To kill or not to kill, this is a question worthy of entanglement, but Xu Zizhen dismissed the idea after two seconds.

Qin Hui will cause chaos in the court in the future, but Xu Zizhen believes that based on his layout over the past year, even if Qin Hui can return to the court as an official in the future, he is unlikely to be reused, and even if he is reused, it will not cause much trouble. Of course, the premise is that he can Go back alive, and the premise of going back alive is that you have to clamp your tail first.

It's just that Xu Zizhen discovered one thing. In the past, Qin Hui was proud and disdainful of the Song court's peace-seeking behavior, but now he seems to have changed. It's not that his image has changed, but his whole spirit Shendu has changed, becoming submissive and cautious, even when he looks at Jin Bing beside him, his eyes are shrinking.

Xu Zizhen didn’t even need to guess to know how Qin Hui was treated along the way. The Jin soldiers were tyrannical and rude. According to the book, there were more than 400 women abducted from Bianjing, but only 900 were left in Huining. More than [-], some of them died of illness, and most of them were tortured to death. The men are not much better. Even if they will not be raped, insults and beatings are indispensable. The Ouba who made the girls scream, Xu Zizhen thought maliciously, and wondered whether this bastard's chrysanthemum would be safe or not.

"Huh? These two girls are good-looking, but this gang of Qiu Ba didn't do anything along the way? It's strange."

Liu Quan's abrupt voice interrupted Xu Zizhen's nasty thoughts. Looking up, he saw two women getting out of the car. One was older, and the other was only in her 20s. They are all in disrepair, but from the selection of materials and workmanship of the clothes, it is not difficult to see that their identities used to be very noble.

These are Empress Zheng and Empress Zhu, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. Xu Zizhen could guess from the order in which they got out of the car. Their identities, and even the name of the queen will make them more happy.

Then there were twenty or so princes and officials who got off the bus. Xu Zizhen had seen these officials. They were all there when he rioted in the Golden Palace to overthrow Liang Shicheng. Unfortunately, the important ministers in the court at that time were not even as good as beggars.

The expressions of these people were dull and lifeless, like chickens being caught out of the cages in the vegetable market. Xu Zizhen couldn't stand it any longer, so he yawned and pretended to be sleepy and turned back to his room. The so-called Hulongying camp has enough manpower, and there is no need for him and Liu Quan, the two deputy commanders, to be on duty in person.

Liu Quan curled his lips and went back to the room, but when he turned around, he glanced at Xu Zizhen's back intentionally or unintentionally.

Of course Xu Zizhen didn't really sleep, but lay on the bed thinking about the next plan.

He just found out that the Jin Emperor was going to offer sacrifices to heaven, and there was also a prisoner offering ceremony for the right army Wushu. He didn't hear all of what Shi Liebu and Wanyan Zongde said outside, but he heard the specific date of offering sacrifices to the heavens - February [-]th.

Xu Zizhen's heart was beating very fast, and the twelfth of February was also the day Wu Shu told him that Wu Qimai wanted to accept Zhao Xu as his concubine.

Heh, Wu Qibu really knows how to play with this stuff. If he guessed correctly, he will take Zhao Last to participate in the prisoner offering, and let Zhao Last watch his father and brother parade in shackles, and then spend the night with her in the bridal chamber. Such words are a double blow to Zhao Zhi's body and spirit.

Xu Zizhen couldn't help sneering, according to his heroism, the happiest thing would be to sabotage the prisoner offering ceremony that day, rescue Zhao Zhi in front of Wu Qimai and thousands of soldiers and civilians of the Jin Kingdom, and then take the Zhao family's father and son together He also pulled out the sea of ​​bitterness, but he knew that such a story could only happen in novels, but now he was in the old nest of the Kingdom of Jin, and it was really difficult for him to accomplish anything alone.

After much deliberation, he still couldn't figure it out, and he planned countless ways in his mind, but after thinking about it carefully, he couldn't do this or that, and he was so worried that his brain ached and he couldn't think of what to do.

In the afternoon, two more batches of prison carts arrived, including princes, concubines, some officials and concubines of Zhao Ji and Zhao Huan. Only then did Xu Zizhen know that these "prisoners" were not each in a room, but more than a dozen people. Crowded in one room, the only ones who enjoy the privilege are the father and son of the Zhao family, who can be locked in a broken room alone with their queen.

Xu Zizhen has already experienced the hardships of this ghostly place. Not to mention the remoteness, this house is also dilapidated. Only the people in the Hulongying camp can barely shelter from the wind and rain, and the place where these prisoners live is not to be seen. Zhao Ji The house Zhao Huan lived in was relatively good, and some of the other houses even lost their roofs, leaving only a circle of dilapidated earthen walls.

The Hulong Battalion began to perform its duties, guarding the captured royal family and officials of the Song Dynasty in groups of three and two, and the teams of golden soldiers who escorted them withdrew from the ghost village and stationed outside the village. Heavy guard.

Although there are so many people living in the ghost village, the ghost village is still as quiet as if no one lives in it. The royal family of the Zhao family and the officials seem to have lost their souls, staying in the house obediently, neither making noise nor running away, even crying No one cried, they were numb to the abuse they had received along the way.

Xu Zizhen did not show up. Although he changed his appearance, there is no guarantee that Zhao Huan will recognize him. Once his identity is discovered, the consequences will be unimaginable. Xu Zizhen can't afford to bet. As the deputy commander, he doesn't have to be on duty at the door in person, he just needs to make arrangements That's fine, if it doesn't work, Liu Quan can help, anyway, Wanyan Zongde doesn't care about him.

Today is the seventh day of February, and there are only five days before the prisoner sacrifice day. In the past few days, no one has been sent here. The ghost village has always maintained the number of hundreds of prisoners, and they are still living peacefully every day. However, no one came to rescue the two emperors, Zhao Ji and Zhao Huan.

Calm and calm.

But Xu Zizhen always felt that the quiet atmosphere was a little weird and something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.


In a certain restaurant in the city of Huining Prefecture, a man and a woman were sitting at a table by the window, both dressed in fur caps, cotton robes and golden people, the two were eating and drinking with their heads bowed, no one noticed that they were talking in a low voice.

The man took a sip of his wine, tapped the window with his chopsticks seemingly unintentionally, and said in a low voice, "I have received news that the Jinren will leave the city from here in five days."

The woman frowned slightly, and quickly glanced out the window: "Is this the way out of the city? Aguda Temple is in the west of the city. Wouldn't it be a detour to go here? Besides, there are many shops here and the roads are narrow. Is the news true?"

The man raised his head and smiled: "Whether he is true or not, I don't plan to do anything here, just care about him so much."

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