Zhang Xiaolong obtained a video through a special channel, which recorded a battle in Huangshan.No matter how scary the "Resident Evil" series is, it is not as scary as the real version of Resident Evil.

Qi Fanghang took a mouthful, using anger to cover up the fear in his heart.

"This Wang Dun is so perverted. What the hell did he use to turn people into this?" Qi Fanghang said loudly, expressing that he was not afraid.

In the living room of Zhang Xiaolong's presidential suite, Chen Tie, Geng Wei, and Zhao Xiaoxiao were all there. They watched the video together, and Zhao Xiaoxiao's face was a little ugly.

Zhang Xiaolong got up and walked to the dvd, pulled out the USB flash drive containing the video and threw it to Zhao Xiaoxiao: "Delete the contents, I thought it was some advanced weapon, but it was just angel dust with a higher purity."

When Zhao Xiaoxiao received the USB drive, she seemed to have got a dead mouse, and threw it directly to Qi Fanghang: "Xiao Qi, go and bake it in the microwave, don't let me see him again."

Qi Fanghang took the USB flash drive and quickly walked into the kitchen.

Chen Tie took a bottle of wine, poured a glass and drank it, and said embarrassingly: "Wang Dun is cruel enough, more than 2000 people were drugged by him, and less than 200 survived. Tang Zhen is still organizing people to search Mountain, I don't think it will be found."

Geng Wei nodded: "If it were me, I would also take advantage of the chaos."

Standing in front of the TV, Zhang Xiaolong didn't find a place to sit down. He asked, "The question is where does Wang Dun go back?"

Everyone shook their heads together. It is difficult to understand the action patterns of lunatics, because they are not normal people.Zhang Xiaolong pondered for a while, but also found it very troublesome, and soon he felt a little abnormal.Wang Dun was obviously crazy. What good would Fake do if he cooperated with such a lunatic?Using the power of the Wang family?But the Wang family has been wiped out by Wang Dun, and Wang Dun really has no other use value.

Maybe?Maybe there is a little more, that is, they can come out and disturb the audience.

If Wang Dun is a cover, then what is Fake's real plan?

Zhang Xiaolong raised his own question, and everyone in the living room fell into deep thought. Qi Fanghang said carelessly, "Whatever the plan is, if you kill Fake, there is no plan at all."

Chen Tie waved his hand: "It's not that simple, Falk only brought a few people, and behind him is the entire American gangster alliance."

"It doesn't matter, let's find a way to kill Falk first." Zhang Xiaolong said impatiently. The video just now was really disgusting. If the person who watched it can still keep calm, he is not alone.

Zhao Xiaoxiao reminded: "It's not easy to kill Fake openly!"

"The biggest trouble now is that some of us can't use it. The impact of going to war in the provincial capital is not good. Guangshan and the others are already worried about me. Don't keep a low profile. It will be difficult in the future!" Zhang Xiaolong walked around the house a few times, In the end, he decided to make a call to Guangshan to find out.

At this time, Guangshan and the others were also confused. Although the matter of Huangshan was suppressed, the higher-ups were very angry because of the matter.

No one will feel heartache for the underworld members who died in Huangshan.However, the Wang family was wiped out, and the business operations under the Wang family fell into chaos. This will affect the lives of millions of ordinary people, and this cannot be ignored.The above policy is: It doesn't matter how many underworld members die, but ordinary people can't do it even if they go hungry.

Guangshan is negotiating with Qiu Zhengqing that the government will take over the property of the Wang family. As for the disappearance of the Wang family, it must be kept secret from the outside world.

When Zhang Xiaolong called, Guangshan was worrying about two numbers.

60 and 400 million, the front is the number of employees of the Wang family's industries, and the back is the common people who expect to work for the Wang family to support their families.

"Fuck! So many!" Guangshan, who hadn't scolded anyone for decades, cursed in his heart.

Guangshan answered the phone and asked, "Xiaolong, do you have anything to do with me?"

Zhang Xiaolong smiled, and said bluntly: "Guang Lao, Fa Ke hangs around in front of me all day, please give me an idea, how should I deal with him."

Guangshan knew what Zhang Xiaolong meant, and he also wanted to simply kill Fake, but Fake was an investor who came to China with more than a billion dollars, so it was really difficult to explain it just to kill him.

"What do you mean?" Guangshan asked back.

"It's a bit more difficult to make a black hand, this kid is better than a monkey. Let my men go to encircle and suppress, it's easier, and it will be done in a matter of seconds." Zhang Xiaolong didn't play tricks, telling the truth.

Guangshan was silent for a while, looked at the two numbers in his hand, and then looked at Fake's information, it's difficult!Officials just have more scruples. Even if Guangshan wants to kill Fake, he must consider other factors.

Soon, Guangshan gave the answer that Zhang Xiaolong didn't want to hear the most: "Xiaolong, you should go back to City A! I will deal with this matter."

"..." Zhang Xiaolong opened his mouth, swallowed back what he wanted to say, nodded and said: "Okay, listen to you, I will go back to City A and stop playing with this grandson."

Guangshan persuaded in a friendly tone: "Xiaolong, bear with it, now is not the time."

"Understood." Zhang Xiaolong hung up the phone, bowed his head and remained silent for a while, and everyone around him looked at him, waiting for his decision.

When Zhang Xiaolong raised his head again, he showed a sinister smile: "Let's go back to City A."

Qi Fanghang nodded in agreement, and went out to prepare to retreat.Neither Chen Tie nor Geng Wei asked the reason, but Zhao Xiaoxiao asked puzzledly: "We just left, how can we let such a disgusting person go."

Zhang Xiaolong shrugged: "Is this what Guang Lao meant? We must obey. If we leave so obediently, if Falk dies, it has nothing to do with us."

Zhao Xiaoxiao suddenly realized, and went to prepare with a smile.

At twelve o'clock that night, Zhang Xiaolong and others left the provincial capital by train, and Falk was extremely surprised by the speed.

"Are you sure, Landlord Zhang has left with someone?" After receiving the news, Fake confirmed to his subordinates again. After repeated confirmation and repeated inquiries, he was finally convinced that Zhang Xiaolong had returned to City A.

"Finally get out." Falk let out a long breath.Said: "Start to implement plan b, we don't have much time, it's time to act."

And Zhang Xiaolong, who was sitting in the car, said: "Call Xu Hai back and let him keep an eye on Fa Ke. As long as Fa Ke leaves the provincial capital, kill him at all costs."


In Guangzhou, Liu Xiaodong and Huang Meng sat opposite each other, each with a bottle of Moutai. On the table were a plate of boiled edamame and a plate of boiled peanuts, and they were drinking each other.On the 42-inch LCD TV on the side of the two, the video of the Huangshan incident is constantly being played. Compared with the video obtained by Zhang Xiaolong, they got more and more detailed.

"This Wang Dun is very powerful. He dared to prescribe medicine to 2000 people at one time. It's a big deal!" Huang Meng chuckled, took a sip of the wine, and threw a peanut into his mouth.

Liu Xiaodong didn't speak, just watched the excitement while drinking.

Huang Meng continued: "At the beginning I planned to recruit him, but now it seems that this little lunatic can't hold back. He even killed his uncle, who else he dare not kill."

Only then did Liu Xiaodong speak: "If you dare to kill others, others will dare to kill you."

Liu Xiaodong picked up the remote control, turned off the dvd signal, switched a few channels, and found that Central 10 was broadcasting a WWII documentary and then stopped.

Putting down the remote control, Liu Xiaodong said: "Now is the best time to acquire the Wang family's property. Wang Dun's madness has saved us a lot. If we don't move faster, this piece of fat will be eaten by others."

"Is this how we look at it?" Huang Meng asked.

Liu Xiaodong said: "Of course not. I originally wanted to encourage Landlord Zhang to take the lead. Judging from the situation between him and Guangshan, it seems that both of them have scruples. We can't just sit idle."

"What about that?" Huang Meng asked.

"Honolulu." After speaking, Liu Xiaodong showed a sinister smile.

"The beach and girls there are good, and the most important thing is that there are no mosquitoes, and it is clean at night." Huang Meng ate two edamame, recalling the beauty of Hawaii.

Liu Xiaodong has an agent in the United States, and he has known about the actions of the American gangsters for a long time. He made trouble at the Pinlanhui Nanjing meeting before, and wanted Zhang Xiaolong to come out to confront the Americans. Unexpectedly, Guangshan suddenly intervened and the military intervened in this matter , The plan went ahead, Liu Xiaodong had no choice but to stop his actions and wait for the changes.

Director Wang was killed and the Wang family was wiped out, which exceeded Liu Xiaodong's expectations. Liu Xiaodong still had no idea of ​​the details of the Americans' plan b.

So Liu Xiaodong decided to act first and take down the Shaertu family branch in Honolulu.

"The Shartu family branch in Honolulu is one of Falk's only sources of income, and it may give Falke some clues." Liu Xiaodong calculated, and continued: "Let the local Taiwanese and Japanese gangs come forward, we don't have to Get up to the front."

Huang Meng said with a smile: "Xiaodong, why have you changed your nature? In the past, you would have pointed at people and rushed up to kill people. Let alone the United States, you dared to go to the moon."

Liu Xiaodong shook his head: "Let's forget about the moon. I won't be soft when they show their cards. No matter how we fight within the Pinlan Club, it's our own business. Foreign devils are not qualified to intervene."

"What else?" Huang Meng asked.

Liu Xiaodong was taken aback: "Do you need another reason?"

"You don't want to be the president of Pinlan Society?" Huang Meng asked the point.

Huang Meng and Liu Xiaodong rose together, the two are indistinguishable from each other, Huang Meng can tell what Liu Xiaodong wants at a glance.When Liu Xiaodong used thunderous means to unify the three provinces, he was determined to dominate the world, and because the means were too ruthless, he was almost harmonized by the superiors. If it wasn't for Zhang Tiansheng's guidance, they would have died long ago.

She endured in Pinlanhui for several years, but still did not obliterate Liu Xiao

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