The waves that New No. 4 has caused in the world, I don't know that huge waves are brewing in China, and it has also affected every corner of the world little by little.

First of all, the drug producing areas around the world, because of the withdrawal of the new No. 4, the old drugs started to rise again.Drug lords from all over the world who have run out of goods have started a bloody fight in order to compete for the supply of goods.Origins in Southeast Asia, the Americas, and Africa have begun to turn into bloody battlefields.There are more and more murders caused by drugs, and more and more people die.

Soon, a large-scale report was made on this subject.But no one felt sad. Anyway, all the drug dealers died, one less than one, and they all died, so no one would feel sad.

Zhang Xiaolong didn't care about this kind of news. He refused all interview requests and was listening to Xu Hai saying sorry face to face.

"What? Falk ran away? How did you let him run? Don't you stare at him every day?" Zhang Xiaolong rubbed his temples, resisting the urge to curse.

Xu Hai said apologetically: "I was watching him every day, but he suddenly stared at the chartered plane and left under the escort of hundreds of security guards. He was protected all the way, and there was no chance of doing anything."

"Fuck! You son of a bitch." Zhang Xiaolong cursed in his heart.

"Please punish the boss. If I want to go to the United States, I will chase him to the ends of the earth. I can beat Fake to death." Xu Hai felt ashamed, so he began to swear.

Zhang Xiaolong said angrily: "Chasing a fart! If you go to other people's territory, you will die first."

"Even if I die, I will take Falk on my back." Xu Hai promised loudly.

"Okay, okay." Of course Zhang Xiaolong won't let him go, Zhang Xiaolong doesn't want to make such a meaningless sacrifice for his subordinates: "You still live honestly for me! You go back to City A immediately and stand by, something will happen soon, I still need it looking at you."

"Yes. Boss." Xu Hai's voice was very low, as if he had received quite a blow.

Just after hanging up the phone, Zou Beibei quickly walked in from the outside: "Xiaolong, Yang Yihui has left Shanghai."

"What? What did you say?" Zhang Xiaolong couldn't believe his ears.

Zou Beibei repeated: "Yang Yihui left Shanghai. He only brought Gong Huaixiang and a dozen of his confidantes with him. He didn't say where he was going. He just handed over the help of the Yi Gang to Dandan. Dandan is dying of anxiety now. "

Zhang Xiaolong stood up violently and shouted: "Crazy, so many people outside are trying to kill us, he left Shanghai? Isn't this courting death? Send someone to find him, he must be found, and he must be protected."

"Someone has been sent to look for it," Zou Beibei said.

"Why is it so messy! Can't you just stay honest? I'll take care of him until the end of his life, and he's my own father! What the hell are you thinking!" Zhang Xiaolong roared a few times.He didn't understand the righteousness in Yang Yihui's heart, but he knew that Yang Yihui wanted to divert the danger away and make him and Wei Dandan safer.

Zou Beibei was afraid that Zhang Xiaolong was in a hurry, so she hurriedly poured a cup of herbal tea to calm Zhang Xiaolong down.

"I don't want to drink!" Zhang Xiaolong didn't take the cup, looked at Zou Beibei as if, and muttered, "I'm crazy! What do you think!" He couldn't be angry with Zou Beibei, Yang Yihui ran away from home, and Zou Beibei didn't force him.

"Xiaolong, don't worry, you will find it. Leader Yang will be fine." Zou Beibei comforted, she also respected Yang Yihui very much.

Zhang Xiaolong took the herbal tea in Zou Beibei's hand and drank it in one gulp, saying viciously: "If something happens to Yang Yihui, no matter who it is, no matter what means I use, I will destroy his whole family."

Zou Beibei knew that she couldn't persuade Zhang Xiaolong, the more she persuaded Zhang Xiaolong, the more angry she became, so she poured another cup of herbal tea.

The news of Yang Yihui's departure from Shanghai spread as if he had grown little wings, and gangsters all over the world knew about it.The drug lords who held a grudge against Yang Yihui thought they were hiding out of fear, and almost five levels of drug trafficking organizations dispatched killers. The reward on Yang Yihui on the killer website climbed to 5000 million U.S. dollars within a few days.

Yang Yihui's life is very valuable, but most of the orders are captured alive, because the new No. 4 formula is more valuable.

Seeing the reward, Zhang Xiaolong breathed a sigh of relief. The new No. 4 formula has become Yang Yihui's greatest amulet. He will not die easily. As long as people are alive, there is hope.


Originally, Wang Dun, who was living on a certain unknown island in Taihu Lake, was worrying about the problem of funds. Fake's bank account was hacked, cutting off Wang Dun's source of funds.

At this time, the news of Yang Yihui leaving Shanghai came, and Wang Dun jumped up and down with joy. He felt that the opportunity to take revenge on Zhang Xiaolong had come.He disguised himself and left Taihu Lake with more than 300 men to sneak into Hangzhou. He rented five or six cheap houses in the ancient alleys of Hangzhou, and arranged more than 300 people.

Wang Dundui owned a small restaurant that was about to close down, and became a master chef himself, specializing in pasta.As soon as he settled down, he sent someone to deliver a blood letter to Zhang Xiaolong, claiming that Yang Yihui had been captured, and asked Zhang Xiaolong to come to Hangzhou to redeem him himself, and wrote his name on the signature.

The black Phil who was still by his side asked puzzledly, would Zhang Xiaolong be fooled by such a fake letter?

Wang Dun glared at him and said, "He won't be fooled, but he will definitely come back to Hangzhou, even if he wants to hack me to death, he will come back to Hangzhou."

When Phil heard this, he felt his hairs stand on his head. This boss is really crazy, and even used himself as a bait. They only have more than 300 people. Zhang Xiaolong's men don't have [-], but they always have [-].

"Are you scared?" Wang Dun asked coldly.

Phil shook his head hastily: "I'm afraid of birds, as long as he feels it, I'll kill him with one shot. Boss, should we get some sniper rifles, when the time comes... Hehehe..." His sneer was a bit like a movie The second ghost traitor in the movie is a bit darker, black and numb, so we can't blame him.

Wang Dun asked coldly, "What are you going to do with guns?"

"Sell it for money! Are there no arms dealers here?" Phil asked inexplicably.

Wang Dun raised his fist and beat Phil up: "Arms dealer, you pig! This is China, not the United States, and you can't find an arms dealer on the street."

Phil, who was beaten up, felt extremely wronged.

After the beating, Wang Dun shouted out of breath, "This is China!"

"I know." Phil covered his face and nodded repeatedly.

Wang Dun eased his emotions, and said: "In China, arms are operated by large organizations. It is good for small households to have a knife. When we go to buy arms, we will reveal our whereabouts immediately. Ask brothers to prepare Come on, let's grab one."

"Who is it?" Phil asked, covering his face.

"Snatch an arms dealer, as long as you kill them, not only will you have the goods, but your whereabouts will not be exposed." Wang Dun showed an extremely ferocious smile.

Phil prayed helplessly in his heart: "God! Help me! Keep me away from this lunatic."

Wang Dun smiled smugly, the scar on his face twitched, becoming more and more hideous.They quickly locked down a small local gang with ammunition, killed the gang overnight, and seized more than [-] long and short guns, none of which were licensed, and all of them were crudely made products of small underground workshops.

Wang Dun jumped up and down with anger on the spot.


Hangzhou was the capital of the Wuyue Kingdom of the Five Dynasties and the Southern Song Dynasty, and is one of the seven ancient capitals in the country.There are historical sites and historic sites all over the city, which is a good place for tourism and leisure.

When Zhang Xiaolong came to Hangzhou for the first time, he did not rush to find Wang Dun, but took a walk around the Qiantang River.It's a pity that it's not the time of the spring tide, so we can only see the relatively wide estuary.

Walking on the T-shaped dam, blowing the sea breeze and looking at the sea is really something that only a boring person would do.

Zhang Xiaolong thinks that the coastal road in city A is much more interesting than here. While looking at the sea, you can also engage in various entertainment activities. Unlike here, in order to prevent the tide from attacking, the shops are far away, and there is nothing new, at least There should also be a few casinos or nightclubs or something.

Just as he was thinking, a big man came over and was stopped by Qi Fanghang.The man begged and said a few words, Qi Fanghang stepped forward to stop the man, after they talked a few words, Qi Fanghang searched him and brought him over.

The man came to Zhang Xiaolong and knelt down on the ground: "Mr. Zhang, you have to make the decision for me!"

"What's going on?" Zhang Xiaolong looked at Qi Fanghang.

Qi Fanghang said: "His nickname is Three Swords, he is the head of the local organization Three Swords, and the third knife. The day before yesterday, the first knife of his same school was wiped out. He wants to ask us to support justice."

This kind of rivers and lakes disputes, it is common for small gangs to be exterminated. Zhang Xiaolong is not familiar with this Sansao, so there is no need to uphold justice for him. Zhang Xiaolong looked at Qi Fanghang reproachfully.

Knowing that he had overstepped, Qi Fanghang hurriedly said in a low voice, "He said that it was Wang Dun who took the first blow."

"Oh!" The purpose of Zhang Xiaolong's coming to Hangzhou was to find Wang Dun. Originally, he wanted to wait for Wang Dun to kill him, but he didn't expect to come across a clue when he arrived in Hangzhou.Zhang Xiaolong kindly lifted up the three knives and asked him to explain the details.It turned out that the first knife installed a pinhole camera in the house, which was originally installed to prevent someone from stealing. Unexpectedly, the whole process of killing the door was photographed, and it was also sent to Wang Dun's face covered with scars.

The three knives didn't dare to take revenge by themselves, so they only asked Zhang Xiaolong for help.Now everyone in the underworld knows that Pinlan is looking for Wang Dun, and the three knives believe that Zhang Xiaolong will definitely help, otherwise he would not dare to come.

San Dao took out his mobile phone and showed Wang Dun's video to Zhang Xiaolong.

After watching the video, Zhang Xiaolong asked where Wang Dun was, but San Dao couldn't answer, but stubbornly said that he was familiar with the local brothers in Hangzhou, and it would not be difficult to find Wang Dun's hiding place.Zhang Xiaolong immediately agreed to avenge San Dao, and asked San Dao to find Wang Dun's hiding place, and he would take action naturally.

The three knives left with a thousand thanks,

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