The originally lifeless city wall was instantly brightly lit, and countless city guards appeared at the top of the city holding longbows. Xu Zizhen waved his hands casually: "Kill people, keep horses."

The infantry can only wait to die when they face the cavalry rushing, and the cavalry is not as good as the infantry when they cannot sprint. Now the two gates of the inner city of the urn have been closed, and they have become [-] head trapped in a cage. Arrows rained down on the slaughtered sheep, and blood flowed into rivers in the city in an instant. Only a few thousand panicked horses were left jumping and neighing, but there was no way to escape.

Shui Liuli walked down from the winch at the head of Wengcheng City, carrying a man in black in his hand, and came to the wall of the inner city. The Taoist priest in Xuanyi was already waiting there, and there was also a man in black at his feet.

Taoist Xuanyi looked at the figure of Xu Zizhen at the top of the city, and praised him sincerely: "Zizhen is really smart, he can guess when the Jin people will come to steal the city."

Shui Liuli was happier to hear her master praise Xu Zizhen than herself, pursed her lips and said with a light smile: "He can guess what the golden man thinks, but the golden man can't guess his shot. How ugly his face must be."

A Puwang's face was really ugly. He was confidently preparing to take Taiyuan in a flash, but he didn't expect the situation to reverse instantly. Instead, his five thousand cavalry were eaten in a flash.

With a wave of his hand, another [-] troops were divided into the waiting army around him, and he said through gritted teeth: "Give me an order, even if you die, you have to capture the city!"

Just [-], now another [-], a total of [-] infantry rushed towards the city wall of Taiyuan. Most of the generals in Dangkou City must have been drunk and unconscious, so the people staying on the top of the city are no more than a few thousand soldiers at best.

I don't know who discovered his intentions early on, and then made a temporary design to lure the five thousand cavalry into the city to trap and kill them, but the absolute advantage in military strength lies here, coupled with the current monstrous anger, Apuwang can't finish it. Yan Zonghan said to retain his troops, he must take Taiyuan down, and then wash the city with blood to vent his hatred.

Numerous ladders were quickly transported to the edge of the city, and A Puwang had decided to use the crowd tactics to attack. The banners of the former army commanders around him were erected high, and the tigers on the banners of the torches were reflected fiercely.

The previous [-] infantry had already approached the city wall, and a ladder was erected early, and it seemed that they were about to reach the top of the city, but it was strange that the defenders on the city did not shoot an arrow or a stone, but just leaned on the side of the arrow stack and watched. , as it got closer, the Jin soldiers under the city clearly saw a playful look in Song Jun's eyes.

A Puwang clenched the reins of the horse and stared at the distant city wall. At this moment, there was a commotion from behind, and then someone shouted in surprise: "There are assassins!"

All the generals and guards beside Shuai Qi were stunned. Even though the main force had gone out, there were still 5000 troops here. How dare an assassin come in?Could it be that he came to seek death?

But then they realized that their guess was wrong. The assassins really came, and there were quite a few of them. At first glance, there were at least dozens of them. Each of them was holding a dagger in their hands, and they were moving towards Apu at a very fast speed. They came suddenly, and every time their figures flashed, there were always people screaming and falling off their horses, or their throats, or chests and abdomens, almost all of them were killed by one blow.

Apuwang was already furious, is this the assassin sent by the Song people?Is it true that my former army camp is a fake?With a wave of his hand, he immediately dispatched five hundred guards to surround him.

Those assassins did not ride horses, but the speed under their feet was faster than that of galloping horses, and they were also cunning, so they could move freely through the crowd. , but found that those assassins could fly.

That's right, they really can fly. The assassins didn't show the slightest panic when they faced the menacing cavalry encirclement. They flew over their heads, and as soon as their feet landed, they came towards Apuwang again.

Now the golden soldiers finally panicked completely. The last guards around Apugong hurriedly raised their crossbows, but those assassins were extremely cunning, and they always mixed in with the golden soldiers when they marched. They could kill while walking, but Apu Wang's guards didn't dare to shoot arrows. There were so many people, they might not hurt a few assassins, but many of their own people would be injured by mistake.

After only such a hesitation, half of the assassins were already approaching him. A Puwang finally had the demeanor of a general, and he was very calm, just preparing to face the battle calmly and calmly.

But what he didn't expect again was that those assassins regarded him as nothing, but scattered out, looking for those who were holding torches to operate. Suddenly realized that these assassins did not intend to assassinate themselves, but to create the illusion that they were assassinated so that the army that was attacking the city would be confused.

"Go ahead and light the fire. I don't believe that it's better to extinguish the fire than to light it!"

But before Apuwang's sneer stopped, the corners of his mouth froze, because those assassins suddenly turned around again, knocked down the tall flag on the ground, and threw a torch away. , the banner was instantly ignited.

"Kill me! Don't let any one go!"

A Puwang almost screamed out these words, these assassins did not know where the Song people found them, and their skills are so strong, so he must not put these people back, he must kill them all!

The field is full of long-time veterans, and they cooperate tacitly. After A Puwang's order, they quickly opened up the distance. Thousands of people quickly retreated. After a while, a circle was formed, exposing the assassins in the center. .

A Puwang saw clearly that there were 40 assassins in total, all of them were dressed in short clothes and held daggers, but what surprised him was that these assassins were not like the people of Song Dynasty, but all of them had short hair about an inch long, which looked extraordinarily neat and tidy, making it even more impressive A Puwang was surprised that although these assassins were surrounded, there was no trace of panic on their faces, but only a touch of joking.

The leading assassin tilted his head and sneered at the companion beside him: "The Patriarch said that if this step is reached, the golden man will shrink himself into an egg, and he is really right."

The partner laughed, and raised his chin and shouted at A Puwang: "Hey, didn't your father teach you not to leave your butt for others to poke when you are fighting? Oh, by the way, this is what our master asked me to tell you .”

"What?" A Puwang was about to order random arrows to kill these assassins in a rage, but the second sentence made him startled, a thought flashed through his mind, and he suddenly blurted out, "No, Quickly line up!"

The assassins laughed in unison: "It's too late, it's too late!"

A dull and rapid sound of horseshoes suddenly appeared not far away, and it fell into Apuwang's ears like thunder. Before he could see which way it was, he heard a loud noise that was both familiar and unfamiliar.

"Bang! Bang bang bang..."

A group of men and horses came out on both sides. There were not many people, only a few hundred, but all the knights on the horses were holding a thing that scared Apuwang and all the golden men - firecrackers.

Groups of dazzling flames flashed by, and before the guards of the Golden Army had time to react, they fell off the horse in pieces.

A Puwang felt his eyes go dark, and murmured in disbelief: "Shenji Camp?!"


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