Best Landlord

Chapter 66 Unwilling

It's nothing to tell about the Chuncheng Pinlan Club. As Ren Qiong, if she wanted to know, she would be able to find out. Zhang Xiaolong did not hide it because of his coercion, and told her what he knew in a tactful manner. After finishing, Ren Qiong vaguely knew what kind of person Zhang Xiaolong was.

Tossing until very late, nothing happened all night, Zhang Xiaolong fell asleep on the sofa.The next morning, Zhang Xiaolong returned to his room and found that Kong Ning and Ding Fanglu were gone. He called Wang Xiaofei and found out that the three of them were already on their way back to Kunming.Zhang Xiaolong felt relieved for a while, washed up and had breakfast accompanied by Ren Qiong, and after a while, Luo Penghui arrived on the hour as scheduled, and beside him was a person with a height of about 1.7 meters, with a small head and a tiger head, and a square head A young man with four faces, about 25 or [-], with a thumb-thick gold necklace hanging around his neck, dressed neatly and decently, his words and deeds are as crisp as flowing clouds and flowing water, and his thick alto is magnetic, which is very demeanor for everyone.

"Li Qinbin, I've admired you for a long time!" After introducing each other, Zhang Xiaolong shook hands with each other. From his body shape, Zhang Xiaolong could see that Li Qinbin was a person with good skills, and his force value should not be inferior to Chen Tie.Both are soldiers.

"Landlord Zhang." Li Qinbin stretched out his hand and held Zhang Xiaolong together. He looked half a head shorter than Zhang Xiaolong, but his momentum was not weaker than Zhang Xiaolong. His voice was very loud, "It's a pleasure to meet you!"

"Ren Qiong, long time no see!" Li Qinbin stretched out his hand to Ren Qiong again.

"Long time no see!" Ren Qiong inadvertently put his hand on Zhang Xiaolong's arm. Li Qinbin was taken aback, but couldn't help but put his hand back, and said with a smile: "Miss Ren Qiong has always been honest and clean, and she refused to accept Qinbin's courtship. The landlord's girlfriend, Qin Bin understands, please forgive me for disturbing you in the past."

"Hehe!" Zhang Xiaolong secretly laughed, knowing that Ren Qiong had taken advantage of him, he didn't bother to explain, with an incomprehensible smile on his face.

Ren Qiong was afraid that he would leak it, and squeezed him slightly, her breasts pressed against his arm, and said: "Oh, it's okay, those who don't know don't blame it, Li Qinbin, you have such good conditions, you will definitely find a woman better than me , Uncle Hui, let’s go, let’s go see Zhenyu together.”

"Okay, get in the car!" Luo Penghui saw everything in his eyes.

A group of four boarded Luo Penghui's Mercedes-Benz s600.Li Qinbing drove, Zhang Xiaolong sat in the passenger seat, Ren Qiong and Luo Penghui sat in the back seat.Depart for the No.1 People's Hospital of Dali City.In the car, the four of them talked.

"Uncle Hui, go to see Zhenyu, we can't be empty-handed, Li Qinbin, step aside, I'll go buy some fruit." Arriving at the entrance of the hospital, Ren Qiong shouted.

"It doesn't need to be so troublesome, just go alone, how can Ayu eat fruit even if his teeth have fallen out." Li Qinbin said at the front.

"Abin, Ren Qiong also has a heart, let her go!" Luo Penghui nodded to Ren Qiong, and Ren Qiong got out of the car with a smile.

The door is closed.

Luo Penghui said to Zhang Xiaolong in front: "Landlord, the Pinlan Conference is about to start. The situation in Spring City is chaotic now. I don't know what your plan is."

"I don't have any plans."

Knowing that Luo Penghui is from Hou Jun's camp, Zhang Xiaolong murmured, "I want to participate in the f0 rally, win the championship, and become a gold member of Pinlan Club."

"Win the championship?" Li Qinbin smiled slightly, "It's not that simple! Landlord, do you know the true meaning of this f0 rally? After the rally, there will be a final, do you know?"

"I know." Zhang Xiaolong said calmly, "I have the confidence to win the championship."

Li Qinbin wanted to say more, but Luo Penghui waved his hand to stop him and said, "Landlord, I believe you can win the championship, but after you win the championship, you will become a gold member of Pinlan Club after you win the championship. What are your plans?"

"Good things take time, who knows what will happen in the future, I really didn't think so much." Zhang Xiaolong really didn't think so much, even if he thought of what he was going to do next, he wouldn't tell others, "Just like A Bin As I said, it is not so easy to win the championship, in short, I am confident and will do my best to fight for it, even if I can’t win the championship, it should be no problem to enter the top ten.”

"That's true, as long as you enter the top ten, you can enter the Pinlan Club and become a gold member." Luo Penghui said seriously, "Landlord, you come to Dali, did Mr. Hou give you any instructions?"

"What instructions can he give me?" Zhang Xiaolong smiled, "Now Liu Xiaodong is fighting with Chen Si and Sak. No matter which side I join, I will be a firefighter. It's better to be a free and unrestrained person to feel at ease. Mr. Hou doesn't care. I will take care of me too much, and I will not harm the interests of others unless it is absolutely necessary. Generally speaking, I just need to be myself. Only when I become a gold member of Pinlan Club will I have the opportunity to speak. Of course, I will not I am willing to be a servant, let alone someone's puppet, in the end I still want to have my own influence, and it is best to let those big bosses obey my orders."

"It's good to have ideals." Luo Penghui felt chills all over his body, and Zhang Xiaolong's words made him feel breathless.The toad blows like thunder.

Li Qinbin couldn't help laughing after hearing this: "Landlord, you have too much appetite. You don't want to say anything surprising. You are awesome. I wish you success. However, there are still more than 20 days before the rally. Do you want to follow me first?" I'm going to Shangri-La to have fun."

"What's the fun over there?" Zhang Xiaolong's expression changed, and he turned to look at Li Qinbin: "Why, is there something good over there?"

"Hehe, smart." Li Qinbin smiled, "I'll tell you later."

"What are you talking about, you still have to avoid me." Fang Qiong sat up with a large bag of fruit, just in time to hear the conversation between the two.

"It's nothing, I want to invite the landlord to Shangri-La." Li Qinbin started the car and entered the hospital.

When they came to the inpatient department, the four of them took the elevator upstairs to all the wards of Zhong Zhenyu. There were several young people chatting in the room, two men and two women, including Zhong Zhenyu on the hospital bed. There were five people in total.Seeing Luo Penghui and others coming, both men and women stood up.

"Father, Brother Bin."

"Uncle Hui, Brother Bin."

Four people including Luo Feng shouted at the same time.One of the fashionable and beautiful women rushed to Ren Qiong's side immediately, glared at Zhang Xiaolong, and whispered: "Sister Qiong, why are you here? Landlord Zhang beat Zhenyu like this, how dare you bring him? "

Zeng Lili, Zhong Zhenyu and others are both married, and their parents are friends with each other. They, the rich kids living in the same city, naturally know each other, and they play very well. They take care of each other in everything. Zeng Lili heard that Zhong Zhenyu was Someone beat him up, and he came to visit, only to find out afterwards that it was Landlord Zhang who did the murder. Now that Landlord Zhang dared to come, he couldn't help being a little puzzled.She still has a lot of inside information that she doesn't know.

"Sit all!"

Luo Penghui waved his hand, looked at Zhong Zhenyu on the bed with angry eyes and sat down, and said earnestly: "Zhenyu, Dad knows that you are sad, and Dad is even more sad, but... the landlord beat you today, Dad hopes You can be enlightened, as the saying goes, eat a pad and gain wisdom, Dad told you and Xiaofeng a long time ago, I am too old to protect you for the rest of your life, in the end you have to rely on yourself, only if you have the ability is true If you have the ability, you must know that there is a reason why a mountain is as high as a mountain!"

"Father, I'm not reconciled!" Zhong Zhenyu watched his father write a few words with a pen, with an expression of grievance that he almost cried.

Luo Penghui shook his head and said: "There is nothing you can do if you are not reconciled. It is your blessing that the landlord can teach you a lesson. Dad hopes that you and Xiaofeng will be good people from now on, work hard and avoid intrigue with others. Do you understand?"

"Father, why do you turn your arm out to help others talk, my brother was beaten like this, and you still..." Luo Feng said anxiously.

"Xiaofeng, shut up." Li Qinbin slapped Luo Feng on the back of the head, and taught him a lesson: "There is nothing to be unwilling to, the weak and the strong, I don't have the ability to beat you and deserve it, Zhenyu, it's not me who blames you. Spoiled and drunk to hook up with beautiful women, did you do any other serious business? Uncle is getting old, so if he doesn’t leave such a big family business to you and Xiaofeng, who else can he leave it to? Xiaofeng is still young and ignorant, you should be 24 Sensible, not reconciled, not reconciled, what do you think? The landlord is standing here now, can you beat him? Let me tell you, the landlord is the son-in-law of Mr. Hou, and he may become the president of the Spring City Pinlan Club in the future. Being able to come to the hospital to see you today is a great honor to you. Don’t let uncle know how to embarrass you. Otherwise, I will slap you on the face and make you eat porridge for the rest of your life. What can you do!"

When Li Qinbin said this, Zhong Zhenyu, who was unwilling in his heart, immediately calmed down. He was not afraid of others, but he was very afraid of Li Qinbin.Several young people in the room looked at Zhang Xiaolong in surprise, Zong Zhuer, Zong Zhengyi, Luo Feng, Zeng Lili, Zhong Zhenyu, although they didn't know exactly what the Spring City Pinlan Conference was, but they knew well-known domestic leaders in the western Yunnan region. Big brother Hou Jun, they all knew about it. They heard that Landlord Zhang was Hou Jun's son-in-law. Apart from Fang Qiong who already knew the inside story, even Zeng Lili was very shocked.Zhong Zhenyu's heart was so cold that he didn't have any desire for revenge.Immediately, everyone looked at Zhang Xiaolong differently.

"Landlord Zhang, I didn't expect you to be so powerful?" Zeng Lili looked him up and down, then whispered to Ren Qiong: "Sister Qiongqiong, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"I only found out last night." Ren Qiong fooled her.

It was not natural for Zhang Xiaolong to be stared at by so many people. Seeing Li Qinbin winking, he had no choice but to cooperate with the other party and pretend to be superior. It was an acquaintance, it was all a misunderstanding, I also acted impulsively at the time, Young Master Zhong and Young Master Zong. Fortunately, you are all right, and fortunately, I only used a third of my strength at that time, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable. Uncle Hui, what a shame! I'm sorry."

"Three points of strength?" Everyone was stunned, thinking about it, three points of strength can beat the muscular Zhong Zhenyu like this, if they use all their strength, then it's okay?Except for Li Qinbin, everyone else has an incomprehensible look on their faces.

Luo Penghui laughed

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