun's opinion and feelings. The army sent people to protect her secretly, and at the same time played a monitoring role. Hou Ying promised Hou Jun to assist Zhang Xiaolong at the beginning, but now she has done a little too much.Destroying the photos was not her original intention, and she also knew that this could not be hidden from Hou Jun's eyeliner, she just wanted to take this opportunity to test Zhang Xiaolong's reaction.

How could Zhang Xiaolong not understand, he just nodded without saying a word.

The two played for a day and drove for a few hours. It was already dark when they arrived in Lijiang. Hou Ying was very familiar with it and quickly chose a relatively high-end hotel. After handing over the car to the security guard, she and Zhang Xiaolong came to the front desk Opened a presidential suite, and then lived in it.

As soon as Hou Ying entered the house, she took out a set of clothes from her travel bag and went to the bathroom. Zhang Xiaolong didn't think about why she only had one room instead of two, knowing that she was tired after climbing the mountain for a day and driving for several hours. , he himself felt very tired. After sitting on the sofa for a while and smoking a cigarette, he got up and went out.I went to the reception desk on the first floor of the hotel to find out which room the man who was following me was staying in, but I didn’t have the slightest clue when I asked the receptionist at the front desk. It’s not that they didn’t tell him. Hou Ying seemed to be familiar with the managers of these big hotels, Zhang Xiaolong As soon as they arrived down below, people regarded him as Hou Ying's boyfriend, but Zhang Xiaolong couldn't describe the appearance of the stalking man, nor could he tell the name of the man. The security guard led him to the parking lot but did not find the other party's car.

Zhang Xiaolong returned to the room with some doubts, and found that Hou Ying was already wearing a set of pajamas, sitting on the sofa and looking at herself who came in. She had made tea and was waiting. He took out a purple sand cup from the tea tray and poured him a small cup.Zhang Xiaolong was taken aback by the fragrance from her body, took a sip of Bi Luochun to clear his head.At first glance, it can be seen that Hou Ying's inside is a vacuum, but the outline revealed by the loose pajamas is not too obvious, and the pajamas she wears are extremely rare dark green, so it looks very unique.Compared with Su Qing's light blue pajamas, it feels completely different from the two different flavors of Pu'er and Longjing.Each has its own characteristics.

If Hou Ying didn't ask, Zhang Xiaolong naturally had to say it. After drinking two cups of tea, he told the result of going out. Hou Ying behaved very gentle and calm at night. It seemed that she had expected this result a long time ago. After finishing the sound, he got up and went back to the room.

Looking at her back, Zhang Xiaolong realized that there was only one room in the presidential suite. His heart was beating violently. He found that Hou Ying just closed the door. Even he saw that the door and the door frame were not closed tightly. It was obvious that the other party gave him Leave room.Zhang Xiaolong wasn't sure whether it was a hint or a test for himself. Although Lijiang was cooler at night and the sofa was spacious, he knew one thing.This was what Zhao Xiniu told Chuncheng before he went on a date with Wang Xue. Zhao Xiniu said that if he and Wang Xue were in the same room, he would punish her on the spot, otherwise he would be sorry for the handle hanging from his crotch.When a man and a woman get together, they should do what a man should do, and if they shrink back, they will only be looked down upon by women.Zhang Xiaolong pondered for a long time before he came to a reason. Zhao Xiniu said it very vulgarly, but in fact it is true.After all, all the women lead you into their room, obviously wanting to have something to do with you, that means they have opened their hearts to you and relaxed their guard. If you don't take the initiative at this time, how can you be considered a man?

Hou Ying only wanted one when she entered the hotel to open a room, and now she has left a line on the door, which is already a clear hint to Zhang Xiaolong, whether it is a test or not, if Zhang Xiaolong does not go in, it will really disappoint her .Sleeping on the same bed no matter what happens or not, after all, the two of them had already had an intimate contact on Cangshan Mountain.

Zhang Xiaolong is not a fool, he had an urge to take care of Hou Ying, so without thinking about it, he stubbed out the cigarette and went to the bathroom, then he opened the door naked and wrapped in a towel and walked in.

The light was on, and Hou Ying was sitting on the bed and flipping through a magazine. When she saw him creeping in, she couldn't help covering her mouth and looking at him with a charming smile, and joked: "Zhang Xiaolong, I thought you were going to sleep on the sofa tonight. , look at you, you have no heroism at all."

Zhang Xiaolong stared, straightened his waist and chest immediately, raised his mouth and strode over, "What am I afraid of, I just feel embarrassed, after all, we..."

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about." Hou Ying interrupted him with a smile, "It's just sleeping in the same bed. Let me tell you first, you are not allowed to mess around, or... I got scissors out of the bed under the pillow."

"I'm not afraid of scissors, I have a gun." Zhang Xiaolong laughed.

"Well, you Zhang Xiaolong, you dare to play hooligans with me... I don't want to cut you." Hou Ying put down the magazine and raised her hand to pinch his ear. Zhang Xiaolong turned her head to hide, hugged her with her backhand, and turned over. He pinned her down.

"Didn't you just say that I have no heroism, now I will let you know what true heroism is!"

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