Best Landlord

Chapter 42

"Brother Monkey, I'll pick up this car at noon tomorrow, and you've seen that girl before, just in case..." Yuan Yi's face turned bitter, and he seemed a little embarrassed.

"No chance." Wang Xiaofei interrupted him and said in a serious voice, "it won't take long to replace the aluminum hubs. It's a waste of money not to drive such a good car. It's not long before the competition time. The landlord has a good car. There are not many chances, so let him get familiar with the route tonight, let’s just go to Kunming and Baoshan. Station Master, don’t you trust me after we’ve known each other for so long?”

Wang Xiaofei never did anything he wasn't sure about, and Yuan Yi had been like this since he knew him, plus Wang Xiaofei had taken care of Yuan Yi before, so he couldn't say anything, so he just nodded.In the past week, since Zhang Xiaolong practiced the car, almost all the cars that have been refitted in the repair shop for more than a day have been played by Zhang Xiaolong. Yuan Yi is not very clear about Zhang Xiaolong's background, let alone why Wang Xiaofei and Chen Tie are so dedicated. Weary defending him, Wang Xiaofei and Wang Xiaofei didn't give him any explanation, after all, Yuan Yi already has a family.

Being able to drive a Porsche supercar was something Zhang Xiaolong had never thought of before. He glanced at Yuan Yi gratefully, then opened the car door and sat in it. He also opened the door and sat on it, explaining to Zhang Xiaolong some functions that are not available in ordinary cars.After talking for more than ten minutes, it was not until Zhang Xiaolong understood some functions and routine operations of the Porsche supercar that he started the car and roared the accelerator before they got out of the car.

The four packed up their things and went to dinner.

After dinner, Zhang Xiaolong lay down on the sofa for an hour or so, after recharging his energy, just after nine o'clock in the evening, Wang Xiaofei and him got into the Porsche supercar.The entrance of the expressway is on Huancheng South Road. Wang Xiaofei first tested the car for a while, and after finding that the car was fine, he asked Zhang Xiaolong to run a few times on the Haidong Highway to get used to the car's performance until he was proficient in Porsche operation. Just get on the Chuda Expressway at one o'clock.

"Landlord, don't be distracted when the car is driving at high speed. This is a matter of life and death. You should deal with all emergencies according to the skills I usually teach you. If you can't master it, don't be brave. How far you can go is the farthest." " Wang Xiaofei shouted as soon as the car passed the toll booth.After practicing the car for nearly ten days and running nearly [-] kilometers, he still has confidence in Zhang Xiaolong.If he didn't have confidence in him, Wang Xiaofei wouldn't dare to sit in the passenger cab.

"Don't worry!" Zhang Xiaolong nodded heavily, "I am sure to control it."

"It's good to be sure." Wang Xiaofei looked at his watch and said, "Ten 58 is nine seconds away, and it's still more than a minute away. The car pulls over and you hold your breath for one minute. Depart on time at 1 o'clock. The one-way distance to Kunming is 340 kilometers. The Chuda Expressway used to be the Kunchu Expressway, how long it takes depends on your own ability."

The Porsche turned on the turn signal and entered the ramp, stopped for exactly 1 minute, and then there was a powerful roar.

bang bang...

As soon as Zhang Xiaolong released the clutch on his left foot, the two front wheels idling on the spot for a few laps, and then rushed out with a whimper.

First gear, second gear...

third gear...

Fourth gear...

Complete all operations within 30 meters, the speed has reached 120 per hour within [-] seconds, and the pointer is constantly rising... Zhang Xiaolong stared at the front with all his attention, subconsciously doing routine operations with his hands and feet, the accelerator has not been reduced, and the turn signal is on Keep overtaking.

Chuda Expressway is a very common expressway. We talked about motorcycles and tractors. There are almost all types of motor vehicles on the highway. At night after eleven o’clock, trucks and large express buses account for the vast majority, including small cars. Not a lot.However, compared with the continuous traffic flow during the day, it is still much more empty.

"It's 180." Sitting in the passenger cab, Wang Xiaofei's heart tightened. He no longer dared to close his eyes and sleep like before. There may be abnormal lights on many function keys.

The chassis of the Porsche super sports car is low and heavy, and the sound insulation is quite good when the glass is closed. The speed reached 180 per hour shortly after the start, and the distance of more than ten kilometers passed in a blink of an eye. At such a fast speed, there is no need to look at the mirror to worry about someone overtaking.

After about ten minutes, Zhang Xiaolong's operation is gradually getting better, his expression and operation are gradually integrated with the body, and the pointer on the instrument has reached an astonishing 220, and it is still rising. The 376p horsepower, up to 300 million Porsche supercar is not just for fun, there is no shaking in the body at a speed of 220 per hour.Its top speed is 420 kilometers per hour.So when the speed reaches 220 per hour, sitting in the car doesn't feel much, just like sitting in BYD F0 and driving 60 yards.

The car quickly entered Xiangyun County. This section is the straightest and smoothest section of the entire Chuda Expressway. There are very few curves, and the distance of several kilometers can be seen at a glance.After running for dozens of kilometers, Zhang Xiaolong has already entered the best mirror at this time. It can be said that he is immersed in the driving and integrated with the body. 180... 220... And when he wanted to increase the speed again, the lights at the rear flashed and the overtaking warning was followed by a strong roar of the engine passing by.

Zhang Xiaolong was startled, and subconsciously glanced at the watch, and found that the pointer was pointing to 280. He couldn't believe it. When he looked up again, the car that just passed him had already opened a long distance from him?Only a fuzzy car butt remains.

"The cow is so big, the speed is at least 330 per hour. Landlord, someone has challenged you. Go after it." Wang Xiaofei was stunned, staring at the car body in front of which only a shadow appeared.

"330 per hour!"

Zhang Xiaolong was quite surprised. Just now when the other party warned him to overtake, he subconsciously dropped the accelerator, and the speed dropped to 260 in a blink of an eye. Now that Wang Xiaofei was cheering beside him, his expression brightened, and he stepped on the accelerator to catch up.


In an instant, Zhang Xiaolong abandoned all distracting thoughts, and only wanted to catch up with the even more powerful car in front. The speed continued to soar, and it reached 300, 300 per hour in a blink of an eye. The body began to whine a little, but Zhang Xiaolong was still moving Stepping on the gas pedal, he was full of enthusiasm at this time, and only wanted to catch up and surpass the opponent.

Time seems to be passing by quickly.The distance was getting closer, and after a while, the car in front began to show its outline...

The license plate was sealed, which is normal. Before getting on the expressway, Wang Xiaofei also took off the Porsche's license plate.

"Bastard, it's a modified Cayenne, no wonder it's so awesome." Wang Xiaofei finally saw what car was in front of him, a silver Cayenne, an off-road sedan, and a dazzling Porsche logo. , "Landlord, don't fight with him. The horsepower of the car is similar to ours, and the speed is very fast. The road is good and the speed of [-] hours is not a problem. The driver in front of you is obviously better than you. He is a veteran, and His car body is heavier than ours, with a higher chassis and much better vision. This kind of road has an advantage. Now he slows down the speed to challenge you. I can't figure out the other party's details. I'm afraid he will play tricks on you. Hands, slow down quickly."

Wang Xiaofei encouraged Zhang Xiaolong just now, but now he sees that the opponent's car has the upper hand and makes Zhang Xiaolong give up the competition.

"Drop the hair!"

Zhang Xiaolong snorted, "Monkey, sit down and watch me kill her."


Zhang Xiaolong couldn't listen to it, stepped on the accelerator, turned off the lights, issued an overtaking warning, the speed soared again, and the speed reached 320 per hour, and passed by the Cayenne that slowed down.The corners of Zhang Xiaolong's mouth turned up slightly, and he was complacent, but at this moment Cayenne came after him closely, and the two cars were driving side by side. With the light from the opposite side, Wang Xiaofei couldn't help turning his head to look into the other car, and Zhang Xiaolong also glanced at him. He also looked at the two of them at the same time, and honked the horn at the same time, which was very provocative.

"Map, it's two girls." Wang Xiaofei called out immediately.

Zhang Xiaolong didn't dare to be distracted, he kept the steering wheel steady and stared at the front, he was about to enter the tunnel, he couldn't help but lose the accelerator to slow down the speed, and at this moment, the Cayenne driven by the woman came in front of him with a swipe, Zhang Xiaolong was startled, he slammed on the brakes to get the car to the left, gritted his teeth hard and stepped on the accelerator to overtake.But after a while, Cayenne chased after him again and stood in front of him again, obviously trying to make things difficult for him and yelling at him.

At this moment, the two cars are in the kilometer-long tunnel. Although the speed of the car has been reduced, the speed is still above [-] yards per hour. For a while, Zhang Xiaolong also exerted more energy. Wang Xiaofei tightly held the handrail above his head. Dare to disturb him again, Zhang Xiaolong kept shifting gears and controlling the car to overtake each other.Taking advantage of the gap, he ran in front of the opponent again.

However, at this moment, there was a sudden bang and whistling sound, the car rushed out of the tunnel, the road ahead was slightly curved, Zhang Xiaolong instinctively put on the brakes, his technique was still not skilled enough for the opponent, Cayenne's speed But it didn't slow down at all, and it floated across the curve to the front of him, and the car was driving in the middle, making it impossible for Zhang Xiaolong to pass left and right.

On the downhill slope, the speed of the two Porsches soared to 300 per hour again, and the Cayenne severely suppressed Zhang Xiaolong.been suppressed...

I don't know how far I ran...

At this time, Zhang Xiaolong has ignored time.

for a long time.

According to the road signs, the two Porsches had already passed the Chuda Expressway and entered the Kunchu Expressway section. After another section of the road, Zhang Xiaolong, who had been suppressed all this time, finally found a chance to start a rush.

When he first entered the Kunchu Expressway, the road was winding on the mountain, with many tunnels and slope bends. After all, Zhang Xiaolong was a novice, and his cornering skills were far inferior to the opponent's. Every time at this time, Cayenne drifted past, but he You have to lose the accelerator to keep the body balanced, so you have been suppressed by the opponent.But as it got closer to Spring City, the road gradually became wider and flatter. In a blink of an eye, there were two more runways on the one-way street, and the road was doubled in width. Zhang Xiaolong found an opportunity to get mad.On the flat road, his driving

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