"Liu Xiaodong, what do you want to do?" Zhang Xiaolong asked his own question.

Guangshan and Qiu Zhengqing did not answer Zhang Xiaolong's question, but Qiu Zhengqing asked instead: "What about you? What exactly do you want to do?"

Zhang Xiaolong was taken aback by the question, and knew in his heart that the official bosses were getting more and more wary of him.Zhang Xiaolong calculated in his mind and decided to tell the truth.

"I want to keep a low profile. You two masters, you all know that I sent Nan Yong to the Leiren Gang. You didn't let me deal with Wang Dun before. If Nan Yong went, it would be the same as me, so I just hope Nan Yong will not interfere with this matter." Zhang Xiaolong told the truth.

Guangshan nodded in harmony, his expression seemed to be harmonious forever.

Zhang Xiaolong continued: "Unexpectedly, a proposal would push me to the forefront, alas!" After speaking, Zhang Xiaolong sighed, with a look of helplessness on his face: "It's really hard to live a low-key life!"

"Your idea is good, but the method is wrong." Qiu Zhengqing said solemnly: "If you didn't stand up and object, we planned to help Nan Yong secretly. He played in the battle justifiably, and he can also stop Liu Xiaodong and others. .”

Zhang Xiaolong added in his heart: "It can also prevent me from making small moves behind my back, and it can also separate Nan Yong from my power. What a bunch of old foxes! No wonder the ancients often said: There are no permanent enemies, and there are no permanent friends."

Everything that happened in front of him reminded Zhang Xiaolong of the inevitable four-same relationship between partners: helping each other in the same boat, sharing the same bed with different dreams, fighting in the same room, and dying together.

Zhang Xiaolong, Guangshan and others have reached the second stage: the stage of the same bed with different dreams.

Zhang Xiaolong felt that this was not a good thing, maybe he should keep a low profile, so as not to arouse the disgust of Guangshan and others, Zhang Xiaolong laughed embarrassedly: "I was confused by Liu Xiaodong, this lunatic, who talks insanely, doesn't know His words are reliable."

Guangshan said harmoniously: "You don't want to interfere in this matter, Mr. Tang will handle it well."

Zhang Xiaolong nodded in response, and then asked the initial question: "Liu Xiaodong, what do you want to do?"

Qiu Zhengqing shook his head and said, "I don't know, but there must be a purpose. Although Liu Xiaodong and Huang Meng are crazy, they are very organized in their work and will not cause trouble for no reason."

Zhang Xiaolong began to recall every word Liu Xiaodong said, trying to analyze what Liu Xiaodong wanted to achieve, first to disturb the internal stability of Pinlanhui, and second to destroy the relationship between Zhang Xiaolong and Guangshan and others.

Only one of these two goals can be achieved, and what is achieved now is the second point. There has been a rift between Zhang Xiaolong and Guang Shan and others.Liu Xiaodong did not benefit from this point. On the surface, the biggest beneficiary was Nan Yong, who successfully became a platinum member, but who was the real biggest beneficiary?

Zhang Xiaolong couldn't figure it out.

Changing his mind, if Liu Xiaodong successfully disrupted the Pinlanhui, what benefits might he get?Free from the shackles of Pinnacle?Become a vice president?Or just for fun?

Among the many questions, Liu Xiaodong's specific purpose is still unclear.

Zhang Xiaolong was thinking, and Guangshan and Qiu Zhengqing were also thinking.

The question Guangshan considered was: Can Zhang Xiaolong still be trusted?Back then, he supported Zhang Xiaolong because he was Zhang Tiansheng's disciple and he was the one who carried Zhang Tiansheng's final entrustment.However, Zhang Xiaolong's rise was too fast and completely deviated from official expectations. Whether such a rise was harmful to friendship or not, Guangshan did not dare to make a definite conclusion.

Zhang Tiansheng has never missed anything in his life, and the person he entrusted at the end of his death should not be wrong!Thinking of Zhang Tiansheng, Guangshan decided to continue to trust Zhang Xiaolong, but to monitor him more closely.

The discussion did not yield an answer, so Zhang Xiaolong said goodbye and left.


At this time, Wang Dun once again set foot on Guangming Peak, one of the three main peaks of Huangshan Mountain, to see the sea of ​​clouds and all the peaks of Huangshan Mountain. Wang Dun opened his arms and laughed wildly.

"The world is in my hands!" After the rhetoric, Wang Dun pulled out a May [-]th pistol and fired three shots at the sea of ​​clouds "!" They scattered and fled in all directions, and after only a while, there were only a dozen of Wang Dun and his men left on the top of the light.

Phil and Gist looked at each other, and Phil whispered, "It would be great if Xiao Jiang was here, at least I can persuade him to take the medicine."

Gist nodded and didn't say anything, because Wang Dun had already looked over.Phil and Gist bowed their heads together, waiting for Wang Dun's order.

Wang Dun was defeated in Huangshan and kicked out of China by Zhang Xiaolong. He had a special attachment to this mountain in his heart, and he wanted to get up where he fell.The Huangshan plot in Wang Dun's heart fixed the most intense part of the war in Huangshan.

"Is my warrior ready?" Wang Dun asked, putting away his gun.

Phil replied: "The twelve dead men have been prepared, and all of them have taken special angel dust."

Wang Dun laughed wildly again. He waved his hands and shouted: "Let's go, wipe out all the gangsters in the Huangshan territory, leave no one behind, and let everyone see what happens when you betray me."

"Yes!" Phil led the order and left quickly.

Wang Dun said loudly to Gist again: "Fake's large army is coming, you go to meet it, and lead them to directly attack City A, if they attack, I will turn City A into a sea of ​​flames."

"Yes!" Gist ran faster, he wanted to stay away from Wang Dun now.

Turning City A into a sea of ​​flames, Gist didn't think he could do it. He began to plan the retreat route, depending on Wang Dun's mental state, he might lose his humanity at any time.

Twelve soldiers who took special angel dust appeared in every corner of Huangshan in full suits, and began to attack the gang organizations that had once taken refuge in Wang Dun.These soldiers wore full-body bulletproof equipment and held p90 submachine guns. They moved extremely quickly. The gang organizations in Huangshan were no opponents at all, and even the armed police could not stop their progress.They will not entangle with people who are not the target, and attack completely according to the list.

The killing continued for ten hours, until twelve soldiers fell on their own, at this time more than two-thirds of the Huangshan local gangsters had been wiped out.


When the troops commanded by Tang Zhen rushed into the Wang's house, the entire manor was empty. After searching, they found dozens of corpses of the Wang family's uncles and nephews in the flower room in the back garden. They were all tied to chairs and arranged in a circle. Wang Dao's body was placed in the middle, his left hand was propped up with a bracket, as if he was holding a meeting for his family members.

Seeing the scene in the greenhouse, many people vomited on the spot.

Wang Dun destroyed the entire family with his own hands.

Zhang Xiaolong had just returned to City A, and originally wanted to have sex with his wife and children for a few days, but at the same time he got the news that the Wang family was exterminated and the Huangshan gang was attacked.

"Wang Dun is completely crazy." Zhang Xiaolong hastily mobilized all fighters.

At this time, a large number of convoys appeared along the coast of Linshi, and the number of "employees" of some wholly American-owned enterprises also increased a lot, and conflicts with local organizations began.

Falk.Shaertu got off the plane at Nursery Airport and held a brief press conference, announcing that he would conduct a business investigation in Jiangsu and planned to invest one billion US dollars in commercial projects in Jiangsu.Fake immediately became a news figure in Jiangsu local TV station, and people from all walks of life in Jiangsu wanted to benefit from Fake's investment.

Among them, Zhang Xiaolong was the most active. He wrote a sincere invitation letter in the name of the acting mayor of city a, inviting Fake to investigate investment in city a, and introduced the investment environment of city a in detail.At the same time, Zhang Xiaolong was still on the local TV station, hyping up the tourism and light industry of City A, creating a good public opinion.Then he communicated with the leaders of the province, and asked his second uncle Shi Jianguo to come forward to speak, and asked the province to bring Fake to City A with a message.

As long as Fake dared to step into City A, Zhang Xiaolong would have a thousand ways to kill him.

Fake stayed in the provincial capital and didn't go there. After receiving Zhang Xiaolong's invitation, he sent a delegation to City A, where they ate and drank all day without doing anything serious.

Zhang Xiaolong is not entangled, if you don't come, I will go to the head office!Zhang Xiaolong personally led the team to the provincial capital, and directly stayed in the big hotel where Fa Ke stayed. Not only did he live in the opposite door of Fa Ke, but he also booked all the other rooms on this floor.

When Falk heard about this, he changed a hotel overnight and only sent two men to pick up the things.

"Fuck! Coward!" Zhang Xiaolong cursed in his heart.

The next morning, Zhang Xiaolong went directly to the governor, and asked the governor to come forward and invite Fake out for lunch.Farke couldn't refuse, so he had to bite the bullet and agree, but he had to choose the place for lunch.

Falk chose a luxurious hotel located in the commercial street in the city center, and booked the best VIP box. In order to prevent being hacked, he notified Zhang Xiaolong of where to eat an hour in advance.

Zhang Xiaolong was also afraid of being hacked, so he brought Qi Fanghang and a dozen of his direct team members with him. The governor looked a little puzzled, did he need to bring so many people with him for a meal?

Zhang Xiaolong explained: "They are all representatives of young entrepreneurs in City A. I organized a group to discuss business with Fake this time to express my sincerity."

The governor nodded again and again, feeling that Zhang Xiaolong was doing the right thing, since he must be sincere when talking about business.The governor would never have dreamed of it.Qi Fanghang and the others had guns in their arms.

Arriving at the restaurant swaggeringly, Fak also prepared a lot of manpower, and stood in a row outside the private room, and the private rooms on both sides of the private room were also full.Farke's subordinates had been waiting at the entrance of the hotel for a long time. When they saw the governor and Zhang Xiaolong coming, they immediately greeted them, and warmly asked people to follow Zhang Xiaolong to rest.

Seeing this situation, Zhang Xiaolong thought to himself: "You've got a lot of skills, are you planning to hack me here?" Zhang Xiaolong beckoned Qi Fanghang over and whispered a few words, Qi Fanghang nodded and walked in first.Falk's men tried to stop him, but Qi Fang

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