Fisherman's Song Dynasty

Chapter 23: I am your father!

Xu Zizhen made a careful distinction, followed the sound, and found that the source of the sound was a few wicker baskets placed by the window, which looked no different from the others. Looking at the faint light coming in from the window, I found a graceful body curled up in the basket, with disheveled black hair and a pale face, hands and feet tied with hemp rope, and mouth tied with cloth strips.

"Why is this girl?" Xu Zizhen was taken aback when he saw this face clearly. Isn't this the big girl who was molested by Master Hua in public as a street performer? Isn't she quite capable of fighting, how could she be captured?

The big girl happened to wake up leisurely, and when she opened her eyes, she found that she was tied tightly. This shock was no small matter, and there was a faint smiling face in front of her eyes, smiling at herself like a thief. She subconsciously wanted to scream, But he found that his mouth was also blocked.

"Hush!" Xu Zizhen noticed that she was awake, and quickly raised a finger to signal her to silence, and leaned closer and whispered, "Beauty, it's me, remember?"

The eldest girl looked carefully with her eyes wide open, and quickly recognized this face. How could she not remember that day when he singled out Hua Ye and dozens of them, the heroic demeanor has been deeply imprinted in her mind, after that, she would involuntarily think of him.

Thinking of this, her cheeks couldn't help but feel hot, and she thought to herself: Why is he here?Could it be that you came to save me?

I have to say that she was too nervous, she didn't think about how she was hijacked first, but thought about these messes first, if Xu Zizhen knew what she was thinking now, I'm afraid she would be dumbfounded.

Xu Zizhen saw that she didn't respond for a long time in a daze, thinking that she hadn't recovered from the drug, so he stretched out his palm and shook it in front of her eyes, calling softly: "Beauty, wake up! Did you hear me? "

Only then did the eldest girl come back to her senses, and she barely moved as a nod. Seeing that there was nothing wrong with her sanity, Xu Zizhen quickly reached into the basket and hugged her out.

Huh?It's so well developed, it's not very heavy, hehe, it feels good...

Xu Zizhen put on a serious face, but his heart was full of joy. The big girl was already dizzy and shy.

Soon the hemp ropes on the big girl's hands and feet were untied, Xu Zizhen asked her to wait, and quickly turned around to search for other wicker baskets, and soon he found that there were people in every basket in the row by the window. , and all of them closed their eyes tightly and their faces were pale, obviously the effect of the medicine has not passed.

At this time, the hull of the boat moved suddenly, and Xu Zizhen almost shook it without paying attention. He quickly realized that the boat sailed away.

"Damn, this is troublesome." Xu Zizhen cursed secretly. Originally, if the boat didn't sail, there would still be Master Hua on the shore. Whether it was saving people or arresting them, he finally had a helper. Now it's good, just himself and a gangster The big girl who woke up not long ago.

He was thinking about countermeasures on the boat like lightning, and the flower master on the shore was even more shocked. He was talking to the boy, but when he saw that the boat started without any warning, he was surprised and said: "Why the boat?" opened?"

The boy was taken aback: "Ah? Didn't you tell us to hurry up?"

Master Hua was a little mad: "Then why don't you get on the boat?"

The boy smiled and said: "Oh, tomorrow I have to pull a shipment, I will go back with that shipment."

It's over now, the elder brother is alone on the boat, and I don't know what's going on, Master Hua's face is expressionless, but his heart is secretly bitter, he nodded and said: "Okay, then you go, I will take a walk by myself Ignore him after finishing speaking, turned around and left, and started running as soon as he got out of the pier.

Damn, find someone quickly, brother is in trouble!


Xu Zizhen looked out through the window and saw the rolling river water on the side of the boat. He felt helpless. He didn't know how many people were on board, so it was a bit troublesome.

While the boat was not far away, he pondered for a while, and said to the eldest girl, "Is it on fire?"

The eldest girl didn't know what he meant, she nodded and said: "I have it." She took out a small and slender cylinder from her bosom as she spoke.

Xu Zizhen quickly grabbed a handful of cotton rags from the basket, placed them not far from the cabin door, and pouted at the eldest girl: "Tap it."

The eldest girl said in amazement: "You... are you going to set fire to the boat?"

Xu Zizhen said anxiously: "You just have to do it quickly, otherwise none of us will be able to escape."

The eldest girl was startled by his expression, she quickly took off the lid of the small cylinder, moved her mouth closer and blew a few times, a flame burst out, the cotton wool and rags were more or less stained with soy sauce or vinegar, lighted it It was on fire, but there was no fire all of a sudden, but thick black smoke.

Xu Zizhen held two jars of soy sauce in his hand, took one and handed it to the elder girl, and said in a low voice: "If someone comes in, just hit this thing on his head, as hard as it is, do you understand?"

The eldest girl didn't know what he was going to do, so she replied blankly: "Oh."

Xu Zizhen nodded, stretched out his hand and slightly opened the cabin door, hid himself behind the door, and motioned for the eldest girl to hide on the other side, the black smoke in the cabin suddenly billowed under the blowing river wind outside the door out.

Soon there was an exclamation from the deck outside the door: "Water's coming! Water is coming out of the cabin!" Then the sound of hurried footsteps came from far and near.

The cabin door was kicked open with a bang, and someone rushed in with a bucket in his hand. He saw that the black smoke was just a pile of rags and lint, and he couldn't help being stunned. Then another person rushed in. He also carried a bucket in his hand.

Xu Zizhen winked at the eldest girl, and before they could react, he picked up the big jar in his hand and smashed it on the head of the person who came in first, and the eldest girl followed the person behind with a gourd drawing, and also came, bang bang With two crisp sounds, the jar was smashed to pieces and the soy sauce in the jar was splashed everywhere, and the two fell to the ground without even groaning.

The big girl obviously hasn't completely passed the effect of the medicine, and she was so tired that she was panting and sweating on her forehead after just such a hard work. Besides, having the experience of fighting against the little black brother last time, Xu Zizhen decided not to stay in the door and wait foolishly. They rushed in, but listened carefully outside the cabin. The movement here obviously alarmed other people outside, and soon there were footsteps coming.

Xu Zizhen estimated the distance of the person coming from outside the cabin, and jumped out suddenly, and with the force of the forward thrust, he swung his fist and slammed the door in front of the person, there was a click, and the person sprayed two sprays from his nose. The blood column rolled his eyes and flew out backwards.

Taking advantage of the unpreparedness of the approaching person, he quickly knocked down one. Before he could stand up straight, he heard a sharp sound of breaking wind from behind. Xu Zizhen reacted very quickly, advancing instead of retreating, rolling backwards , a sharp steel knife narrowly passed by his scalp.

The knife was just gone, and the man suddenly found that Xu Zizhen had rolled to his feet. He turned his wrist and stabbed the tip of the knife downward. The blade was as sharp and swift as thunder. Flying up, he kicked the man in the jaw first.

The man was looking down at Xu Zizhen, his jaw seemed to be touching Xu Zizhen's big foot, a strong force hit him, and he suddenly felt a shock on his jaw, two rows of teeth bit off the tip of his tongue, and he was in severe pain With the next scream, his body flew upside down, and finally fell on the deck a few steps away, and passed out.

Xu Zizhen turned over and stood up, and looked around vigilantly. The ones he put down on the deck were the two he saw when he got on the boat, while the one in the cabin who was knocked unconscious was dressed as an ordinary boatman. There was no one else, and the big girl came out slowly at this time, holding the side of the boat and looking at him playfully.

Now he doesn't have time to strike up a conversation with the older girls. The most urgent thing is to find a way to drive the boat back. I don't know if there is anyone on the backside. Just across the small sampan.

Xu Zizhen smiled at the eldest girl, and was about to tell her to rest for a while, but saw the eldest girl's face suddenly changed, and her eyes shouted in horror: "Be careful!"

As soon as the words fell, Xu Zizhen felt a gust of wind blowing at the back of his head, and when he turned his head suddenly, he saw a wicker basket flying towards him. Seeing that it was already in front of him, it was too late to hide, so he yelled and kicked it. Unexpectedly, the basket was coming very fiercely, and it contained a great force. Xu Zizhen felt as if he was kicked on the front of a high-speed car, his whole body was shaken, and he was knocked backward involuntarily.

This force was so incredible that Xu Zizhen felt that he could not control himself at all, and when he was about to hit the side of the ship behind him, suddenly the big girl rushed over with her teeth, stretched out her palms and pushed on his back with all her strength.

Blocked by this force, Xu Zizhen finally stopped and fell on the deck, but the big girl withstood the force and fell out towards the side of the ship with a cry of surprise. Falling into the fast-flowing canal, he disappeared in the water in an instant.

Xu Zizhen felt the hot blood rushing to the top of his head, and he stood up suddenly, his eyes were fixed on the direction of the wicker basket flying, and a figure appeared there at some point, looking at him coldly.

The man in green clothes and hat was dressed like an ordinary person, but his eyes were cold and fierce. He looked at Xu Zizhen, moved his lips, and asked in a deep voice, "Who are you?"

Xu Zizhen twisted his neck, clenched his fists tightly, made a crackling sound, narrowed his eyes and said word by word: "I am your father, I want it! You! Mother!"

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