Xiang Size was silent for a moment, and finally agreed. He had no other choice. Even if he could return to Xixia, he would be the general of the defeated army. He was the chief culprit who ruined a hundred thousand troops. The offer was very tempting to him.

Xu Zizhen asked someone to arrange a room for him in Lanzhou City, and randomly selected two soldiers to guard it. He believed that Xiang Size would not run away, and would cooperate to keep him as a hostage.

Xiao Xuan and Eunuch Xie did not have such luck. Xu Zizhen had someone drag them directly into the Lanzhou Prison, and put them in the innermost death row. They would add a bowl of water to the two nests every day, as long as they survived starvation.

After dealing with the hostage matter, Xu Zizhen went back to the gate, Tubo and his party were still waiting there, Duoqi Zhuoma was bored and looked at the scenery with the corners of his clothes, but the corner of his eyes glanced at Li Meng from time to time, Xu Zizhen smiled secretly, beckoning Li Meng Called: "Xiao Meng, take the little princess and Princess Zhuoya around Lanzhou City, just go back to the mansion before dark, and I will arrange a place for them."

Duoqi Zhuoma's face immediately beamed with joy, and just as she was about to nod her head in applause, she saw Li Meng stiffen her neck: "I don't, there are a lot of idlers here, uncle, just send someone else to go."

"Hey! You little bastard!" Xu Zizhen slapped him on the forehead, and said in a low voice, "The little princess made it clear that she wanted you to accompany her, so are you sure?"

Li Meng said with a bitter face: "Uncle, you don't know how clingy she is, it's annoying!"

"You have to go if you are troubled, you are a big man, you have to be a gentleman."

"What is a gentleman?"

Xu Zizhen was tongue-tied for a long time: "Uh... just like me."

Li Meng muttered: "That's nothing good..."

Xu Zizhen stared: "Stinky boy, what did you say?!"

Li Meng covered his head and ran away: "I'll go, can't I go?"

Duoqi Zhuoma didn't bring any guards with her, and went shopping in Lanzhou City with Li Meng, and Zhuo Ya didn't go either. In her words, she was a little tired after traveling for too long, but she didn't go to rest, she just stayed behind to watch Looking at Xu Zizhen, Xu Zizhen couldn't figure out what the goddess was thinking, but she was a guest from afar, so she didn't bother to think about it, so just let her go.

The team of horse thieves sent to escort Duoqi Zhuoma arrived at Dejincheng Pass. Everything was fresh. Look here and touch there. It didn’t take long for all the soldiers of the Shenji Battalion to arrive. All the horse thieves in the village ran out and got into trouble with the dozens of horse thieves who were going to Tubo.

Bu Fen didn't care, and let them make trouble, Xu Zizhen watched all this with a smile, and when they had had enough trouble, he coughed lightly and waved for Shenjiying to gather.

Hundreds of people quickly lined up. The team of horse thieves who came back from Tubo was led by Xiaoliu. He looked at his former brothers in surprise. Back then, they were the evil stars that criss-crossed the Northwest Road. Who ever had such discipline? day?

Xu Zizhen turned his head and smiled at Zhuo Ya: "How about my soldiers?"

Zhuoya had seen Shenjiying take action, and she was indeed very skilled and strictly obeyed orders. She nodded and said nothing, but considering her personality, this was already a very good recognition.

Xu Zizhen turned his head triumphantly, and suddenly shouted: "The recruits come out!"

Everyone froze for a moment, not knowing what it meant, but they still separated out according to his password, and soon hundreds of people from the Shenji Battalion were divided into two rows, with the recruits in front of the horse thief and behind, Xu Zizhen asked those recruits to stand On one side, his expression gradually became solemn, and he walked up to Bu Fen, reached out and took out the firecracker from his back waist, and put it in Bu Fen's hand solemnly.

This firecracker was dedicated to Xiang Size when he was in Xingzi, and now that he has been captured, this guy has naturally returned to Xu Zizhen's hands.

Bu Fen frowned, glanced at the fire gun, and asked, "What do you mean?"

Xu Zizhen said: "At the beginning, I asked Brother Bu and my brothers to help me to fight the Xixia army, but now that the Xixia army has retreated, I am too embarrassed to keep my brothers. I am happy on the Northwest Road, my army camp How can it be compared, so..."

Bu Fen said, "So you want us to get out?"

Xu Zizhen waved his hand with a serious expression: "That's not what I meant. Since you helped me, Brother Bu, I have lost many brothers. I... Now that the battle is over, Brother Bu doesn't have to suffer with my brothers here anymore."

Having said that, he clapped his hands, and a few soldiers came over and pulled over the two carts of gifts from Doki Dolma. The curtain of the cart was lifted, and besides the gifts from Tubo, there were also a pile of neatly stacked double-barreled shotguns inside.

Xu Zizhen pointed to the driveway: "Brother Bu, these things are for you, so you can share them with your brothers. In addition, I promised you at the beginning that each of you will have a gun. This can be regarded as a parting gift for our brothers."

Bu Fen stared at him for a while, then said in a deep voice, "Are you serious?"

Xu Zizhen smiled, approached Bu Fen and said in a low voice: "The great war is approaching, and the world will soon be in chaos. Instead of staying in Lanzhou, Brother Bu and his brothers, it is better to create a world for themselves, and one day they can show up again to help brothers."

Bu Fen had heard Qian Tongzhi talk about Xu Zizhen's miracles, including his prophesied Xingzibao victory, so he was not surprised by his words. He held his gun in silence, and nodded after a while: "Then I will take Brothers, go back, if you need us in the future, send someone to look for me on the Northwest Road."

Xu Zizhen smiled and stretched out his right hand: "It's a deal!"

Bu Fen also stretched out his hand and held Xu Zizhen tightly together: "It's a deal!"

Others didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Xu Zizhen's gourd. It was not until Bu Fen led the horse thieves away that they were convinced that it was not a joke. Even if Xu Zizhen is not around, as long as the soldiers of the Shenji Battalion are on the pass, everyone will feel at ease.

But now Bu Fen really left just like that, and took half of the soldiers of the Shenji Camp with him. Although those were originally Bu Fen's brothers, everyone still couldn't accept it, especially the other half of the Shenji Camp. That is to say, those recruits, in addition to being shocked, are more extremely reluctant.

In fact, the horse thieves were also reluctant, almost all of these recruits were taught by them, and now they leave as soon as they say, although they pretended nothing happened on their faces, but tears welled up in their eyes.

The farewell between the men was short but the friendship was deep, and there was a sad divorce in the air. Xu Zizhen didn't tell them the real reason. Two people know.

After Bufen left, Xu Zizhen recruited the rest of the Shenji Battalion soldiers together, seeing the dejected faces, he felt uncomfortable, but he had his own plans.

"Stand up straight for me!" Xu Zizhen took a deep breath and shouted, "Shenji camp is still Shenji camp without Brother Bu. If you really don't want to part with it, then give me a good practice, don't fuck with Shenji It's embarrassing, do you understand?"

The roar shook the sky: "Understood!"

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