Lin Chaoying was smart and had understood Yao Yunhe's intentions long ago, so she immediately refused: "No, you report the letter, I'll stop him."

Xu Zizhen sat down on the ground: "I can't run anymore."

"You...!" Lin Chaoying wanted to draw the scabbard on Xu Zizhen's face, how could a person be such a rogue, although he was doing it for the good of others, didn't he know that Xu Zizhen alone would never be able to resist Yao Yunhe? ?he will die!

The complacency in Yao Yunhe's eyes became stronger, and he said with a smile: "I am also from the Song Dynasty, and I don't want to see so many lives being given to the Jin people in vain. If there is still time to go now, it will be hard to say later. "

"Then I'll kill you first!" Lin Chaoying flicked her long sword and was about to pounce on Yao Yunhe.

Xu Zizhen jumped up from the ground suddenly, his eyes were sharp and his hands quickly grabbed her, and he only said three words: "Trust me."

Lin Chaoying turned her face and stared at him, her eyes were about to burst into flames, and after a while she said harshly, "Promise me, you won't die!"

Xu Zizhen grinned: "With him? Thinking too much."

Lin Chaoying finally compromised, gritted her teeth, stomped her feet, turned around and left, and disappeared into the darkness in a blink of an eye. Yao Yunhe didn't chase after him, but only looked at Xu Zizhen with a smile. The more than 300 lives at the foot of the mountain had nothing to do with him. All he cared about was the one in front of him. Xu Zizhen has nothing to do with revenge, all he wants is a high official and generous salary.

Xu Zizhen breathed a long sigh of relief. He didn't know if the ambush at the foot of the mountain was true or not, but he didn't dare to block it, because among the more than 300 people, there were his women, his friends, and his students, everyone was worthy of his care Yes, he knew that no matter who he and Lin Chaoying faced Yao Yunhe alone, they would not be opponents, and he wanted to report the news, but letting the girl Lin Chaoying stay while he escaped was not something Xu Zizhen could do. .

Yao Yunhe hugged his chest leisurely, and looked at Xu Zizhen with a smile: "You are a man."

Xu Zizhen said: "And then?"

Yao Yunhe said: "Follow me obediently, I won't hurt you."

Xu Zizhen smiled: "It's still the same sentence, thinking too much." He put the knife back into the sheath and moved his arm.

Yao Yunhe frowned, a little surprised. Although he is the younger brother of Liu Xinian, the hero of Two Rivers, he is actually stronger than Liu Xinian. Even if Xu Zizhen had a weapon, he would definitely not be his opponent, let alone empty-handed. Could it be that he wants to die early and be freed?

At this moment, Xu Zizhen suddenly kicked his feet and rushed over, and when he was about to approach him, he turned to one side, and then punched him.

Yao Yunhe tilted his head casually to avoid the punch, looking extremely relaxed, then slapped Xu Zizhen's lower abdomen with his left hand, and there was a muffled bang, Xu Zizhen was actually slapped back several steps. It finally stopped when it slammed into a tree.

Xu Zizhen snorted, his face became a little pale, but he still stood up straight and said, "Yes, you are indeed a master. Come again!"

Before he finished speaking, he rushed over again, took advantage of the momentum, flew up, and kicked Yao Yunhe's head. Yao Yunhe didn't even dodge this time. Seeing that Xu Zizhen's foot was about to be kicked, he suddenly took half a step forward , raised his left hand and easily patted Xu Zizhen's leg away, and his right hand clenched into a fist suddenly appeared between Xu Zizhen's chest and abdomen.

With a bang, Xu Zizhen flew upside down again without any suspense. This time he flew farther and was injured more severely. Before he landed, he spurted out a mouthful of blood.

This palm was no longer at the same level as the palm just now. Xu Zizhen felt pain in his chest and abdomen like a knife, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Yao Yunhe twisted his neck, looked at Xu Zizhen who was kneeling on the ground not far in front, and said with a smile, "Since you don't know what to do, then I can only break your leg and bring it back to the fourth prince." He walked towards Xu Zizhen step by step.

The moonlight shone in the forest, clearly illuminating the pale face of Xu Zizhen. Seeing Yao Yunhe approaching step by step, he tried to stand up with one hand, but he fell back with a grunt.

Yao Yunhe smiled and said: "Do you still want to struggle? I advise you to be good." While speaking, he had already come to Xu Zizhen, looking at Xu Zizhen who was curled up, he seemed to see countless gold and silver in front of his eyes. Beckon to him, there are countless beauties waiting for his favor, and all of this will become a reality because Xu Zizhen is captured by him.

He bent down and stretched out his right hand to Xu Zizhen. He was very clear about the strength of that punch just now. Even a master insider might be seriously injured, Xu Zizhen?Heh, God of War is just a joke in his eyes.

Xu Zizhen seemed to have completely lost the ability to resist, so he curled up and let Yao Yunhe's hand grab him, but when that hand was less than half a foot away from his neck, something happened suddenly, and Xu Zizhen moved violently , On one side of his body, his left hand reached out to hold Yao Yunhe's hand, and at the same time he jumped up suddenly, his right arm wrapped around Yao Yunhe's neck.

Yao Yunhe was taken aback. He never thought that Xu Zizhen would have the strength to fight back after being punched by himself. Inadvertently, he was caught firmly by Xu Zizhen's arm. But after all, he has practiced martial arts for many years, and his reaction is very fast. Kicked towards Xu Zizhen's knee, but Xu Zizhen seemed to have been waiting for him to kick this kick, his right leg leaned against the bend of his leg, stretched and wrapped around his leg, and at the same time grabbed Yao Yunhe's waist with his left hand The right hand wraps around his neck in turn.

This time the legs of the two were entangled together, and the two of them fell to the ground at the same time under the unstable center of gravity. Yao Yunhe was furious. He had never suffered such a secret loss in his life. Xu Zizhen was so shameless that he pretended to be injured and lied to himself Coming here, he still used this kind of stalking tricks that only street gangsters would use. Doesn't he know what shame is?

Yao Yunhe tried hard to break away from Xu Zizhen with both hands, but then he was terrified, because he found that his arms and legs were entangled in a strange posture, and when he exerted a little force on his hands, his throat felt suffocated. Because his right hand was subtly buckled against his throat by Xu Zizhen, and his left hand was pressed against his ribs by Xu Zizhen's arm, unable to move.

Now Xu Zizhen is entwining Yao Yunhe like an octopus. Although his chest and abdomen still hurt, he can still hold on. Perhaps Yao Yunhe never thought that Xu Zizhen is also a "master" with internal strength.

"Looking for death!" Yao Yunhe was already furious, but he had nothing to do with Xu Zizhen.

Xu Zizhen chuckled, and said in his ear: "I'm looking for death, you let me die and see?"

Yao Yunhe's voice was as cold as a knife, and he said slowly: "Do you really think I can't do anything about you? Since you want to die, then I will help you." He took a deep breath and suddenly With a cry, his left arm broke free from Xu Zizhen's entanglement, and he elbowed Xu Zizhen hard on the chest.


Xu Zizhen's eyes suddenly went dark, and another big mouthful of blood spewed out.

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