Master Yong and Zong Ze escorted Shi Xuehe away, Xu Zizhen clapped his hands and got up to go back, Su San followed behind, frowning slightly, unable to figure out what Xu Zizhen said had anything to do with Shi Xuehe's money.

Su Sansu claimed to be Xu Zizhen's personal bodyguard, plus she was pure-minded and didn't like to use her brain to make tricks, so she couldn't figure out Xu Zizhen's intentions.

"I still don't understand, what does Shi Xuehe's money have to do with us?"

Xu Zizhen smiled: "Of course it does, because soon his money will become mine."

Su San became more and more at a loss, and couldn't figure it out even if she tried her best.

Shi Xuehe's spirit of wine had completely awakened, but he would never have thought that his little property would be missed by others, let alone that he would be framed for no reason, and when Zhao Huan learned about this, nothing unexpected happened Furious, this time he didn't even need to go to the Dali Temple, and directly gave Shi Xuehe a decisive decision, his family property was confiscated, and Zhang Bangchang was in charge of this matter.

This was a great injustice case that pleased everyone's heart. Shi Xuehe didn't understand how the gold medal came to him until his death, and how it happened to fall at Zongze's feet. All of this was naturally caused by the two bearers in Zhang Bangchang's mansion. for.

In fact, Wushu never tried to win him over, Shi Xuehe, perhaps he didn't even know about him, the letter was naturally fake, and the person who actually wrote it was someone he would never have thought of——Qin Hui.

Although Qin Hui is a well-known treacherous official in history, his talent and learning are undeniable. That letter was secretly asked by Xu Zizhen to imitate Wushu's handwriting, and Wushu's handwriting did not happen to be a letter found in Liang Shicheng's home. For reference?Imitating a few words is a piece of cake for Master Qin.

As for the origin of the gold medal, it is even simpler. Xu Zizhen "met" Mo Jingxia and his Chitang on the day he sent Luo Ji off, and accidentally wiped it out. Let alone a Chisan brand, the entire Chitang It is not difficult to collect all the hall signs.

Xu Zizhen was in a good mood, and whispered to Su San while walking all the way, and Su San finally understood how useless Shi Xuehe was when he died, but there was still one thing he couldn't figure out.

"But no matter how much money his family has, what does it matter to you? He didn't offend you, and the officials won't let him compensate you, right?"

Xu Zizhen smiled mysteriously: "I don't care, Zhang Bangchang will take it for me."

How could Su San believe it, only when Xu Zizhen was teasing her, she knew that Zhang Bangchang had been fooled by Xu Zizhen when he was in the Zhending camp, but the old man was also Prime Minister Dazai after all, so he couldn't be so stupid, right?

Xu Zizhen didn't explain, and took Su San back to the residence. Duoqi Zhuoma and others were all there, but the guards who moved the money hadn't come back yet, which shows how high the standard of Xu Zizhen's flour spreading was.

As soon as Duan Chen saw him, he said happily: "Brother Xu, Liang Shicheng's case has been sentenced, guess what? The old thief survived, and was demoted to Changhua as Deputy Jiedu envoy, and he will leave soon. "

"Changhua? Well, it seems that I still remember correctly..." Xu Zizhen muttered while rubbing his chin.

Everyone was amazed: "Do you remember correctly?"

"Ahem... I mean I guessed right, the old bastard will not be beheaded so easily, at most he will be relegated." Xu Zizhen wiped his sweat secretly after speaking, good guy, he almost slipped the tongue, he pulled the map to pretend Pretending to be researching, I don't know what I'm looking at.

He remembered that the six thieves were basically relegated, and none of them beheaded immediately, but he had already made up his mind that none of them would be let go, just like Wang Fu, who died so hard that no one could be found, of course Liang Shicheng I can't let it go, I once secretly ordered to kill Lao Tzu, not to mention that Lao Tzu blackmailed him so much gold and silver...

Nearly an hour later, the five Tubo guards finally came back. The three ox carts were packed to the brim, and the wheels made a creaking sound as they rolled on the ground, obviously reaching the limit of their carrying capacity. Xu Zizhen asked them to pull three carts of goods into the yard, and then retreated the people and opened the lids of the boxes one by one. Suddenly, the golden light flowed all over the yard, making it hard to keep your eyes open.

Duoqi Zhuoma and others have all seen the world, but they were all so shocked that they couldn't help themselves. Xu Zizhen was really bad enough. This pit is estimated to be worth 500 million taels of silver. I don't know how Yongye Zongze will explain to Zhao Huan .

Su San saw it on the spot, and it was better at last, but in the middle of the night, two more cars came quietly. The driver didn't say much, but drove the cars straight into the yard, side by side with the three ox carts, and when the curtains were lifted, When driving, Su San was stunned, because the car was full of boxes, and when he opened it, there were also dazzling gold, silver and jewels inside, but when the driver saw Xu Zizhen, he only said a word respectfully——

"Master Xiang said that Shi Xuehe's family probably only has so much money, and everything is here."

It was only then that Su San realized that Xu Zizhen hadn't lied to her, that Zhang Bangchang had really sent Shi Xuehe's money, but all this was so shocking that she was speechless and her mind went blank, until Xu Zizhen dragged her into the room. I woke up suddenly after entering an empty room.

"You...what do you want to do?" Su San subconsciously clenched her fists and stood in front of her, her pretty face full of vigilance.

Xu Zizhen chiseled her on the head, and said angrily: "There are so many people outside, what do you think I can do? Be quiet and do something for me."

Su San held her head with an ouch, the pain wasn't too painful, but it was too embarrassing, and after rubbing it a few times, she pretended to ask, "What are you going to do?"

Xu Zizhen hooked his fingers, leaned close to her ear and whispered something, Su San's eyes suddenly lit up, and a look of excitement appeared on his face.

On the morning of the next day, the officials were shocked to hear two things. One was that Shi Xuehe had been beheaded and his family property was confiscated. The other was that Liang Shicheng had been relegated to the deputy envoy of Jiedu in Changhua, but he hanged himself in the mansion last night. After falling from a high position, it was unbearable psychologically, so I chose this ending.

None of them would have thought that all of Shi Xuehe's so-called family property was found out in Xu Zizhen's hands, Liang Shicheng didn't hang himself, but Su San sneaked into his mansion at night to help him, it was too easy to hang an old eunuch on the beam with her strength up.

But the officials of the Manchu Dynasty thought of another thing, that is-- Zhao Huan, the emperor who had just taken office not long ago, was about to start to eliminate the old ministers, and Liang Shicheng and Shi Xuehe were just the beginning.

Sure enough, when the morning court was just halfway through, Zhao Huan showed his power again. This time, another lackey of Liang Shicheng was unlucky, Xu Zizhen's former "classmate" Zhu Shiyang's uncle, Tianzhange scholar Zhu Conglong.

Zhao Huanduan sat on the dragon chair, full of vigor, he finally felt the imperial power, the pleasure of controlling other people's life and death, and these were only caused by Xu Zizhen's words to him.

"There is no need to worry about external troubles, but internal troubles need to be dealt with quickly."

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