Xu Zizhen finally figured out why the godmother was so calm and majestic when she entered Taiyuan City, dancing with an embroidered knife so fiercely that it dazzled her eyes. It turned out that she was the famous first female general of Liangshan back then!

But by the way, didn't San Sanniang die when Fangla was conquered?She seems to remember being shot to death with gold bricks by someone, and she died with her unlucky man Wang Xiaohu. How come she is still alive after all these years, and then went to the Kingdom of Jin to become the nanny of Princess Gillian?

Xu Zizhen opened his mouth but didn't dare to ask after all. He was afraid that even Wang Ying, the short-legged tiger, was a fiction. When the time came, he would make up a man who was a head shorter than her for the godmother, so that the godmother would find a brick in a fit of anger to take a picture of himself first. die.

The city temporarily calmed down, and the group went straight back to the Taiyuan government office. Xu Zizhen did not forget to take Bufen along with him because of his excitement. This old horse thief who lived in the northwest all the year round must not know what happened to the Liangshan hero. I have to open my eyes to him today.

But what made him feel strange was that Bu Fen's attitude seemed a little cold. Reminiscent of the look in his eyes that he accidentally saw just now, Xu Zizhen couldn't help asking: "Brother Bu, do you have something on your mind?"

Bu Fen was silent for a moment, then shook his head, before Xu Zizhen could ask him again, he had already left, Xu Zizhen had no choice but to give up.

Back in the backyard of the government office, Xu Zizhen brought everyone into the flower hall, first found a maid and asked her to tidy up a room for Qiongying, then sat down impatiently and waited to listen to Hu Sanniang's story.

Seeing his eager look, Hu Sanniang couldn't help smiling: "Actually, there is nothing to say, except that I didn't die back then."

Xu Zizhen said with an apologetic smile: "Mother, there must be a link between the past and the future when telling a story, right?"

Hu Sanniang smiled and tapped Xu Zizhen's forehead with her index finger, her expression gradually became serious, and she slowly told her stories about these years.

Fiction is indispensable in the novel, but many of them are true. As the only female general on Liangshan at that time, Hu Sanniang served as the leader of the Ma Jun, the spy of the three armed forces in Liangshan, and she was adopted by Song Jiang's father as a foster daughter, that is, Song Jiang's son. As a godmother, her status in Liangshan is not low.

When going south to conquer Fangla, Hu Sanniang often took the lead and charged forward. Her skills were extremely high, and she was rarely defeated all the way. But when she entered Fangla's base camp, something went wrong and she was ambushed. In the next day, she was besieged by several generals, and finally she was shot and fell off the horse after exhausting herself.

This shot was very deep, almost piercing her chest and abdomen. At that time, almost everyone thought she was dead, and the final collision between the two armies of Song, Jiang and Fangla began. Then, the battle quickly became intense, and all the soldiers who charged forward fell down one after another, and no one cared about Hu Sanniang who fell to the side.

When she woke up in a daze, she found that the battle had shifted. There were corpses everywhere, coagulated blood and broken limbs everywhere. She couldn't see a living life within her sight. Hu Sanniang was a little at a loss. The Brotherhood left her behind, and she felt a little sad, a little in disbelief.

But at this time, she never thought that nearly half of the brothers who went with her had already died in that short period of time. In that half day, life was cheap. It was only later that she realized that even Zhang Qing and Dong Pingdu was killed in battle, Wu Song and Yang Zhi were defeated, all on that day.

Perhaps it was Hu Sanniang's good luck. Although the shot pierced her body, it managed to avoid the vital point. She practiced martial arts since she was a child, and her physique is exceptionally good. .

But there was no living person nearby, and she couldn't move around. In order to avoid being discovered by Fang Lajun's people, she had to grit her teeth and use the remaining strength to crawl into an empty residential house. He was found by Fang Lajun who broke in while he was asleep.

The house was empty, and there was only a broken tank in the courtyard. Those days, when she was hungry, she ate a few mouthfuls of the hardened cooking cakes she carried with her, and when she was thirsty, she drank a few mouthfuls of the muddy water in the tank. Finally, the sky never stopped her, and after persisting for a few days, she finally recovered slowly.

It's just that when she came out, she didn't look for Liang Shanjun. Although she knew Song Jiang's brother had won at that time, her heart was cold, because no one came to rescue her when she was seriously injured and fell off the horse. All the respect and kindness towards her seemed to evaporate in an instant.

She left that place far away, and quietly recovered from her injuries in a remote town. After a few months, her injuries completely healed, and her mood gradually calmed down. She somewhat understood the situation at that time. The situation, because even in the small place where she was recuperating, the common people knew how many brothers Song Jiangzheng Fangla had died.

Hu Sanniang decided to go back. She found out that Brother Song Jiang and the rest of the brothers had gone to Bianjing because the emperor wanted to reward them.

But just after she traveled thousands of miles to Bianjing, she heard a fact that she couldn't believe, Song Jiang died.

After the hard-working Liang Shanzhong was exterminated Fang La, Gao Qiu Cai Jing and others teamed up to force Song Jiang to death with poisoned wine, while the surviving brothers scattered and disappeared in frustration.

Hu Sanniang was stunned at that moment, her family was gone, her brother was gone, and her brothers were gone, she didn't know where to go, but no matter what she didn't want to stay in Song Dynasty anymore, because Those officials disgusted her so much.

So she went to Song Jiangfen and cried a lot, and then resolutely went straight to the north and entered the border of the Kingdom of Jin. Since then, she disguised herself as an ordinary woman.

Later, she met an honest young man, got married, and gave birth to a son, but just when she felt happy and peaceful, misfortune fell from the sky. Her husband accidentally fell into the river and died while going out. Abandoned her and a few months old son.

But before she was freed from the grief of losing her husband, an accident happened again. Her son, who was only a few months old, suddenly fell ill for unknown reasons. He had a high fever and kept coughing. And died.

At that time, Hu Sanniang no longer had the will to live, and she came to the river outside her house like a walking corpse, only thinking of throwing herself into the river to kill herself, but when she was about to throw herself into the river, she was rescued.

It was a lady from the Kingdom of Jin who was over half a hundred years old. She was patiently persuading her, but at that time, Hu Sanniang had already had the will to die, so she was willing to listen, but when the old woman heard what happened to Hu Sanniang, she suddenly had a heart attack. Patted her forehead, and then led her to a big house.

When Hu Sanniang said this, her expression was sad. Although so many years have passed, the grief at that time still hasn't diminished at all.

Xu Zizhen felt as if his throat was choked by something, and he didn't know what to say, so he gently hugged Hu Sanniang's shoulder.

Hu Sanniang turned her head and smiled at him, and said: "There was a baby in the house that the mother-in-law took me to, and her mother also died of a sudden sudden illness. At that time, my mother saw the baby crying, and the whole house was crying again and again. I don't have a female relative, if I don't breastfeed, I'm afraid the child won't survive, so I immediately softened my heart and became her nanny, which means I picked a child for nothing, and I've become more and more unwilling to die since then."

The whole room was silent. Although Hu Sanniang survived the battle, her experience was so unbearable that people couldn't help but sigh.

However, a thought suddenly flashed in Xu Zizhen's mind, and he blurted out: "Mom, why do I hear these things are caused by someone behind the scenes?"


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