Li Longsheng was still planning to continue to torment, but fewer and fewer people were willing to accompany him to torment.

Zhang Xiaolong did not fight back publicly, but copied tens of thousands of photos of Li Longsheng and sent them down, ordering the brothers below to walk around Li Longsheng to completely isolate Li Longsheng.

No one is allowed to talk to him, no one is allowed to contact him, no one is allowed to do business with Li Longsheng.

Li Longsheng soon discovered that he couldn't even buy food from the supermarket, because before he went to the supermarket, the supermarkets that were still operating normally were suddenly closed, and the small restaurants were also closed one after another. What I saw was a scene of the Great Depression, and all the shops in the streets and alleys had their doors and windows closed.

Even if he went to the unit, he would not be able to eat, because the unit canteen was closed for renovation.It is impossible to ask a comrade for a bag of instant noodles, because no one wants to talk to him.

Of course, not all shops are closed. Many high-end consumer places are still operating normally, and the price of a bowl of noodles is 250 yuan.

With Li Longsheng's salary, three bowls of noodles a day, less than ten days spent on alcohol and wine.

"Fuck! What's going on here?" Li Longsheng felt terror for the first time.

This was a joint strangulation operation by black and white parties in City A. There was no blood in the murders. Then, Li Longsheng encountered a thief at his home, and all the food in the house was stolen. Rice, bread noodles, even soybean oil and soy sauce were all stolen. People took it.

For seven consecutive days, Li Longsheng could only rely on half a small bag of biscuits to survive, and his hungry eyes became bluer and bluer.He even wanted to dig through the trash can to find something to eat, but he soon found that there was nothing edible in the trash can.Because the cleaning was too clean, the wild cats who used to rely on digging through trash cans also began to suffer from hunger.

Zhang Quan, who was in charge of monitoring Li Longsheng, called Zhang Xiaolong and said into the phone, "Boss? I don't think he can hold on for long. Slow down, he can't really starve to death."

"He doesn't want to die, so get out of here quickly, and he won't die if he leaves City A." All the plans were drawn up by Zhang Xiaolong, and this was also a large-scale exercise.

From the effect point of view, Zhang Xiaolong was very satisfied, he successfully encouraged Li Longsheng in a bustling city, and made him unable to find anything to eat.

On the evening of the seventh day, Shi Qiangjun called suddenly: "Xiaolong, my troops are ready, and you should rush to Yunnan to join them as soon as possible."

Zhang Xiaolong nodded, and was about to hang up the phone when Shi Qiangjun said again: "Xiaolong, the old man of the Li family came to the house yesterday and said: 'His grandson has a stubborn temper, and he doesn't listen to what he says. Let us be masters, don't listen to me. Li Longsheng really starved to death.' Do you understand?"

"I don't understand!" Zhang Xiaolong was not polite at all.

Shi Qiangjun persuaded him kindly: "It's been seven days, you should calm down, Li Longsheng hasn't eaten for seven days."

"He's a scumbag, he won't spend money to buy food if he doesn't have food, and he can't make it himself. In City A, I haven't heard of anyone who would starve to death?" Zhang Xiaolong pretended to be stupid.

"I beg you, uncle." Shi Qiangjun begged.

"Uncle, I didn't cause trouble. Tell me, Li Longsheng came to city A for gilding. As long as he drinks some tea and reads the newspaper every day, I guarantee that he will live peacefully for two years, but when he comes Just toss, warn him to do it again, if it wasn't for his grandfather's friendship with mine, I would have thrown him into the sea and fed him to the sharks." Zhang Xiaolong was extremely angry.

Shi Qiangjun said: "Li Longsheng is a good man, but his temper is a bit stubborn and he doesn't know how to adapt."

Zhang Xiaolong didn't like to take Shi Qiangjun's face, so he had to say: "I'll meet him today, if he doesn't know his face, don't blame me for being rude."

"Hey! If he knew the word "knowledge", he would have gone up a long time ago." Shi Qiangjun said something without thinking, and hung up the phone.

Zhang Xiaolong called Zhang Quan and asked him and Li Longsheng to have a meeting with the municipal government to discuss issues of maintaining law and order in City A and creating a good living environment.

The two came soon, Zhang Quan walked in with a rosy face and a spring breeze.Li Longsheng, who was following behind, was pale and extremely thin. He walked and swayed three times, as if he was about to fly into the sky when a strong wind blew.

For seven consecutive days, he could only drink water to sustain himself. It is already a miracle that Li Longsheng was able to walk.

"Sit, sit." Zhang Xiaolong beckoned the two of them to sit down, and asked, "Deputy Director Li, you don't look very well! Did you go to the hospital to see, don't damage your body because of work, rest is also part of work."

Zhang Quanxin said: "This is so hungry." Looking at Li Longsheng beside him, Zhang Quan was also very frightened. This kind of Dokdo fighter can definitely drive people crazy.

It was the first time in seven days that someone took the initiative to talk to Li Longsheng. Zhang Quan informed Li Longsheng to come to the meeting, but sent a note to him without saying a word.

Li Longsheng was very angry. He knew that everything he had encountered was because of the bureaucratic acting mayor in front of him.Li Longsheng didn't understand how Zhang Xiaolong managed to isolate him completely.In order to find food, he traveled all over the streets and alleys of city a, but no matter where he went, he couldn't find a shop selling food that was open for business, no matter how much he knocked, no one answered him.

No matter what he asked others, no one answered him.

Once, he grabbed a passing old lady to ask something, the old lady gave him a look, called a taxi at a sprint speed of [-] meters and disappeared.

"Am I air? Why is everyone ignoring me?" Li Longsheng asked himself.

Looking at Zhang Xiaolong, Li Longsheng said, "Thank you, Mayor Zhang, for your concern."

At this moment, Yinxuan came in with a small bowl of porridge, and Zhang Xiaolong said, "I haven't had breakfast yet, would you like to have some with me?"

Zhang Quan nodded and said, "Good!"

Li Longsheng was already staring at the porridge in the basin, his eyes were as wide as copper bells, sitting there with luck.The fragrant rice porridge gave Li Longsheng an urge he couldn't control himself.

food!For the first time in seven days, I saw something to eat.

Zhang Xiaolong personally took a bowl and handed it to Li Longsheng. Li Longsheng took it in his hand, hesitating whether to drink it or not.Zhang Xiaolong felt a little admired, this is a principled person, this kind of stubbornness, can compete with Mr. Hai Rui, a famous upright official in the Ming Dynasty, he would rather starve to death than bow to corruption.

Zhang Xiaolong smiled and said, "What's the matter? I'm afraid my porridge might be poisonous."

"Afraid of birds!" Li Longsheng cursed, picked up a spoon and drank the porridge in one gulp.

Yinxuan came over and helped Li Longsheng get another bowl of porridge. After the first bowl of porridge, Li Longsheng couldn't control himself anymore.

Zhang Xiaolong just sat there and watched with a smile.

Zhang Quan sat there wiping off a cold sweat, and said in his heart, "This isolated island tactic is too ruthless. Take a look at how it's driven people into. Don't push yourself to death."

Zhang Xiaolong asked someone to prepare porridge, because he was afraid that Li Longsheng would be overwhelmed.

Hiccup!Li Longsheng patted his stomach in satisfaction, feeling that even death is worth it now.The hunger for several days was satisfied so easily.

Li Longsheng wiped his mouth, looked at Zhang Xiaolong, and then at the empty small basin, his face suddenly turned ugly.He felt that he had lost his principles. Facing the culprit of such an evil force, even if he starved to death, he should not eat the food he gave him.

Zhang Xiaolong said with a smile: "Yesterday, my uncle Shi Qiangjun called me."

Needless to say, Li Longsheng knew that the family had gone to the historian to intercede.Zhang Xiaolong said: "I hope you can cooperate with Comrade Zhang Quan to improve the security of City A. Don't do unnecessary things, and focus on the overall situation."

Zhang Xiaolong's meaning should be interpreted like this: You are obedient and stay obediently, as long as you don't make trouble, I will not make things difficult for you.

Li Longsheng said: "I have my own principles."

This answer can be explained: I will not give in.

Zhang Xiaolong shrugged and said helplessly: "When you sit in my position one day, you will understand me, and I have something I should do."

Meaning: If you are disobedient, I will do you.

Li Longsheng remained silent, death and principles were close at hand, neither side could be easily given up.

Zhang Xiaolong knew that it was useless to deal with such a person.So Zhang Xiaolong said: "This is my secretary Yinxuan, she will take you around city a and give me the answer when you come back."

Li Longsheng looked at Yinxuan who was as tall as a mountain, probably because Yinxuan gave him porridge, his eyes were full of gratitude when he looked at Yinxuan.

Li Longsheng followed Yinxuan out of the mayor's office, and he suddenly said, "Thank you for the porridge."

Yin Xuan said: "You're welcome, this is prepared by the boss. He knows that you have been hungry for a long time, so he dare not prepare solid food for you, for fear that your stomach will not be able to bear it."

"Thank you anyway." Li Longsheng followed Yinxuan with his head down.

The two left the city hall, and there was an extended black six-wheeled Land Rover parked at the door. Li Longsheng hesitated to get in the car, Yin Xuan smiled and said: "The isolation order for you has not been lifted. If you don't follow me, you will Hungry."

Li Longsheng gave in, and he got into the car, because the taste of starvation was uncomfortable.

Yinxuan took Li Longsheng to the coastal road first, and browsed every scenic spot along the road. The sea breeze in winter is a bit cold, but there are still many people who exercise along the road.

Yinxuan introduced: "Look, isn't the atmosphere here very peaceful?"

Li Longsheng calmly looked at everything in front of him, and said stubbornly: "This is all an illusion. You can isolate me, and you can also create an illusion."

Yinxuan asked: "Are you very sharp? Have you ever thought about why people in City A, regardless of old people, children, men, women

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