On the fourth day of April in the seventh year of Xuanhe, it was sunny.

Xu Zizhen would never have imagined that the high-five between himself and Wanyan Ang made his caravan completely form a super-long trade route centered on the Song Dynasty and covering Xixia, Jin, Xiliao, Tubo, Dali and even the Western Regions. It also made his caravan the strongest and richest caravan in the Song Dynasty after many years, none of them.

The two then discussed the specific details of the cooperation in the room for a while. Wanyan Ang was a young talent with a good brain, while Xu Zizhen studied trade in his previous life and was familiar with doing business. Many complicated cooperation terms were resolved in a short period of time. The revision is completed within.

Of course, the agreement is all fictitious, but Xu Zizhen believes that Wan Yanang will not cheat him on this, no matter who it is, anyone who maximizes the benefits is happy to see it.

Wan Yanang left with high fighting spirit and full of longing, and went back to his Dajin site to prepare. Xu Zizhen was also preparing to leave Bianjing and go to school.

Before leaving, Xu Zizhen called Oh Ye over and handed him a letter. The letter was delivered to Li Luoyan and Yun Shanglan who were far away in Xixia. Yelu Dashi still doesn't know where he hit, but it is foreseeable that in the next few years, he will open up new sites, which means that a large number of tradable materials will gather, and this is all money.

Oh Ye went to Xixia with Xu Zizhen, so he had to go there himself, Xu Zizhen was very relieved.

Next is the arrangement of everyone in Bianjing. Although the Jingkang disaster is still some time away, Xu Zizhen has already urged Mo Lier to leave. Xie Fuchun must be transferred to Yingtian Mansion, including everyone else. Bu Fen took Shenjiying to Hebei, and he was accompanied by He Liangliang and Tang Lun. In their words, only on the battlefield can their firearms continue to improve. Maybe the next time Xu Zizhen sees them Maybe there will be new surprises.

It is not very far from Bianjing to Yingtianfu, but it still takes a few days to travel. After another day of delay, Xu Zizhen finally had to embark on his "study" road in the early morning of the next day.

Speaking of which, he is still very proud. In his previous life, he only studied in a second-rate university in a second-rate city, and he also studied second-rate majors that are flooding the streets. He did not expect that after coming to Song Dynasty, he would actually get mixed up in the highest institution of higher learning these days. , isn't it the same as Peking University and Tsinghua University at that time?

The spring breeze is proud of the horseshoe disease, Xu Zizhen hums a little song and walks on the official road, followed by Kou Qiaoyi and Bao'er, the sunny weather makes him feel happy, and he is already dreaming about the wonderful days after entering Yingtian Academy.

Women's Court, tsk tsk...

Suddenly Bao'er interrupted his wild thoughts, pointed to the front and shouted: "Eh? Uncle, look."

Xu Zizhen looked up and was taken aback for a moment. There was a gazebo not far in front of the road. Several horses were tied to the pavilion and several sedan chairs were parked. In the pavilion, there were several people looking at him with smiles. They are all acquaintances.

One is Wen Chengyan, and next to him are naturally Wen Xian, Qian Tongzhi, and a burly and tough man who is actually Zhao Gou's personal bodyguard Yan Zhao.

Xu Zizhen hurried forward and said with a smile, "Master Wen, why are you here?" He suddenly said at this point, "Oh yes, Lao Qian wants to respond to Tianshuyuan. You and Xianer are here to see him off, right?"

Wen Chengyan smiled without saying a word, Wen Xian took the words and said with a smile: "Of course my cousin wants to respond to Tianshuyuan, but it's not only him, I also need to pass."

Xu Zizhen was taken aback for a moment, and then he was overjoyed: "Xian'er, you mean you also study in Yingtian Academy? Women's Academy?"

Wen Xian pursed her lips and nodded with a smile. Qian Tongzhi laughed beside her and said, "My cousin is a well-known talented woman. You can get into Yingtian Academy, so why can't she get in?"

Xu Zizhen glared at him and said, "When did I say that Xian'er can't get in? Don't sow discord here! Uh, Lao Yan, you are..." He thought of Yan Zhao again in the middle of speaking, and couldn't help but look over.

No wonder Xu Zizhen wanted to laugh but was embarrassed to laugh now, because what Yan Zhao was wearing today was really nondescript. He obviously looked like a blacksmith, but he was wearing a Confucian shirt and a happy towel, and he was carrying a In the book chamber, a picture appeared in Xu Zizhen's mind. The new version of A Chinese Ghost Story was released, and Ning Caichen, who originally played Zhang Fei, cameo.

Yan Zhao also seemed to know that his image was very strange, he scratched his head and smiled embarrassedly: "I...I also go to Yingtian Academy to study."

Xu Zizhen only felt his jaw drop to the ground, and his eyes were staring straight: "Are you going to Yingtian Academy to study?"

Yan Zhao looked even more embarrassed, and said with a dry laugh: "And it's...hehe, it's the inner courtyard, the prince said that it's good for me to feel the atmosphere, if you don't ask me to be both civil and military, at least I won't look like a reckless man in the future. "

Xu Zizhen didn't know what to say, Yan Zhao was an out-and-out martial artist, he could read a few characters, but wouldn't bringing him into Yingtian Academy ruin the reputation there?What's more, if you go directly to the inner courtyard, that is, the Xiuwen Hall, Zhao Gou is not afraid that the talented scholars there will drown Yan Zhao with their saliva?

However, a sudden flash of light flashed in his mind, and he immediately understood Zhao Gou's intentions. Yan Zhao's going to study was a lie, and it was true to protect himself. Speaking of which, Yan Zhao was actually very skilled. Last time he was severely injured in the Zhending Camp It was also because he was drugged by the insider. If Xu Zizhen fought with him, he would definitely only be abused.

Regardless of whether Zhao Gou really wants to protect him or wants to use Yan Zhao to control himself in a disguised form, even the latter is because Zhao Gou has become dependent on him now and dare not let himself go.

Xu Zizhen was moved in his heart, patted Yan Zhao's shoulder, and sighed heavily: "Old Yan, thank you for your hard work!"

Yan Zhao's eyes turned red, and he was about to cry, why would he want to study? In his opinion, even sending him to work as a coolie in the mines is better than reciting poems every day, but the prince's order cannot be violated. He had to go.

There are not many expert guards around Zhao Gou, but after Xu Zizhen mentioned his "future" many times, he has a strong confidence that nothing will happen to him, but Xu Zizhen is his treasure, His safety must be guaranteed, so despite Yan Zhao's persuasion, he dispatched the strongest force around him.

Xu Zizhen quickly understood Zhao Gou's intentions, and accepted it readily. In fact, it doesn't matter whether he protects or not. Anyway, he likes Yan Zhao's temper. .

Together, several people arrived at Yingtian Mansion three days later, not too early or too late.

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