While talking, Xu Zizhen had already stepped on the ground, but he was injured after all, and his feet were weak and he almost fell down. Su San hurriedly supported him, and said with a reproach: "Can't you lie down for a few days before going to see it? Besides, you also Don’t check what time it is, the city gates haven’t opened yet.”

"Then I'll wait at the gate of the city." Xu Zizhen was stubborn once in a while.

Lu Ying and Su San looked at each other, and suddenly discovered a characteristic of Xu Zizhen, he usually looks unruly, but when something happens, he is extremely serious.

In the end, Su San couldn't hold him back, so she had to help him dress up, and when he was done with it, he took out a gouache box, which surprised Xu Zizhen: "What are you doing? You don't need to put on rouge even if you look bad. ?”

Lu Ying laughed and said, "Brother Xu misunderstood, you are a newly dead person, if you are discovered by the golden dog at the gate of the city, it will be a big deal."

Only then did Xu Zizhen understand, but he couldn't accept Su San's use of makeup to change his appearance, and finally he had no choice but to pinch his nose and let her manipulate him.

Not long after putting on makeup, Xu Zizhen looked in front of the mirror. He had turned into a yellow-faced middle-aged man. It would be difficult to see the flaws unless he looked carefully. He couldn't help but admire Su San: "You can also Disguise? I didn't see it!"

Su San grinned: "Since I was a child, I have often pretended to be a man and slipped out to play, but I am not as skilled as Uncle Du."

"Is your father not allowing you to go out to play?"

"No, my father is an old-fashioned..."

When Su San said this, Su San's words stopped abruptly, and there was a trace of sadness on her little face. Xu Zizhen sensed that something was wrong, so he quickly persuaded her with a forced smile, "Don't worry, your father will be fine, after this matter is over, brother will bring you You play around."

Su San's eyes suddenly lit up: "Okay, okay, you can't be foolish when you talk."

Xu Zizhen smirked: "It's up to you not to be lazy, then you will be my personal servant girl."

Su San was startled, and gritted his teeth: "Of course what I said counts!"

Xu Zizhen laughed and rubbed her head: "I'm just kidding, I'm worried about your temper as a nursing home... Let's go, wait for the door to open."

Lu Ying on the side couldn't help laughing, he grew up with Su San's childhood sweetheart, he knew this girl's temper better than anyone else, she was frizzy and hot-tempered, as a maid?Xu Zizhen's house could be demolished within half a day.


When they came to the gate of the city, the sky was already a little pale, and the golden soldiers on duty at the gate yawned and looked impatiently at the people gathered inside the gate. So they can't take a long nap.

Xu Zizhen and the others mixed in the crowd. After waiting for a long time, the city gate finally opened. He endured the pain and lined up with Su San Luying to leave the city without showing any flaws, and got out of the city safely.

"Phew! It's a good thing you didn't get noticed. You're lucky." Su San was still a little nervous, and he was relieved when he left the city gate for a long distance.

Lu Ying said solemnly: "The city gate is guarded laxly, it seems that brothers Wanyan Zongwang is much less wary, so His Royal Highness King Kang will be able to return to Bianjing soon?"

Su San had already told Lu Ying about Xu Zizhen's plan in detail, and Lu Ying was a smart person, so she immediately thought of this connection.

Xu Zizhen shook his head: "No, these two boys are very suspicious, especially Wushu, who is as cautious as a mouse spirit, even if I am killed, I will not be so relieved so quickly, I guess I have to put seven Lord, stay for a few days to dampen his spirit."

Lu Yingqi said: "Brother Xu is indeed a master, he has only entered Jinying for a few days and already knows so much about Wushu, my younger brother admires it!"

Xu Zizhen smiled and did not speak. The so-called knowing yourself and the enemy will never end in a hundred battles. The famous Jin Wushu will be the main and most difficult enemy of the Song Dynasty in the next few decades.

The three of them came to the abandoned workshop of the Lu family not long after talking about it. From the outside, the door was closed and lifeless, and there was nothing unusual. Lu Ying looked around cautiously, and then tapped a few times rhythmically. Glotto, the door opened quickly, and a young man poked his head out and said in a low voice, "The master is here? Master Wen just happened to be finishing work."

Lu Ying nodded, and walked in with Xu Zizhen. The yard was still the same, overgrown with weeds and dilapidated, and the rockery flower garden was still the same, but Xu Zizhen always felt that something was wrong, and he couldn't say exactly what it was.

"The entrance is at the back, go and have a look." Lu Ying knew what Xu Zizhen was wondering about, so she smiled and continued to lead the way.

The backyard is not small, with a lot of things piled up in bits and pieces. There is a large water tank in the corner. This was used to store water in the old yard to prevent fires. It seems that it has been a few years old, and there are several holes in the mouth of the tank.

The boy walked over first, and stepped on the vat with one hand, and the big vat, which was as tall as a person, slid to the side for more than half a foot, revealing a dark hole in the ground.

Xu Zizhen praised one first: "Good method, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would never have imagined that there is such an institution here."

Lu Ying's eyes were full of admiration: "This is the masterpiece of that brother Xu, and this trick is almost unheard of."

Xu Zizhen chuckled secretly, he was an expert in the art of San Jue Tang, and he was definitely an expert at playing this game.

He took a closer look into the cave, and stepped down. The entrance of the cave was a slope with no steps, so that the soil dug out of the tunnel could be transported out. After walking a few feet down, it was half slippery. It became a horizontal line, and the inside of the cave was about half as high as a person and as wide as two people side by side, which was much better than what Xu Zizhen imagined before by climbing.

Xu Zizhen bent down and walked forward slowly. After walking more than a hundred steps, he saw a faint light in front of him. The tool is digging out the mud seriously.

This tool is about as big as a hug. The front is a two-foot-long steel drill, which is twisted and spiral-shaped. There is a handle at the back and a crank handle on the right. Xu Zizhen understood it after a while, Wen Baer Put the drill bit against the soil wall in front of you, hold the handle with your left hand and shake the handle with your right hand. The gears in the middle of the tool mesh and bite, and the drill bit in front moves quickly. The solid soil quickly loosens and falls down.

After the two-foot drill bit did not reach the bottom, Wen Baer pulled out the drill bit, then replaced it with a hoe, and dug out another section with ease. After doing this three times, the depth was soon half a foot deep. The distance was opened.

Although Xu Zizhen knew that Gongshutang was powerful, he heard that it was the first time he had seen Ba Er's tunnel-digging technique, and he blurted out: "Damn it, I'll be able to play tunnel warfare in Zhending Mansion if I stay for a few more months." .”

Wen Baer turned around when he heard the voice, and said with a smile: "I can make you a whole set of siege equipment in a few months, why are you still playing with such trouble?"

Xu Zizhen laughed: "That's true, then we'll go directly to Feihuo Meteor to blow you up."

Feihuo Meteor was the powerful oil bomb in Lanzhou during World War I. Xu Zizhen thought it was not good, so he changed it to a postmodern name.

Wen Baer smiled and continued to dig in the mud, saying: "I'll close the stall in a while, young master, you should go out first, it's very stuffy here."

Xu Zizhen nodded and turned to leave, when he suddenly remembered something: "By the way, where did you throw all the mud you dug? This is not old or young, is it?"

Wen Baer turned back and smiled again: "Didn't you notice the high ground in the yard when you entered?"

Xu Zizhen patted his thigh: "From now on, you will be the engineer company commander in my Shenji Battalion!"


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