Zhang Xiaolong's people changed their clothes, and they stood up neatly in line, which was the result of long-term militarized training. [http] Remember our

Seeing the neat queue in the Longtang, Hou Delong nodded in satisfaction, but when he saw Wang Xiaofei, he couldn't help but wrinkled. Wang Xiaofei's appearance is really a bit shocking.

Zhang Xiaolong kindly explained: "He is Wang Xiaofei, nicknamed Monkey, a staff member of our Dragon Hall."

Wang Xiaofei stroked the goat Hu Le and said, "Thank you! Landlord, you didn't say that I am a dog-headed military advisor."

After one sentence was finished, everyone at the scene laughed.

Hou Delong sighed. He knew in his heart that the requirements for these people should not be too strict, as long as they can keep up with the training, it is inevitable that there will be one or two people who are hindered.

Hou Delong said loudly: "I will formulate a series of training plans according to your ability. Within a week, I will train you into a hard-working unit. Now for a physical fitness test, go around the field thirty times and turn left. Go for a run."

Zhang Xiaolong led the team and ran around the playground at a certain speed, maintaining a good speed and formation.

Hou Delong watched in astonishment. The quality of this team composed of members of the underworld was comparable to that of a well-trained army.

In the various tests in the special forces training below, the team directly under Longtang easily passed the test, even Zou Beibei's women's army and the seemingly thin Wang Xiaofei easily passed the test.

Hou Delong couldn't help but praised in his heart: "The quality is excellent, they are a group of good soldiers." But looking back, these people are not soldiers at all, but a group of professional hooligans, and Hou Delong felt a cold sweat on his forehead. , How will the army and the police mix in the future!

What frightened Hou Delong the most was that Zhang Xiaolong brought more than 300 people, all of them were sharpshooters, they hit wherever they pointed, they fired every shot, and all of them were grade A in quality evaluation.

Looking back at the soldiers I prepared, I always feel that they are a level lower than others.

Unconvinced, Hou Delong secretly changed the people who assisted Zhang Xiaolong, and a group of elites came over.If they lose to the underworld in the joint training, the face of the elite special forces will be lost to the sky.

At the end of the first day of testing, the boys directly under Longtang still had the strength to run to the playground to play football.

"What a bunch of beasts!" Wang Xiaofei lay on the bed and cursed, he had no energy.

"Advisor-type talent, you're bored now! Get a bottle and get a good night's sleep." Chen Tie walked to Wang Xiaofei's side, he laughed and gave him a bottle of beer.

Wang Xiaofei sat up, took a sip of the beer, and moaned refreshingly: "It's cool!"

"Did you see the landlord?" Chen Tie asked. [] He brought a case of beer over, and a lot of appetizers.

"I was called by Hou Delong, who knows what's going on." Wang Xiaofei stretched out his hand, took a bag of multi-flavored peanuts, tore off a corner and poured a few in his mouth.

"Let's drink, don't wait for him."

Chen Tie lifted the beer bottle and bumped into Wang Xiaofei.

At this time, Zhang Xiaolong was in Hou Delong's temporary office. There was no wine but tea here.The freshly brewed top grade Dahongpao filled the room with bursts of fragrance.

Hou Delong asked calmly: "Xiaolong, your team is all trained by Chen Tie!"

Zhang Xiaolong nodded: "It was trained by Tiedan, and Geng Wei and Zhang Shu, they are all veterans, and they are very good at training personnel."

"It can be seen that the quality of your team is very good." Hou Delong said approvingly.

Zhang Xiaolong laughed and said: "Not only is the quality good, but also the combat effectiveness is very strong. My team is all locals from City A. Apart from the high subsidies, there is also a sense of responsibility to protect the soil and protect the home. They know very well that there is no such thing as Long Tang What would City A look like? What would City A look like with Longtang? So for the benefit of the organization, they will work hard and are willing to work hard. If it is a foreigner, it will be difficult to have such determination gone."

Hou Delong asked: "Have you read Theory of the Monarch?"

Zhang Xiaolong rubbed his nose and said embarrassedly: "I only read the commentary, and the stories on it are all good."

Hou Delong continued: "When talking about the army in terms of monarchy, I think that local soldiers are the best to use, because in addition to being loyal to the monarch, they also have a responsibility to defend the land and serve the country, which is something that mercenaries and foreign troops cannot possess."

Zhang Xiaolong took a sip from his teacup, but didn't interrupt.

"I'm looking forward to your performance. During this operation, I hope you can complete some special tasks." Hou Delong's tone became serious.

Zhang Xiaolong asked: "What kind of special mission?"

Hou Delong walked back to the table and turned on the computer, and called up a map of Myanmar, marking five red areas on the map.Pointing to the map, he said: "These five places are known to be the largest opium growing areas in Myanmar. Your special task is to destroy at least one of them, and you must do it."

Zhang Xiaolong looked at the map and asked, "This time, I borrowed our soldiers in the name of fighting drugs across the country!"

"Indeed." Hou Delong nodded.

Zhang Xiaolong said: "Actually, it doesn't need to be so troublesome. I went to Burma in my private name, and then I changed into Burmese clothes. Who would recognize it! Mr. Hou also stayed in Burma for more than half a year, what could happen?"

"This is for the higher-ups to see, and it must be done." Hou Delong emphasized.

"Understood." Zhang Xiaolong nodded, and printed out the map with the printer next to him.

The seven-day joint training ended soon, and Zhang Xiaolong's [-] direct subordinates and [-] armed police soldiers flew directly to Myitkyina in a military helicopter.

Myitkyina is an important border town in northern Myanmar and the capital of Kachin State.Located on the west bank of the Mailikai River, a tributary of the upper reaches of the Irrawaddy River, it is the most important river port in northern Myanmar.The population of the urban area is about 4 to [-], and the population of the surrounding areas is only about [-].

During World War II, Myitkyina, as a strategic stronghold, was once the focus of contention between the warring parties, and now it has also become the focus of contention among all parties in Myanmar's civil strife.

Now this strategic stronghold is occupied by the northern coalition forces led by Hou Jun.

Hou Jun personally went to the barracks to meet Zhang Xiaolong, and Weng and his son-in-law were naturally extremely affectionate when they met.

Hou Jun introduced the three generals who were with him to Zhang Xiaolong: "This is my son-in-law Zhang Xiaolong. These three are General Sun Chengmao, General Wu Tengchong, and General Wu Gong."

Zhang Xiaolong enthusiastically shook hands with the three of them. The three generals were all in their early fifties, full of energy and ruddy. It seemed that they had eaten well recently and were in a good mood.

Among them, Sun Chengmao and Wu Tengchong's attitudes were okay, but Wu Gong was a bit annoying. His two thief eyes kept looking at a beautiful girl under Zou Beibei, and he licked his lips inadvertently.

Zhang Xiaolong directly identified him as a pervert.

On the way to the station, Zou Beibei was a little dissatisfied: "That Wu Gong is really a scumbag. He has been staring at my little Juanjuan. If he dares to take a step closer to my people and touch them, I will kill him."

Zhang Xiaolong hugged Zou Beibei, and said kindly: "Gentle, gentle."

In the past, Zhang Xiaolong would not give Wu Gong a good face, but now is an extraordinary period, and internal stability and unity must be improved. Besides, it is normal for a man to see a beautiful woman, his heart beats a few times, and he is absent-minded for a while.

When you arrive at the garrison, hold a meeting first to study the current situation.

According to the staff officer, the current situation in Myanmar is not ideal. Dejiang occupies the capital Nay Pyi Taw area, Hou Jun occupies the northern area centered on Myitkyina, and Wu Min occupies the southern area centered on Yangon.

Judging from the situation, De Jiang was caught in the middle, facing the enemy from both sides.

But Dejiang occupies an important resource, that is, the airport and the embassies of various countries in Myanmar. If they invade Nay Pyi Taw, it will be tantamount to declaring a civil war in Myanmar.

But if they don't break into Nay Pyi Taw, they can only stay here.

"Why didn't you attack?" Qi Fanghang asked puzzled.

Zhang Xiaolong looked back at him and said, "Xiao Qi, it seems that you still have to exercise for a while."

"What's wrong?" Qi Fanghang still didn't understand.

Zhang Xiaolong explained: "The reason why the Myanmar government moved the capital from Yangon to Nay Pyi Taw is that it is afraid of foreign forces' military intervention in Myanmar, especially the United States, which has been promoting ethnic politics to the world. Nay Pyi Taw is located in the middle of Myanmar. The mountainous area is easy to defend and difficult to attack, so it is a good place to defend, and now Dejiang has assembled an army of 20 there, waiting for us to fight over it?"


De Jiang sat helplessly on the iron chair, humming about the sad community. He just got the news that the Xu family rejected the mission to assassinate Zhang Xiaolong. De Jiang had found many assassin organizations, and no one was willing to take the risk to kill Zhang Xiaolong.

It had been a long time since he had heard from the errand, and he sensed that something must have gone wrong.

A man at the level of a division commander walked in quickly, bowed deeply to Dejiang, and said in a low voice: "General, according to information, another batch of reinforcements from the Southern Army have arrived in Myitkyina. There are more than 600 people in total. The leader of the team is Landlord Zhang, Hou Jun’s son-in-law.”

De Jiang sat up all of a sudden, and asked, "Really?"

The teacher nodded and said: "It's absolutely true. Our people have confirmed it."

"Haha." De Jiang laughed loudly: "God help me, I am worried that I can't find him? Order three divisions to march into Myitkyina."

"General, do you really want to do this?" When he said this, the division commander's face became hot. The attack on Myitkyina was not a joke, it was tantamount to announcing the official launch of a civil war.

De Jiang made up his mind, launched a civil war, and the pressure he received was unstoppable.

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