Xu Zizhen was overjoyed, hugged Shui Liuli, put his mouth together, and said with a smirk: "I haven't seen you for so many days, I miss you so much, come and give me a mouth first."

But Shui Liuli said angrily with a flushed face, "You...be more serious, Wanyan Zonghan is gone."

Xu Zizhen just put his head into Shui Liuli's arms, and muttered, "Whether he leaves or not is none of my business...you are not his wife."

Shui Liuli pushed him shyly and anxiously: "Oh, don't hurry up and get ready, I'm going to inform Big Brother Bu and the others."

Xu Zizhen woke up suddenly, and found that half of his head was covered in a thin spring shirt, and the tip of his nose was stuck between two elastic jade rabbits. He saw Shui Liuli who was arranging her clothes with a pretty blushing face.

Huh?This is not a dream?

He finally came to his senses, turned over and jumped off the bed: "What did you say? Wanyan Zonghan finally left?"

"Yes, according to what you said, he's been gone for an hour, and you still don't want to do anything? My young master Xu!" Shui Liuli gave him an angry look, but Xu Zizhen didn't see much anger, but was full of anger. It's all about spring.

Xu Zizhen came to his senses all of a sudden. It seemed that Zhao Zhi's message had worked. Both Fenzhou and Taiyuan had taken actions. Naturally, Wanyan Zonghan had to go to the front line to see what was going on. If he didn't do it now, when would he wait?

He stood by the bed wearing only a pair of trousers, waved his big hand and said solemnly: "Okay! I announce that the operation has officially begun!"

After Shui Liuli blushed and left, Xu Zizhen dressed neatly and sat in the dark for a while. Bu Fen and the others would not appear so soon, and there was still enough time for him to go through the plan again. After a while, he stood up , Hearing that there was no movement outside the house, he quietly went out to the next door.

Xu Zizhen knocked lightly on the door, and soon the door was opened. He slipped in and closed the door.

It was Aunt Lan who opened the door. She understood Xu Zizhen's appearance, and said in a low voice, "Should I get ready to go?"

Xu Zizhen nodded, looking inside, Gillian was half sitting up from the bed, her eyes were sleepy, she was only wearing a close-fitting gown, which made Xu Zizhen a little disappointed, Jin Guoniu is different from Jiangnanniu. Liuli can wear a see-through obscene dress when sleeping, which is a feast for his eyes, but the one on Gillian's body is perfectly stitched, only two white and delicate shoulders are exposed, boring, really boring.

Aunt Lan and Gillian have been sleeping together for the past few days, just for this day to come. Aunt Lan had a look of excitement in her eyes, but she quickly suppressed it and packed up her luggage in an orderly manner. Gillian rubbed her eyes and watched After a while, I realized that I was overjoyed and got out of bed, grabbed the clothes at the head of the bed and was about to put them on.

Xu Zizhen's eyeballs turned bad and water came out again, he grabbed her and said, "Don't wear it, just wear it like this."

A-Jiao was startled, and spat: "You're going to die, how can this princess, with golden branches and jade leaves, just go out like this?"

Xu Zizhen said seriously: "You pighead? You are going to be hijacked in a while. Have you seen any robbers who arrest people and let them dress up in fancy dress? Aren't they all caught in a hurry? Are you planning to Do people see the flaws and come after you, or do you plan to tear my love into the water?"

Gillian froze for a moment, she seemed to be right. If she dressed neatly before leaving, she would be seen by someone if she didn't dress properly. Although she was impatient, she was by no means an idiot. She must have guessed that she had colluded with others. , and I added that I came to take myself back, but I have been staying here for several days, and he will definitely be involved by then.

Thinking of this, she pursed her lips, and reluctantly said: "Then... that's fine, but it's too embarrassing for me to just go out like this."

Xu Zizhen suppressed a smile and pointed to the quilt on the bed: "Use this."


In the dead of night, the city of Datong was dead silent. A curfew had been enforced since the Jin soldiers captured here. No one alive except cats and dogs dared to come and go in the middle of the night.

Suddenly a rush of gongs sounded, awakening the sleeping people and Jin soldiers nearby.

"It's water! It's water!"

A group of golden soldiers on night patrol rushed to it, not far away was one of the left army's combat readiness storage points in Datong City, but when they just came outside the gate, dozens of black streaks suddenly flew out of the surrounding darkness. Shadow, before they could react, the bright knife light had already flown up.

In just a moment, the blood of the golden soldiers lying all over the ground converging into a small river under the moon.

Those black shadows gathered together, looked at each other and nodded, one of them said in a low voice: "Go to the next place, try to disrupt the city as much as possible, and drag the guards so that the third child and the others can burn the granary smoothly."

One person replied: "Third Lord and the others have more than 200 heroes, even if the golden dog goes to seek a few tricks, it may not be of much use."

The previous man said: "Just in case, it's better to be cautious, let's go!"

"Yes!" The rest of the people whispered in unison, and then everyone disappeared under the moonlight in an instant, and the surroundings returned to dead silence. If it weren't for the blood flow and dead bodies on the ground, it seemed that nothing had happened here.

A moment later, the head of a golden soldier suddenly popped out from the pile of dead bodies, looked around in horror, then got up and ran away quickly.

A dozen or so people in the dark chuckled softly: "Damn it, boss's trick seems to be really useful, this kid has gone to report."

"I don't know how many people can be deceived. There are still five thousand gold dogs in Datong City. We can't bear it if we don't deceive more."

"Miss Shui is guarding the west gate of Tongliangcang. Let's gather first and wait for her to report."

The black shadow quickly dispersed quietly, and not long after, it appeared outside a big mansion. This is Wanyan Zonghan's temporary residence, which is where Xu Zizhen is currently.

A calm face appeared under the moonlight, it was Bu Fen, and there were 100 people ambushing in the dark around him, all of them were his former brothers, old horse thieves on the Northwest Road.

Time passed by little by little, and the night was still pitch black, but Bu Fen was very patient, still hiding quietly.

I don't know how long it took, a graceful figure rushed towards him in the night, and landed in front of him silently, it was Shui Liuli who he was waiting for.

As soon as Shui Liuli landed, she said in a low voice: "The golden soldiers have left the city, and 3000 people have been separated."

Bu Fen pondered for a while: "Is there still two thousand left in the city? It shouldn't be a problem." After speaking, he suddenly put his palms together around his mouth, imitating the vivid cry of a night owl.


Several deep and rapid cracking sounds sounded, and several golden soldiers on duty at night in front of the house suddenly covered their throats together, their faces constricted in horror, and they were out of breath before they gave any warning.

Bu Fen jumped out and shouted in a low voice: "Be quiet and start killing!"

What responded to him was a series of black shadows, pouring into the mansion like evil spirits suddenly appearing from hell.


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