Best Landlord

Chapter 82 Return Mother Cui to Me

"Landlord, come, come and sit here." The old man with gray temples and over fifty years old smiled and waved to Zhang Xiaolong, who took the first seat in front of the table. He was dressed in a gray Chinese tunic suit. Charity can live, a pair of pupils are sharp and majestic, Zhang Xiaolong walked over with a lot of smiles, he guessed that this should be Tang Zhen, a big brother in the military, with the rank of major general.Next to Tang Zhen was an old man in his mid-century who also had official authority. He should be Qiu Zhengqing, a political tycoon.

"Landlord, how is Mr. Zhang?" Qiu Zhengqing looked at the approaching Zhang Xiaolong and asked, and all the other bosses present all cast friendly glances at him, and they all showed their kindness to him.And those jewelry merchants who didn't know why were also staring at Zhang Xiaolong with twinkling eyes. They didn't know what kind of background this young man had.

Zhang Xiaolong looked at everyone, showing a harmless appearance to humans and animals, and flattered: "Seniors, the landlord's tutor, that is, Mr. Zhang in your mouth, the old man has passed away. Before he died, he asked me to tell everyone The elders passed on a word."

"What, Mr. Zhang passed away, when did it happen, landlord, why didn't you tell us earlier!"

"Landlord, you can't fool us. Mr. Zhang is an old man with a sense of demeanor. He should become a fairy. How could he pass away like a fairy!"

"Landlord, Mr. Zhang, what did he ask you to pass on to us, when did you say it, and why did you say it now..."

The eight big bosses in the hall were noisy, asking Zhang Xiaolong about Zhang Tiansheng one by one. When they got up, they all forgot their business, completely disregarded their identities, and stared at Zhang Xiaolong with fiery eyes, even the curiosity of those jewelers was aroused.

"Follow the original heart, strive for peace of mind, follow the original heart, and become rich and powerful!" Zhang Xiaolong raised his head and looked out the window, muttering: "The bad old man said, whoever violates the original heart will be punished by heaven!"



"My heart!"

Hearing this, Chen Si, Sak, Zou Yue, Yang Yihui and others all let out soft sounds. They looked at each other, and one or two of them turned pale, as if they heard some spell at this moment and were immediately broken The same is true for those big businessmen and jewelers, especially Lu Guxin, whose face turned pale to the extreme in an instant. He was greedy for mother jade, and he and Jiang Xingde were righteous brothers. Everyone knew that Zhang Xiaolong's words seemed to be aimed at him at this moment. as if struck by lightning.

"Yes! This is Mr. Zhang's good advice to understand the essence of life. His old man is telling us to follow our heart in doing things and refrain from doing things that hurt nature and reason." Tang Zhen murmured, "I didn't expect that Mr. Zhang was still there before he died. Caring about those of us, anyone who violates his old man's legacy will be punished by God!"

Qiu Zhengqing nodded and said: "That's right, think back to four years ago, Huang Meng refused to listen to advice, and just threw to death the six-year-old son of his enemy Cao Guan with his bare hands, but a lightning bolt struck him on the spot. On the watch, he almost entered the Temple of Yama, and even now, there is a scar on his left hand, which is the imprint left by Tianlei."

Qiu Zhengqing and Tang Zhen sang together, and they spoke clearly. Immediately, the faces of the four mafia bosses turned cold. Most of what they did was for illegal profit. How could everything go well? They dared not refute Zhang Tiansheng's legacy. But these two people were clearly slapping them in the face.

Sak was dissatisfied at the time and said: "Secretary Qiu, what you said is too outrageous. In order to avenge the murder of his father, Huang Meng went so mad that he didn't even let the child go, but he was not struck by lightning, it was his hands. The watch on the watch was conductive, and was hit by a small lightning by accident."

"This is God's punishment!" Qiu Zhengqing said solemnly, "So many people are fine with watches, but Huang Meng was struck by lightning. If you can go against the sky and change your fate, I just want to say that violating Mr. Zhang's legacy is violating the laws of nature."

"Mr. Zhang once said that everything has a cause and effect. To put it bluntly, I think what we do and the government departments complement each other. The roads lead to the same road. There is no essential difference, but each road is different. The so-called benefiting the people How can it be successful without harming the interests of some people? There are so many corrupt officials and bad officials, who can tell the truth from the fake? If our existence is wrong, why did Mr. Zhang enlighten us back then? Lan Hui." Sac retorted in public.

"Okay, these things will be discussed at the Pinlan meeting." Tang Zhen waved his hand to stop the two people who were confronting each other, and said, "Jiang Lan invited everyone to come here to uphold justice. I asked the landlord to come here by name, not to Let him watch you play tricks, as elders, be more reserved, now the landlord is also one of the witnesses, and has the right to express his views. Landlord, don't stand still, sit down and listen."

"Landlord, sit next to me!" Jiang Lan pointed to the chair beside her, and looked at Zhang Xiaolong with a smile.

Zhang Xiaolong successfully fooled the big guys from all walks of life, changed the subject, and gradually calmed down. He didn't dare to speak more, and he didn't understand why Jiang Lan let him sit beside her, so he nodded and sat down.

At this time, the big men from all walks of life are very serious, especially Lu Guxin who is sitting directly opposite Jiang Lan, his face is sickly pale, his mother is lost in his hands, now the big men from all walks of life and Jiang Lan are looking for him at the same time, he even wants to die up.

"Uncles, seniors, Alan invited everyone here today, just to talk about the Emerald Mother and Son."

Everyone in the big seat looked at Jiang Lan, and saw her sitting there dignifiedly, and said slowly, "I believe all seniors are well aware of the background of the son-mother jadeite. It was a pair of treasures given to the Empress Dowager Cixi by Emperor Guangxu during the Qing Dynasty. Later, it was revealed that the folks got it from their ancestors, and it has been passed down as a family heirloom. My Jiang family has been in the jade business for five generations. My great-grandfather even regarded jade as life for his mother and son. He left a legacy in his later years, and let my Jiang family descendants protect it And cherish the mother-child jade and pass it on from generation to generation. The old man also said that if our Jiang family declines one day, we will sell or donate the mother-child jade to the country.

Speaking of this, Jiang Lan's eyes turned red, and she looked a little sad, "Originally, Dad lost money in business this time, and he was forced to take out Mu Cui as a mortgage. Everything he did was for me, for the entire Jiang family, Dad Before going out, he told me that after finishing this business, he would donate Mu Cui, because he knew that as soon as Mu Cui showed up, there would be many people scrambling for it, but he didn’t expect all this to be confirmed Dad's prophecy has met with an unexpected event."

"Jiang Lan, don't worry, Skynet is ashamed, the police will find out whoever murdered your father, I have already said hello, and they will give you an explanation at that time, death cannot be brought back to life, you have to take care of yourself Myself." Tang Zhen sat beside her and comforted her in a low voice.

Everyone else listened silently. Zhang Xiaolong could feel the pain in Jiang Lan's heart, but he didn't know what to say. Apart from keeping silent, he inadvertently looked at Wang Shile, and Wang Shile happened to look at him too. His sharp eyes swept over everyone one by one to look at Lu Guxin who bowed his head and said nothing.

Jiang Lan sniffled, held her chest up and took a deep breath, raised her head and said, "I don't feel sorry for Dad. Dad has diabetes, which was not cured when he went to the United States. He has been taking herbal medicine all year round. He didn't have much time to live. He wanted to close his hands and go back to the mountains after finishing the business, and live the rest of his life peacefully, but he didn't expect to be assassinated in the end... New Uncle, did you really kill Dad? Dad treats you like a relative Treat him like a brother, you know that time is running out, why do you want to hurt him!"


Lu Guxin was startled, he straightened up and looked up, almost fell to the ground, he shouted again and again: "Xiaolan, my uncle is wronged, although my uncle loves money, he never thought of harming brother De, your father is really not me You killed me, Xiao Lan, my new uncle watched you grow up and treated you like his own son, and Brother De is so kind to me, no matter how ruthless I am, I can’t frame my brother-in-law!"

"Father lost money in business. He wanted to use Mu Cui as collateral in exchange for money. Dad never thought of selling Mu Cui. Even if he had no money, Dad would not sell the things passed down from his ancestors. " Jiang Lan ignored Lu Guxin, and continued, "Father trusts you, uncle, and mortgaged Mu Cui to you, but now the three-month deadline has not yet expired, and you spread the news of Mu Cui's appearance, wanting a high price Sell ​​it, if Dad is still alive, he will definitely not agree with you to do this, new uncle, you have let my dad down so much."

"Xiaolan, what does the new uncle have to say to make you believe it!" Lu Guxin said bitterly, "I persuaded Brother De when he went to the border, but he didn't listen, people were killed and money was robbed, you I can't afford so much money, what do you think the new uncle is doing with a troublesome rock, I wish I had sold it earlier, but now... I almost lost my life last night!"

"New book, I can't spend so much money to redeem Mu Cui, but you have never approached me or asked for my opinion from the beginning to the end. If you open Mu Cui to the public, you should have thought of this result a long time ago." Jiang Jiang Lan was not moved by the other party's expression at all, she took out a piece of paper and a check from her bag, "New book, today is the last day of the three-month period, this is the mortgage certificate written by my father and you, There is also this one, which is a cash check of 500 million, you can take a look, as long as the new uncle returns Mu Cui to me, Xiaolan will not care about the future affairs."

Jiang Lan handed the mortgage certificate and the 500 million cash check to Zhang Xiaolong who was concentrating on the problem. Zhang Xiaolong took a look and didn't know why Jiang Lan was the first to hand it to him. The supervisor took it, and passed it to Qiu Zhengqing after reading it...

They passed them one by one, and the two pieces of paper were passed to the novice Lu Gu on the opposite side.

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