At this moment, Xu Zizhen's thinking was unconstrained. He seemed to see the scene after his death. The Northern Song Dynasty followed the historical track and became the Southern Song Dynasty. Zhao Gou became emperor, Yue Fei appeared, and then was killed by Qin Hui. Confidante friends will all return to their own destiny, one by one, they will become widows, remarry or find another good husband, and the confidante will eventually wither in this chaotic world.

I don't know how long it took, Xu Zizhen suddenly heard a sharp whistling sound from outside the carriage, and a muffled hum from outside the carriage, which sounded like A Jishan's, and then the carriage seemed to be blocked by something, and there was a loud bang. With a loud noise, the car was bounced up a foot high and fell back to the ground heavily, then stopped.

The exclamation and cursing of the accompanying soldiers came from behind the car, and the clanging of knives unsheathed could be heard endlessly.

Mo Jingxia's expression changed suddenly, and he yelled something Xu Zizhen couldn't understand. There was no sound outside the car, and A Jishan, who was supposed to drive the car, didn't answer him. Mo Jingxia pulled out his knife and jumped out of the car. When he got to the shaft of the chariot, he saw that A Jishan was already lying there, his body half bent and motionless, with a long arrow's feather protruding from his chest.

"what happened?"

A leading general came quickly among the soldiers, and said in a panic, "There is...there is an enemy attack!"

Mo Jingxia showed a look of contempt on his face, Song people are like this, they are frightened when something serious happens, but A Jishan was shot to death by a cold arrow, and there is no sign of the enemy, although someone may have received the wind He came to rescue Xu Zizhen, but if he didn't come out until now, there might only be a few people. With so many people on his side, what's so scary?

"You, you, you, you, check around, the rest of the people will continue to escort the car, don't worry about him." At this time, Mo Jingxia no longer had the usual wretched look, but a stern expression, calm and calm. Arranged the scene sequentially, and finally rushed to the shaft to pick up the reins and whip, and took another look at the dead A Jishan, without a trace of pity or sadness in his eyes.

He picked this extremely ugly Khitan man on the way, just because he was honest and dull and could not understand Chinese, so he thought it would be good to stay by his side and be an obedient dog. He said that he was an apprentice and had nothing to do with him, and now he is dead. Just die, it's nothing.

Xu Zizhen was awake, he couldn't move, but he could hear. Su San also opened her eyes and tried to look out of the car. She didn't know what happened, but her sixth sense told her that someone came to save them.

Mo Jingxia stretched out his hand and was about to push the dead A Jishan under the car, but at this moment, something happened suddenly. Just as he stretched out his hand, A Jishan, who was obviously dead, suddenly turned over and shot like a knife. Dian seized Mo Jingxia's pulse gate, and at the same time roared: "Do it!"

These two characters are sonorous and powerful, and the accent is round, which is clearly the standard Jilu official dialect. Mo Jing's veins were blocked inadvertently, and all the strength in his body was immediately sealed. Half of his body was so weak that he could no longer move, but his heart But he was shocked. He watched A Jishan sit up and stared at him coldly. The arrow also fell to the side. The arrow was round and bald.

At the same time, dozens of people suddenly appeared on both sides of the road, all of them were dressed in commoner clothes and short jackets, some with knives and some with swords in their hands, but they were obviously a group of Song people.

These Song people are very skilled. They jumped out from the side of the road and rushed towards the soldiers. Those soldiers had been working in King Jing's mansion for a long time, and their skills and courage were not as good as before. Xu Zizhen is so precious, if he is thrown back, no one will survive.

That team of soldiers shouted Qi Qi to meet them, and swung their knives to fight those Song people who robbed them.

Mo Jingxia was full of shock and anger in his heart, but his face remained calm, he only looked at A Jishan, and said indifferently: "The old man is still mistaken, Your Excellency's Khitan language is really authentic, I don't know who is Your Excellency?"

A Jishan pulled him over with one hand, and with the other hand he took out a piece of rope to bind Mo Jingxia's hands tightly, and said in his mouth: "You don't have to care who I am, anyway, if I don't die today, you will die." , there will be no day of goodbye in the future."

While talking, Mo Jingxia was already tied tightly, A Jishan threw him on the shaft of the car, and sneaked into the car, first pulled Su San's arm and cut off the rope in her hand, and then came to Xu Zizhen's side , turned over the palm of his hand and found a round and black pill, supported Xu Zizhen's chin and fed the pill into his mouth, and said in a low voice: "I'm sorry a few days ago, if it wasn't like this, I couldn't hide it from those thieves."

Although Su San was unbound, she still stared at A Jishan in a daze. After he entered the carriage, Su San suddenly found that this figure seemed familiar, like a person very close to her, but that face stopped her from thinking. , but now that A Jishan spoke, the accent made her feel as if she had been struck by lightning, and she looked at him incredulously in disbelief.

"Brother Luying? it you?"

A Jishan's movements stopped suddenly, and after a while, he sighed softly, turned his back to Su San and nodded slowly: "It's me."

Su San was stunned, unwilling to accept this fact. The Lu Ying she knew was handsome and elegant, but this "A Jishan" in front of her was so ugly that people didn't even want to take a second look. Lu Ying didn't say anything, hello After Xu Zizhen took the medicine, he waited quietly. After a while, Xu Zizhen felt a warm current in his stomach, gradually extending along his limbs and bones, feeling extremely warm and comfortable.

Xu Zizhen's sanity gradually recovered, and he opened his eyes to look at Lu Ying. The conversation between him and Su San just now reached Xu Zizhen's ears, and like Su San, he didn't know what happened before.

The sounds of fighting and screams outside the car were endless, and the Song people who appeared by the roadside were fighting fiercely with the soldiers accompanying the car. Lu Ying looked very calm, as if she was very relieved about the situation outside the car.

Sure enough, it didn't take long before the sound outside the car became smaller and smaller, until it stopped, the curtain of the car was lifted, and another person came in, Xu Zizhen couldn't help being stunned, the person who came was an acquaintance, he was the one who helped Xu Zizhen enter the tunnel to save people in Zhending Mansion One, Xu Zizhen still remembered that his name was Lu Qing.

"Brother Lu, it's all settled."

Lu Qing entered the carriage and first explained to Lu Ying, and then turned his gaze to Xu Zizhen. When he saw Xu Zizhen's miserable state, he couldn't help but stare blankly, then he opened his eyes wide and clenched his fists tightly, gnashing his teeth. He paused and said: "Wang Fu, you old dog day!"

Lu Ying stood up and patted him: "Don't talk about this now, evacuate quickly, or you will change later." After speaking, she smiled at Xu Zizhen, "Brother Xu, you are safe, and we can talk about it later if you have anything to say."

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