The scholar was dumbfounded. He thought that Xu Zizhen would take action to teach the villain, but he didn't expect that it was the delicate girl next to him who did it. The job was kept, but Xu Zizhen used money to "buy murder" to beat people.

The rescued woman and old woman were also dumbfounded, and even forgot to cry, just staring blankly at Yuanwai, who was gradually howling under the fists and feet.

Gradually, those young and strong beating people stopped, because if the beating continued, the member would die, and now his face was covered in blood, and he lay motionless on the ground.

Xu Zizhen was also unambiguous, smiling and took out the silver from the money bag, according to the agreement of ten taels per person, he didn't give up the white silver one ingot, as if it wasn't his silver So-so, but who told him to get such a large sum of money just now, and now this mere 100 taels of silver is nothing to him, not to mention it can save people and beat them up.

Those who took the silver did not leave immediately, but stayed behind, and some people persuaded in a low voice: "My lord, why don't you hurry up, you are out of breath, and stay here until the kid's brother-in-law comes." It will be difficult."

Xu Zizhen secretly praised that Shanxi's folk customs are honest and honest, and it is said that if such a thing takes money and beats someone up, he should get out of it as soon as possible, lest someone from the government will take him in, but none of them left, and instead persuaded him to leave.

He smiled, shook his head and said, "Let's go? I just said that I haven't paid attention to mere Yao Gu, so come on." He walked slowly to the member outside, knelt down and patted his photo With a face like a pig's head, he said with a smile, "If you pretend to be dead again, I don't mind beating you up again."

The member trembled all over, quickly opened his eyes, struggled to sit up, but couldn't get up as soon as he moved, and ended up half lying on the ground, which at first glance looked like he was kneeling, but even After being beaten like this, he still said stubbornly: "You... how dare you hit me, do you know that I am..."

Xu Zizhen swung his mouth away, and said with a sneer: "I want to say that Yao Gu is your brother-in-law, right? Isn't he just a bullshit to set up an envoy? Last time when Taiyuan was besieged, he held tens of thousands of soldiers and horses. He didn't dare to come to rescue him, so he just Are you willing to use this kind of coward to scare people?"

After he finished speaking, he waved to the woman, and Su San walked over with her arm. Xu Zizhen asked, "Why did your man use his money to buy goods? What's the relationship with him?"

The woman straightened her clothes and put her messy hair back together, revealing a delicate and pretty face, and said timidly: "The official of the slave family is the accountant of Mr. Chen's shop. Last month, Mr. Chen said to let him I went to Xingyuan Mansion to buy some goods. I was supposed to go back in the past two days, but there was no news so far. Chen Yuanwai came to look for the slave family, saying that the slave family officials took his silver and hid it, and wanted the slave family to pay it back. If not... "

Everyone knows what happened next, Xu Zizhen thought for a while, then squatted down and asked with a smile: "Chen Yuanwai, right? It won't take a day or two to get back from here to Xingyuan Mansion. What are you in a hurry for?" Well, the wife hasn't received the news yet, so how can you be sure that he won't come back? Could it be... you see that the wife is beautiful, deliberately tricked his man out and slaughtered him, and then came back to rob him with an excuse? "

There was a frightened look in Chen Yuanwai's eyes, and he shouted, " spout blood! How can this happen? It's clearly... ah!"

Before the words were finished, Xu Zizhen suddenly drew out the knife from his waist, a cold light flashed, one ear of Yuanwai Chen fell to the ground, blood splashed all over his body, Yuanwai Chen was used to being rich, how could he experience such pain, he screamed loudly up.

Xu Zizhen flipped his hand and put the knife on his other ear, and said with a smile: "It's okay if you don't say anything, just keep going. If one ear is cut off, there will be another one. After the nose is cut off, there will be a nose, and if the nose is gone, there will be... hehe . " He glanced at Yuanwai Chen's lower body, he didn't finish his sentence but everyone understood what it meant.

Chen Yuanwai's screams stopped abruptly, and his whole body couldn't help shaking. Although Xu Zizhen had a smile on his face, his body exuded an unconcealable chill. But not recruiting is death, recruiting is death, he still tried to persevere, and asked in a trembling voice: "You... who are you? How dare you carry out lynching in broad daylight... Ah!"

There was another scream, and the other ear was gone. Xu Zizhen raised the knife in his hand, and said with a smile: "Don't you still rob people's daughters in broad daylight? So many people have seen it. What's the matter? Be content, I haven't left a few alive under this knife."

Chen Yuanwai's face turned pale with shock, his words were too clear, obviously the murderer in front of him had had countless murders under his command.

The people watching were also stunned. Mr. Chen had Master Yao's background, ordinary people wouldn't dare to trouble him, but this master abused him like this on the street, and he saw blood when he started. He was rude and direct , is clearly a fierce man.

At this moment, there was a burst of yelling from outside the crowd: "Let's go, what's the point of huddling together?"

Then a catcher squeezed in, followed by several yamen servants. They were all startled when they saw Yuanwai Chen's miserable appearance. The catcher subconsciously untied the iron chain from his waist, drew out the knife, and shouted : "Where is the murderer, how dare... oh my mother, why is it you old man?"

A dramatic scene appeared in front of his eyes, the arrester's aura instantly changed from fury to shock, and then to surprise, his face also turned from green to black, then white, and then red, and the people saw him before they recovered. He had clasped his fists to salute with joy on his face, the knife was sheathed, and the iron chain was lost somewhere.

Xu Zizhen was also happy. He knew this arrester. It was Tong Yin, the subordinate of Zhang Xiaochun, the prefect. Back, old acquaintance.

"I'm your brother, not your mother." Xu Zizhen scolded with a smile, pointing at Mr. Chen and said, "Since you're here, I don't care about this matter, take it back and ask, this bastard kills men in order to rob others' wives , is not a thing."

Shocked, Chen Yuanwai shouted: "I didn't kill him, he's still here..." As soon as he said this, he realized that he had slipped his tongue, so he quickly stopped the car, but it was too late, everyone present Everyone heard it clearly, and there was a burst of boos.

Xu Zizhen kicked it over, and shouted: "Where are you still? If you dare not tell me, I will kill you. Yao Gu is not easy to deal with, and I will kill you if you offend me!"

Chen Yuanwai was so frightened that he looked at Tong Yin subconsciously, and said in front of the captor that he wanted to kill people, the government should take care of it, right?

Unexpectedly, Tong Yin also made up for it, and said with a sneer: "You are blind, don't you know who this master is?"


Ahem, I presumptuously borrowed and used the names of two book friends. Tong Butou is book friend tonyin, and former Dali Temple minister Ma Chunlin is Chunlin digital. Please don't blame the two.

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