Xu Zizhen smacked his forehead and suddenly realized that Li Renxiao originally had this idea. It is not convenient for others to come in and give gifts when I live in the palace. I don’t pay so much attention to the Sifang Pavilion, which is convenient for me to make money!

"Okay, please!"

Not long after, a young master dressed in brocade clothes entered the hall, and as soon as he came in, he saluted Xu Zizhen with a smile: "Brother Xu, I have admired your name for a long time, little brother Li..."

Xu Zizhen didn't remember the boy's name at all, he only knew that the gift he sent was enough to make him dizzy for a while, and the lines on the gift list kept his mouth shut for a long time.

Mr. Li didn't sit for a long time, and he didn't talk about any specific content during the period. It was nothing more than admiration for a long time and making friends. Finally, he left an address and invited Xu Zizhen to visit his house when he had time.

Xu Zizhen didn't neglect him, he was polite from beginning to end. You must know that Sifang Pavilion is under the management of Honglu Temple, and Honglu Temple is under the management of Zhongshuling. The place where I live now is the site of the old man, so I can be more polite always good.

Just after Mr. Li left, another son of the Dazai's family came. This is a serious government office, and he is also a serious party aristocrat.

This young man has practiced martial arts since he was a child, and he doesn't have the arrogance that a nobleman should have. On the contrary, he is bold and straightforward, and has a bit of chivalry. It didn't take long for the people to chat, and the Dazai Ya Nei left, because the post official came to report and another guest arrived.

The guests in the Sifang Pavilion have never stopped throughout the day, from Mou Diying to Zhongshu Linggongzi, to Dazai Shaozai Liubu Shangshu, and then to the commanders of the various military divisions. In short, almost all the influential people in Xixia have been here. Xu Zizhen The gifts received had already filled three entire rooms, and the gift list alone was already a thick pile.

But the strange thing is that all the people who came to give gifts were the nephews and even daughters or nieces of those dignitaries, but none of the dignitaries came in person. up.

Near noon, the imperial decree arrived, and it was Xu Zizhen’s acquaintance, the eunuch Li in Li Luoyan’s palace who read it out. As Mou Diying said, the emperor bestowed a marriage, and it was arranged that Xu Zizhen and Princess Yuping Li Luoyan would marry in the palace five days later. The royal wedding gown and a set of utensils to be used when arriving.

Xu Zizhen had already been mentally prepared, so he naturally had no surprises to speak of, but he was a little dissatisfied with Eunuch Li, because the old eunuch came here and just read the imperial decree in a serious manner, and finally left after talking to him. He didn't give any congratulations at all.

"The old man is really stingy!" Xu Zizhen secretly despised him.

It wasn't until the sky darkened that the visitors finally stopped. Xu Zizhen dragged his tired body back to the house. Now he just wanted to lie on the bed and sleep for a night, and he didn't want to think about anything else. When I entered the room and saw the room full of gifts, I couldn't help thinking again.

All those people who came today were just here to talk nonsense without exception, and no one made any demands, oh no, several young masters talked about getting excited and wanted to make friends with Xu Zizhen, but they received a bunch of presents today. I also made a bunch of friends, even though I didn't even remember their names.

Hu Sanniang, Su San, Zhuo Ya, Lin Zhi, Gillian and others all gathered in Xu Zizhen's house. Xu Zizhen looked around but didn't find Li Luoyan, but saw Yu Qi standing outside the door, beckoned him out of curiosity and asked, "Old Yu, Where is the princess?"

Yu Qi replied respectfully and earnestly: "The son-in-law will marry the princess soon, according to the customs of Great Xia, the princess will not be able to see you for a few days."

Xu Zizhen let out a groan and didn't ask any more questions. Anyway, he and Li Luoyan hadn't seen each other for so long, and it was only four or five days away. Right now, he was concerned about another matter.

Today’s visits can be said to occupy the entire upper class of Xixia society, but Xu Zizhen has not figured out why they came to give gifts, why they are so polite to him, and they are all such precious things, Xu Zizhen’s head is about to crack. I can't figure out what their purpose is.

He put together the names of the people who came to visit today, asked Yu Qi to look it over, and finally said: "I'm just wondering, I'm just a son-in-law, and I don't have an official position. What about flattering me? Look at the good things they gave me, which can make me rich overnight and surpass Jack Ma.”

"Who is Jack Ma?"

"Don't worry about that... Let's do it this way, Lao is familiar with you, can you see what these people have in common?"

Yu Qi frowned and thought while holding the list, and it took him a long time to say a word: "Yes."

Xu Zizhen cheered up: "Say it quickly, what do you have in common?"

Yu Qi said, "It's rich!"

"Nonsense!" Xu Zizhen was so angry that he almost put the teacup on his head, but he stopped as soon as he moved his hand, "Wait, please explain clearly, how can you be rich?"

Yu Qi pointed to the list and explained one by one: "Zhongshu Ling Li's family has three pastures in Hetao, and the number of horses they raise is the highest in the country. Dazaifu has five fine iron mines, Shaozaifu has four, and the largest blacksmith in Daxia. The smelting workshop belongs to the Mou family..."

Xu Zizhen's eyes became brighter the more he listened, and he finally analyzed why these yamen came to ask for friendship, because his status was a bit special, not only did he have a city and a caravan in Daxia, but he was also able to communicate with Song Xia. Trade between the three countries of Tubo.

Everyone knows the state of the world today. The war between Song and Jin does not know when it will end. The demand for horses is absolutely ridiculous. In addition, weapons and armor are also a business that cannot be ignored. Although the Song and Jin countries can also make their own, they are by no means as good as Xixia. Produced so well.

Obviously, all these families with related industries have received rumors that they want to establish a good relationship with Xu Zizhen so that they can give priority to selling their own resources in the future, even though Xu Zizhen has no real power and is just a son-in-law.

After figuring this out, Xu Zizhen's eyes suddenly brightened. He didn't think so much at first, and the plan was just to let his caravan come and go to do some trade, and buy and sell some rare things, but now he can see how much business he can do in the future. Now that it's over, is it true that Zhao Gou will go directly to Li Qianshun when he buys horses and weapons?Is this fucking possible?

No wonder they all come to give gifts to show friendship, no wonder Eunuch Li doesn’t give anything away...

Oops, after that, I will become the owner of the world's largest trading company?Isn't the gold and silver rushing into the account like running water?Tut tut!

Thinking of this, Xu Zizhen suddenly realized a problem: I don't even have an official status in Song Dynasty, so why do these dignitaries think that I can be a trade bridge between Song and Xia? Do they trust me too much?

Yu Qi seemed to have guessed what he was thinking, and said casually: "The second prince once said that you have a very wide network in the Song Dynasty, and even Song Prince Zhao Huan called you brother and brother, and there are even rumors that you are Zhao Huan's side. First confidant."

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