Best Landlord

Chapter 40 2-stream Amateur Driver

Wang Xiaofei was once stimulated, he could be called a half lunatic, and he often talks incongruously, but his mind is very shrewd and sober.Occasionally pretending to be crazy and acting stupid is a good thing. If you are wise and stupid, this is a manifestation of wisdom.Zhang Xiaolong has been with him for a while, and he also knows something about him. Today, Wang Xiaofei accompanied him to practice the car. Although Wang Xiaofei was sitting in the passenger cab, he was still a little worried at the beginning. He carefully observed Zhang Xiaolong's operation, and later found that Zhang Xiaolong did not violate common sense. Because of a sexual mistake, he simply put on his seat belt and slept with his legs crossed.Let Zhang Xiaolong do it alone.Just said the last sentence: "My life is in your hands, practice hard, pay attention to estimate the road surface, call the car if you can't drive."

I. "

There were few cars on the city roads just after six o’clock in the morning. Zhang Xiaolong saw that he was sleeping just as he wanted, and there was one less person nagging him. All the operations were up to him, but he knew that he had just started, so he didn’t dare to act recklessly. Still very cautiously exploring the performance of the car to improve driving skills.The straight Cangshan Road has a total length of more than 0 meters, and there are few vehicles on the urban coastal road. It is more than [-] kilometers back and forth from Haidong Fish Village to the east. It is very spacious and clean. Zhang Xiaolong drove the loudly modified BYD f[-] first. After turning a few times in the city, I slowly pushed it from the third gear to the fourth gear. After the speed gradually increased, I felt that I could control it and then I pushed it to the fifth gear. At this time, the speed must be kept at least sixty. As time goes by, the city The flow of people and vehicles going to work gradually increased, and only then did he drive the car onto the Haidong Highway, and head straight to the fishing village of Haidong Town along the Erhai Lake towards the airport.

Wang Xiaofei slept in a daze, obviously he didn't dare to really sleep soundly, occasionally opened his eyes to look ahead, and found that Zhang Xiaolong drove the car out of the city and into the driveway and didn't stop him, because he knew that every beginner was more impatient and could People who spend a day grinding at thirty or forty yards in the city can't be found in the world. Almost most of them use the accelerator as a brake once they get out of the master's limit in the car, and it is often the same kind of people who have accidents.Wang Xiaofei saw Zhang Xiaolong driving the car to seventy yards, clear-headed and nimble, and looked at the rearview mirror from time to time. He couldn't help but secretly nodded and praised Zhang Xiaolong's ability to accept and adapt.Looking at the table below, it is already 09:30. After more than three hours, Zhang Xiaolong’s spirit has reached a state of excitement. At this time, he will often lose his mind and challenge the limit again and again. When he finds that the speed is gradually increasing, Wang Xiaofei decisively stops him.

"Landlord, turn to the east, check the rearview mirror, and pull over." Wang Xiaofei opened his eyes, and his half-dead voice sounded like he had just crawled out of a coffin.

Zhang Xiaolong was holding the steering wheel with both hands, stepping on the gas pedal with his right hand, staring at the front with all his attention, the pointer of the speedometer had already pointed to ninety, when he heard Wang Xiaofei's shout, his expression was startled, he came to his senses, and repeatedly He dropped the accelerator and put it on the brake. He turned on the turn signal, looked at the rearview mirror and let the car coast forward. Chen Tie told him during the car practice last night that if the car is running, it must not be stepped on unless it is absolutely necessary. Emergency brake, otherwise it is easy to roll over or skid the vehicle.For example, you should slow down when there is an intersection ahead, and when there are people or other obstacles, you must learn to grab the gear when the vehicle is driving at high speed, so that you can brake.

The car stopped, Wang Xiaofei lowered the window and asked: "Landlord, how do you feel? How does this car compare with the performance of the car last night!"

"There's a big difference." Zhang Xiaolong replied honestly, "I can't say much. The most obvious thing to me is the power. The Cruze has a big body with great power and high inertia. You don't need to refuel when you start, just loosen the clutch. The third gear reached more than 0 yards by accident, so be careful to step on the brakes at all times. But the power of this modified BYD F[-] is much weaker. Just now I almost stepped on the accelerator before running to [-] yards, and its accelerator, brake , the clutch feels very heavy, and the feeling when shifting gears is not very good, and the steering wheel with power assist is similar to that, but the body is too short, and it still floats a bit when turning."

"It's natural to drive a good car and then drive an errand car. It's very good. It's so-so if you can tell so many things about the car for the first time." Wang Xiaofei was afraid that he would be complacent, so he spoke very euphemistically when he praised him, and gave a so-so comment , said, "The most important thing about driving is the feeling. You must learn to integrate with the car. The car is you, and you are the car. It is the best to be able to react subconsciously to any possible obstacles or accidents. Realm, the current you can only be regarded as beginners. But it’s pretty good to be able to get started after practicing for a day.”

"The Chevrolet 'Cruze' you drove last night has just been on the market, 1.6t, 184p horsepower, it is very good among all mid-level cars of the same price, and now this f0 is considered among small and micro cars Its performance is relatively good, it only has 68p horsepower, although the valve has been modified, but at the same time the body has also become heavier, you step on half of the accelerator to drive to 120 yards, that is because your skills are not good enough, if I drive, this kind of road At least 0 on the road, of course, my skills can only be regarded as second-rate, if I were replaced by those first-class drivers, it would be at least 160, and there are some top professional racers, they can all play the performance of the car to the extreme. It is also possible for the modified f[-] to drive to [-] in their hands."

"You mean that there will be professional racers participating in this rally?" Zhang Xiaolong raised his eyebrows, feeling the strong pressure immediately.For the same car, he only stepped on half of the accelerator to drive to 120, while second-rate drivers can drive to 140, first-rate drivers can drive to [-], and top professional racers can even maximize the performance of the car. Than, the gap is too big.

"I can't rule out this possibility." Wang Xiaofei pondered, "It stands to reason that professional drivers would disdain to participate in this kind of folk race, but the organizers don't seem to restrict it, just because they are afraid that some idlers will come to join in the fun. After all, there will be a grand final after the rally, with a total bonus of 65 yuan, which is enough for those professional drivers to participate, but there are no professional drivers. Most of the 500 people who participated in the competition wanted to get the ranking and prize money.”

Hearing this, Zhang Xiaolong fell silent.Before, he still wanted to practice his skills well and get the first place, but now he felt a lot of pressure.But the more so, the more motivated he became.The arrow has to be fired, and it is impossible to retreat, and Zhang Xiaolong is not the kind of person who retreats when encountering difficulties.The greater the pressure, the greater his motivation.He is born to be afraid of soft but not hard.

Seeing his solemn expression, Wang Xiaofei couldn't help laughing and said: "Landlord, you are not afraid!"

"Afraid?" Zhang Xiaolong frowned at him.

"It's good not to be afraid. In fact, there is nothing to be afraid of." Wang Xiaofei said again: "You have to know, what I just said was just driving skills. The driving skills of professional drivers are undoubtedly better than amateur drivers, but it doesn't mean that they can definitely To win, people with better skills are often more arrogant and despise their opponents. Professional racers used to run on professional racing tracks, and the cars they used were also professional racing cars, but now, what will happen if they are allowed to play f0, no matter Whoever it is, regardless of professional drivers, first-rate drivers, or second-rate drivers, may not be able to win the first place, and no one dares to guarantee 100% that they will be able to win the first place. Think about it, when 90.00 cars are crowded together , If you want to win the first place, how big is the competition? The elimination rate reaches 90.00%. The elimination rate of the top three is over [-]%. It's not just about technology, it depends on the performance of the car, and a little bit of luck. You said that a car like this [-] yuan has only three cylinders, and there is no airbag. The driver's safety factor is already extremely low. Low, if the car suddenly breaks down on the road or crashes, breaks down and smokes, etc., no matter how good the technology is, it will only be wasted, and it will be difficult to catch up after you fix it. So, too much All our worries are unnecessary. We just need to improve the performance of the car and improve the skills of the car. As long as you have the courage and drive, it is not impossible to win the first place, even if you get the top three or the top ten, or the top fifty. , it’s all right, the most important thing is to participate!”


Zhang Xiaolong smiled, and his heart immediately opened up a lot. Wang Xiaofei's analysis was very reasonable, and he solved the knot in his heart straight to the point. Whether it is driving or being a human being, the same reasoning is the same.Participation is important!However, Zhang Xiaolong secretly decided to take the ranking. Since he participated, he must be perfect and try his best to do his best, so that even if he does not get the ranking, he will not leave regrets.

"Practice." Zhang Xiaolong continued to start the car.

But Wang Xiaofei waved his hands and shouted: "Wait, let me show you a demonstration first, you watch carefully, and see how I, a second-rate amateur driver, drive."

The thick scissor door popped up, Zhang Xiaolong and the monkey Wang Xiaofei got out of the car and changed places, and then the door fell down again.Wang Xiaofei looks wretched, and his movements seem to be very lazy, but when he sat in the driver's seat, his movements were quite nimble. I saw him pull on the seat belt and press it into the buckle seat, stretched and stepped on his left foot, and stepped on it with his right hand. Put it on the gear, push it, and send it... Zhang Xiaolong just fastened his seat belt. The f0 made a strong roar and drove out. Without any stagnation, the distance was less than 50 meters, and the gear was already on the fourth gear in a blink of an eye. The pointer of the speedometer also pointed to [-], and it was still rising continuously. The movement was quite beautiful.

"Is this a second-rate amateur driver?" Zhang Xiaolong muttered secretly.

Ask for a red ticket!

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