Fisherman's Song Dynasty

Chapter 81: The Kou Family Father and Daughter

The woman obviously didn't have much experience in first aid, and she was completely panicked. She just threw herself on the old man and kept crying. Xu Zizhen walked over and stretched out his finger to touch the old man's neck. He immediately felt relieved and comforted him softly, "Don't worry, Your father just held his breath temporarily, and there is no danger of his life."

After finishing speaking, he squatted down, untied the old man's collar, bent his thumb and pressed down on the other man a few times, and the artificial respiration was avoided.

The woman heard that her father was fine, so she gradually stopped crying and watched anxiously. Not long after, the old man suddenly let out a long breath and slowly woke up.

Xu Zizhen stood up, clapped his hands and smiled, "Okay, it's all right."

The woman was both surprised and happy, but she was not in a hurry to help the old man. Instead, she bowed her head to Xu Zizhen and said, "Thank you benefactor for your help!"

At this time, Xu Zizhen saw her face clearly. He saw that she was born with a delicate oval face, white skin, black brows and red lips, slender figure and quiet demeanor. The girl's tutor is really good, and she is beautiful, no wonder she will be robbed by others.

He smiled and waved his hands: "It's a trivial matter, you're welcome, you'd better help your father into the house, it's cold in autumn, don't catch the cold."

Then the woman helped the old man up, and wept with joy: "Father, you... you scared my daughter to death."

The old man opened his eyes and took a look around, only to find that the group of villains had long since disappeared. He was startled and asked, "Where's Huang Yuanwai?"

The woman pointed at Xu Zizhen: "I was chased away by this strong man."

The old man was startled when he heard the words, stood up tremblingly, and gave Xu Zizhen a deep bow: "Thank you benefactor..."

Before he finished speaking, Xu Zizhen interrupted with a smile: "Thank you, don't thank me. I just finished the fight and my mouth is very dry. Can I have a bowl of water?"

The old man also laughed at what he said, and waved his hand as a gesture of invitation: "The humble house is rough, if your benefactor doesn't mind, please serve tea in the house."

Xu Zizhen followed him into the house, looked around the furnishings, and saw that the room was simple and tidy, with small low tables placed one after another, and a desk table in the middle hall, on which were placed the four treasures of the study, such as pens, inks, papers and inkstones. , there is a row of bookshelves on the left and right sides of the room, and books are stacked neatly. Xu Zizhen was a little surprised: "Why does this look like a school?"

The old man asked him to sit down on a chair next to the case, and said: "The old man Kou Duan was originally from Qianzhou. When the plague was rampant in the village, the old man moved here with his daughter, and taught the nearby ten miles and eight villages in this humble room. Mongolian boy, in exchange for some rice and silk rights to survive."

Xu Zizhen suddenly realized that he was really a teacher. No wonder he had no strength in his old arms and legs, and was knocked unconscious by someone kicking him.

Not long after, the woman brought a bowl of hot tea and said with a smile: "Benefactor, please use tea."

Xu Zizhen smiled and said: "My name is Xu Zizhen, you should stop calling me benefactor, this address sounds awkward to me, by the way, what is the origin of that group of people? Robbing women in broad daylight, is there no law in Kuizhou city?" Is it?"

Kou Duan sighed softly, his helplessness was evident: "The leader's surname is Huang, and he is called Huang Yuanwai. He runs a medicine shop in the city of Kuizhou. His family is quite wealthy. He lives in this mountain. He had no contact with him at first. It's just that a few days ago, the little girl went to the city to grab medicine for the old man, and he accidentally saw her, so she became malicious and wanted to accept the little girl as his concubine. The old man cursed out, I never thought that today... ah!"

Xu Zizhen said angrily: "How dare a drug seller be so rampant? Why don't you go to the government to sue him?"

Kou Duan smiled wryly and said, "Sue him? Huang Yuanwai has an old relationship with the Governor of Kuizhou, even if you sue him, it will be useless. If he gets angry, it will be my father and daughter who will suffer."

Xu Zizhen rolled his eyes and asked, "What's the name of the pharmacy opened by his family?"

Kou Duan said: "Manchun Hall."

Xu Zizhen memorized the name, picked up the tea bowl and drank it down, stood up and said to Kou Duan, "Old Mr. Kou, it's getting late today, so I'll take my leave first. You should rest early."

Kou Duan originally wanted to persuade him to stay, but Xu Zizhen had already noticed that the old man's house didn't even have much rice for the night, so he stayed for dinner?Isn't that forcing the old man to be pants?

Xu Zizhen finally declined Kou Duan's kindness, and went down the mountain to return to the city. When he arrived at the inn, it was already dark, and just as he was about to enter the room, he happened to see Liu Fengsui and Li Meng coming back.

Li Meng was sweating profusely and his face was flushed, but he couldn't hide his excitement. It seemed that what Liu Feng taught him had benefited him a lot.

Xu Zizhen dragged the two of them out without saying a word. He was too busy drinking today, and he didn't eat anything substantial. He was so hungry that his chest stuck to his back. The three of them went to the street to find a restaurant , ordered a few dishes and ordered a jar of wine. While waiting for the dishes to be served, Xu Zizhen told the story of saving Kou Duan's father and daughter today.

After hearing this, Liu Feng was furious and said: "A small drug dealer is so arrogant? How could he ignore the king's law!"

Xu Zizhen smiled: "It doesn't matter, with this kind of person, you don't need to talk about the king's law and reason. What Confucius can't solve, I will solve it!"

Liu Feng moved in his heart: "Big brother means..."

Xu Zizhen said: "I heard that his store is called Manchuntang. After a while, let's go for a stroll in his store together after eating and drinking."

Li Meng had been listening by the side, but suddenly interrupted and asked, "Uncle, what if they go back to snatch you after seeing you gone?"

Xu Zizhen was reaching for the teapot, and he couldn't help being stunned when he heard this. He raised his hand in mid-air and forgot to take it back. After a while, he slapped his forehead fiercely and shouted: "Oops! How did I forget this?"

The so-called bystanders are clear. From Xu Zizhen's point of view, he naturally felt that Huang Yuanwai was so frightened by him that he would definitely not dare to show his face again in a short time, but Li Meng's inadvertent words reminded him.

The more Xu Zizhen thought about it, the more likely it was. He didn’t even have the heart to eat. He left a piece of silver and Liu Feng and followed Li Meng to the outside of the city.

It was completely dark, and the three of them walked cautiously on the mountain road. When they were about to arrive at Kou Duan's house, suddenly a gust of mountain wind blew past, mixed with a burning smell, Xu Zizhen's heart skipped a beat, and he secretly called out :Oops!

Xu Zizhen didn't care about the difficulty of the mountain road, so he ran up quickly with three steps and two steps, and just passed the corner, but was stunned by the scene in front of him.

A pile of scorched ruins was reflected in the cold moonlight. It was the small hut where Kou Duan and his daughter lived and taught the children. Li Meng pointed at a corner of the ruins and exclaimed, "Uncle, look!"

Xu Zizhen looked in the direction he pointed, but saw a person lying not far from the ruins. It was Kou Duan. Exhausted, his eyes widened with anger and unwillingness.

The ruins were empty, except for the ashes and the books. Xu Zizhen felt a rush of anger from the soles of his feet to the top of his head. He clenched his fists tightly and gritted his teeth. : "Huang Yuanwai!"

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