Xu Zizhen suddenly woke up: Oh, why did I slip up again?

He hurriedly changed the topic with a dry laugh: "By the way, from now on I am also the leader of the army."

As expected, Kou Qiaoyi was successfully distracted by him, and wondered: "My lord is also leading soldiers? What kind of soldiers are you bringing?"

Xu Zizhen heaved a sigh of relief, and then he said that more than 200 people were selected from the Lanzhou garrison today, and then more than 200 horse thieves were added to form a Shenji battalion.

After hearing this, Kou Qiaoyi was not as happy as Xu Zizhen expected, but said with some concern: "My lord, half of your 500 people are recruits, and the other half are lawless horse thieves. Such a team..."

Xu Zizhen smiled: "I have a way to train them, and then you just watch it." Speaking of this, a thought suddenly came to his mind, and a smirk hung on the corner of his mouth, "Qiaoyi, how about you tomorrow Follow me? See how your son and I lead the troops?"

After all, Kou Qiaoyi is a girl at heart, and she knows that family members are not allowed in the military camp, especially women, and she was pleasantly surprised: "Really? Thank you, sir!"

Xu Zizhen winked and said: "Thank you, no need, just warm my bed tonight, hehe!"

Kou Qiaoyi's pretty face suddenly flushed with embarrassment, she lowered her head and grabbed the hem of her clothes, eating and saying: "Qiaoyi... just listen to the young master's orders."

"Uh... I'm just joking, let's go to rest." Kou Qiaoyi was so obedient, Xu Zizhen suddenly didn't know what to do, seeing Kou Qiaoyi's shy and charming appearance, his heart beat a lot faster, In order to avoid making mistakes, he quickly stopped here and coaxed Kou Qiaoyi back to the room.


Before the sun rose the next day, Xu Zizhen got up early, and just finished washing, He Liangliang and Bu Fen arrived. Yesterday Xu Zizhen secretly made an appointment with them when no one was around, in order to complete the The key weapon of his Shenji Battalion - the firecracker.

Xu Zizhen took Kou Qiaoyi with him, the four of them did not disturb anyone, and quickly came to Tangji Iron Shop. It was still early in the morning, and the door of the iron shop was still closed. Xu Zizhen was about to knock on the door, but saw the door creak It opened, revealing Tang Lun's dark face.

Xu Zizhen said happily, "Uncle Tang, do you know I'm coming?"

Still without a smile on his face, Tang Lun just stared at him for a while, then nodded: "Come in and talk."

The four of them followed Tang Lun into the backyard, and it was okay for them to pay each other. Bu Fen couldn't help being surprised when he saw the weapons in the yard: "Good craftsmanship!"

Tang Lun was still walking forward with a calm head, and ignored him. Xu Zizhen sneered: "Brother Bu, my Uncle Tang is an ancestral craft, and he can definitely be called a master of weapons."

Bu Fen has been a horse thief for so many years, so he naturally has a high judgment on weapons and horses. The weapons on the pavement outside are already high-quality goods, and the ones hanging in this yard are even more rare magic weapons. Sharp weapon, he never thought that such a master craftsman existed in this humble corner of Lanzhou, and he was a little dazed after hearing Xu Zizhen's introduction.

Tang Lun stopped suddenly, turned his head and glanced at Xu Zizhen: "What's your plan for me, boy?"

Xu Zizhen was distracted by his words, but he didn't feel ashamed, he laughed and said: "Uncle Tang, you are wrong to blame me, what I said is from my heart, there is no falsehood at all. , why don't you dig out my heart and have a look."

"Hmph, I don't know you yet?" Tang Lun's black face showed a rare smile, and then he asked in a deep voice, "How is Xixia going this time? Are you not hurt?"

Xu Zizhen's smile gradually faded, and there was unconcealable hatred in his eyes: "I'm fine, but Xiao Meng... will never come back again."

Tang Lun was taken aback, then nodded, and said nothing more. He has never talked much, and no matter how angry he was, he rarely showed it on the surface. After a long time, he asked in a low voice: "Who is there?" made?"

Xu Zizhen gritted his teeth and said, "Xi Xia, San Jue Tang!"

Tang Lun turned around to pack his things, but said in his mouth, "What do you want me to do, tell me."

Xu Zizhen cut to the chase, pulled out the firecracker and put it on the table: "I would like to ask you to work hard, shoot more of this stuff."

Tang Lun said: "Lend me ten people, one week, one hundred."

Xu Zizhen was startled, and looked at Tang Lun in disbelief: "One hundred? You... Are you serious?"

Tang Lun glanced at him, then turned back to do his own thing, Xu Zizhen came to his senses, and immediately said happily: "Okay, I'll send someone over later."

It was the first time for He Liangliang on the side to see the firecracker, and he couldn't help holding it in his hand to look at it. After Xu Zizhen explained about the firecracker, he was ready to go to the barracks. It's not good, there is too little time left for him, and he has to race against time to do his work.

He Liangliang volunteered to stay in Tang Lun's shop, Xu Zizhen had no objection, and went straight to the barracks with Bu Fen and Kou Qiaoyi.

On the way, Bu Fen couldn't help asking: "There are 500 people in the Shenji Camp, why do you only need a hundred firecrackers?"

Xu Zizhen smiled: "This thing may not need a hand, and it's too late for Uncle Tang, Brother Bu, it will be hard for you to find some brothers who are close to you later, and give Uncle Tang a hand. Pass it outside."

Bu Fen nodded solemnly and said, "Okay, this is a big matter, so we should be cautious."

Not long after, the three of them arrived at the barracks. The five hundred recruits from the Shenji Battalion had gathered together and lined up neatly on the field, but they were clearly divided into two halves, half of which were recruits who had just been selected, and all of them were excited. He looked at Xu Zizhen, and the other half were Bufen's horse thief brothers. They had already gotten along well with Xu Zizhen. He takes it seriously.

Xu Zizhen stood in front of the team, coughed lightly, and suddenly shouted: "All stand at attention!"

Everyone was stunned for a moment, unable to react, Xu Zizhen also came back to his senses, damn it, he forgot that this was the Song Dynasty, and he shouted the wrong password...

Seeing him standing at the front in embarrassment, everyone couldn't help laughing, Xu Zizhen was not angry, and said leisurely: "Laugh, just laugh, you will cry later."

At this time, a large group of people suddenly brought a lot of things over, including armor, bedding, and weapons. They piled up all kinds of piles. A black-faced young man with the appearance of an officer walked up to Xu Zizhen, clasped his fists and said, "Sun Tie, the military supervisor. I have met Xu Dutong! Everything you want is here."

Xu Zizhen was amazed: "What Xu Dutong?"

Sun Tie laughed and said: "Master Wen appointed you as the commander of the Shenji Battalion of the garrison of Lanzhou Prefecture yesterday, and now the whole army knows it, why don't you know about it?"

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