As soon as the words came out, the audience was silent, and everyone's eyes were fixed on A-Jiao. A-Jiao was looked at a little unnaturally, she curled her lips and muttered: "What I said is true, believe it or not, it's up to you."

Zhang Xiaochun looked at Xu Zizhen suspiciously: "Xu Yishi, this is...?"

Xu Zizhen rolled his eyes and said, "Oh, this is my godmother's daughter, so she is also my younger sister. This girl was originally pouring Yexiang at Wanyan Zonghan's mansion, so she knows that bastard a little bit." After finishing speaking, he turned to A Jiao said, "Aren't you guessing?"

A-Jiao is not angry at all, pouring Yexiang is just emptying the toilet to clean the latrine, the damned stinky guy actually said that he does this, don't give me a chance, or I will definitely give you a good look!

But in front of so many people, she had no choice but to endure, and said solemnly: "Of course, although I don't know how to fight, I know better than you guys about my clingy temper."

Those present all knew Xu Zizhen's virtues, so naturally they automatically filtered out his nonsense, but they listened to what Gillian said.

Zhang Xiaochun's expression became serious, and after thinking for a while, he said: "In this case... Come here, order me to go down and prepare to defend the city at midnight tonight!" The messenger left in response, and Zhang Xiaochun pulled Xu Zizhen with a smile again and said, "Xu Yishi , if you don’t dislike it, please condescend to rest in the government office, if you have any doubts, you can come to ask a question or two, I don’t know what the righteous man thinks?”

Xu Zizhen said with a smile: "Master Zhang, I'm just a commoner. If you are 'under', then I am not underground? This is really a bit unlucky."

Zhang Xiaochun was taken aback, then laughed loudly, took Xu Zizhen's hand and said, "That's right, that's my hypocrisy, if Mr. Xu Yishi doesn't dislike it, we will not be as good as brothers in the future, what do you think?"

Xu Zizhen had a good impression of this cheerful and forthright magistrate, so naturally he agreed without saying a word. The two called brothers and chatted a few words with a smile. Zhang Xiaochun stopped talking. He knew that Xu Zizhen and his gang had just gone through a fierce battle, and what they needed most now was to eat rest.

The chasing golden soldiers had already been repulsed, Xu Zizhen looked around, not a single soldier from the Shenji Battalion was here, and they were hardly injured. After all, he, Su San and Aunt Lan fought in the front line, the biggest The pressure is naturally on the three of them, but all of them don't look very good-looking, with mud all over their bodies, and they all look like mud monkeys.

Xu Zizhen suddenly thought of someone, and asked, "Big Brother Zhang, where is Empress Rong Xi? Are you still in the city?"

Zhang Xiaochun said: "His Royal Highness Di Ji is resting in the mansion... Brother Yu, Brother Yu has ordered someone to prepare a little wine, how about you and I drink and chat after returning to the city?"

Xu Zizhen's eyes lit up. He was already so hungry that his hands were trembling after fighting a vicious battle all evening. Now he only hoped that there would be a roasted golden whole lamb in front of him, the kind that would be sizzling with fragrant mutton fat.

The horses under control had already been led in by the city guards happily. This was a windfall for Taiyuan City. Xu Zizhen got on his horse and followed Zhang Xiaochun into the city. Accompanied by everyone from Shenji Camp, Bu Fenshui Liuli and others followed closely behind.

As soon as he entered the city gate, Xu Zizhen was stunned for a moment. The straight street in front of him was full of people standing on both sides. They were all ordinary people in Taiyuan City. From officials, Confucian merchants to peddlers, everyone’s faces were full of excitement. As soon as Xu Zizhen showed his face, the crowd suddenly burst into cheers, expressing their highest and heartfelt respect to Xu Zizhen and the soldiers of the Shenji Battalion with their enthusiasm.

Xu Zizhen had been treated like this when he was in Lanzhou, but at this moment he couldn't help but be moved, Zhang Xiaochun turned his head and smiled: "Your brother defeated tens of thousands of troops outside the city with hundreds of elite cavalry. It only took half an hour to spread throughout the city, and I am afraid that after today, my virtuous brother will be named as the God of War in Taiyuan again."

God of War again, I really hate fighting...

Xu Zizhen sighed secretly, but he was very happy in his heart, his unimaginable plan, the attitude of Zhang Xiaochun and the people of Taiyuan City towards him was a very important part.

The common people were excited and wanted to see the hero's demeanor, but everyone stood on both sides in an extremely orderly manner. Xu Zizhen and Zhang Xiaochun walked in front, and the Shenji camp followed slowly, although their faces and bodies were full of blood. It was mud and blood, but the eyes of the people still looked at them with reverence, as if they were looking at their god, their patron saint.

Xu Zizhen was riding on a horse, smiling and clasping his fists to both sides of the street. Although he looked a bit embarrassed now, his eyes were still bright, his body was still tall and straight, and the Tang knife that had killed countless enemies was hung squarely on his waist.

In just one night, the image of Xu Zizhen has penetrated into the hearts of all Taiyuan people.

Half an hour later, the group finally arrived at the Taiyuan government office. Outside the yamen, two rows of guards stood, and the four doors were wide open. Zhang Xiaochun greeted Xu Zizhen and other more than 500 civilians without any rank and fame with the highest etiquette as the magistrate.

The reception banquet was held in the courtyard of the government office. The large round tables were filled with various dishes, which were extremely rich. There was also a small wine jar on each table. Xu Zizhen, who had been hungry for a long time, met Shenji Yingzhong Immediately, he couldn't turn his eyes away, Zhang Xiaochun was very discerning, so he stopped talking nonsense and asked Xu Zizhen and others to sit down.

Xu Zizhen insisted until now just to have a full meal, take a bath and have a good sleep, but the rules are always the rules, and Zhang Xiaochun still has to say a few words on the scene before they can start the meal they have endured for a long time.

Zhang Xiaochun picked up his wine glass and smiled. Just as he stood up to say a few words, a voice with a chuckle suddenly came from a side door next to the yard: "Master Zhang, if you say a few more words, they will faint from hunger." Here it is."

As the voice fell, a stunning beauty dressed in palace attire appeared in the side door, her eyes fluttered, like spring water, like morning stars, everyone present, especially the men, were all shocked by this pair of beautiful eyes. stunned.

Zhang Xiaochun hurriedly put down his wine glass, and was about to salute after a few steps, saying: "Your Majesty Zhang Xiaochun pays respects to Empress Rong Xi."

It was Zhao Zhen who came, she stretched out her hand to help, and said with a slight smile: "Master Zhang, excuse me." After speaking, she glanced at the tables all over the courtyard, and said with a sweet smile, "Master Zhang, your arrangement may be a bit inappropriate. "

Zhang Xiaochun was startled, and hurriedly said in panic: "I don't know what's wrong, please forgive me, Your Highness."

Xu Zizhen finally came back to his senses, leaned over and said with a smile: "Master Zhang has already meant enough to us, what else is wrong?"

Zhao Yan glanced at him, and greeted behind him with a smile: "Send it up."


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