This society is not my harem

[16] Do you believe in flying a plane in class?

After performing the wretched "magic ritual" with Alice in the class full of guilt, I finished listening to the American culture course in a daze.

Ah—are you going to play this with Alice in class tomorrow?

Although it was just a ritual of holding fingers in my mouth and drawing a spell on my tongue, but... for some reason, when a part of my body was wrapped in her moist and warm cherry mouth... it still felt weird.

In short, try to say no next time!

Hmph, no matter how pitiful she is, I will hold back and try my best not to compromise!

Hmm... When the kitty teacher of American culture left, after a short break, the comprehensive English teacher Eva came in...

Eva is not an American, but a Chinese. She is shorter and has a better temper. The reason why we call her by her English name is because she teaches American courses (the international part is Chinese courses and American courses, Chinese courses For high school exams, American courses for AP, SAT and other exams abroad)

"Hello, students—well, today is Thursday. In order to give everyone a chance to show off personally—still follow the old management—an English report will be held."

By the way, today is Thursday.

I suddenly thought of it like this, the feeling of drowsiness in the liberal arts was wiped out, ah, Thursday is more interesting... As for the English report, it is a classmate who uses English to report on current affairs...

Well, this week, it's Jiang Junta and Cheng Tianbo's turn...Cheng Tianbo, bad feeling...

I always feel that every time this guy Cheng Tianbo gives a speech or something, something wretched will happen.

Well, my impression of him is that this guy is a pervert.

I remember that during the class campaign, he strode up to the stage like a general.

Then the first sentence is: follow my brother and have a lot of can get married for three years...

Then he recommended various Cang teachers, Maria teachers and the like, boasting that he has unlimited seed resources.

Obviously, at the end of this kind of speech, all he got was some votes from Mr. Cang lovers...

——As for Jiang Junta, he is the tallest boy among us...well, he is very handsome...and he is also good at playing basketball. He claims to be the lolita of our class, and he is a very wretched guy—admits that he is in love with him He became a Chinese teacher, and every time a boy said to him: I want to pick up your soap—or something like that, he would also put on a fake mother-like attitude of being invulnerable to all poisons.

(ps: About picking up soap, let me explain a little bit [Baidu is the best, some things can’t be said too openly] - picking up soap refers to two muscular strong men taking a bath in the same bathroom, a strong man The man slipped his hand and dropped the soap, and he said to the strong man B: Dude, pick it up for me. The strong man B smiled slightly, then leaned over and bent over, and just when he touched the soap, he felt A cool, chrysanthemum a pain...)

In short, the boys in our class are notoriously ruffian. When they go to Chinese courses, they basically greet the female teacher with: teacher, do you have a boyfriend, teacher, you are so beautiful, and other exaggerated jokes, and say hello to the male teacher-the most What is often said is-teacher, you will be fired when you assign homework.

The so-called driving you, uh, means flying a plane.

It is an activity that is never tired of from elementary school to university... Several people will set up a person, and look at the thing between his legs and hit a pillar... I personally think this is an extremely bloody and violent game.

And the daily routine of flying a plane... has become a feature of our class.

For example, if I didn’t go to the class reunion, when I found out that Alice was my fiancée, I was driven by a plane-when I hit the door, ah-it hurt my self-esteem and I was depressed.

Uh, let’s not get too far away—in short, now these two restless, naughty boy representatives are speaking on stage...

"Hello, everyone—" After a short greeting, they began their speech.

The speech was about our country's college entrance examination... Ahem, the latest news seems to be that the Chinese score has been increased from 150 to 180... and the English score has been reduced to [-] points, and the other miscellaneous points have been increased by [-] points.

According to the analysis in the report, this undoubtedly puts more pressure on the students.

Speaking of our education system, there is still room for improvement... Eva showed us a video a few days ago - 200 million minutes or something, that is, in the three years of high school, American students watch TV more than There are still a lot of study time and activities. Chinese and Indian students have a hard day and are full of study schedules... Sigh, it feels very inefficient-and those of us who study abroad must also Taking the high school graduation exam, Americans obviously don't look at this...

The reason is because there are too many people - too many people, only a part of them can be selected, and the number of places is very small. Most of those who don't study can't realize their dreams, and live a mediocre life... So everyone studies hard, but they keep repeating the questions and doing the same. Can relevant side questions and difficult problems really exercise your ability?Why not use this time to learn more new and more difficult knowledge and learn it well?

Just like when we constantly train our ability to solve difficult problems during the junior high school entrance examination, few people can solve a difficult geometry problem in one city, and use high school analytic geometry to complete it in one go-why spend time on it?

I thought about the speeches of Cheng Tianbo and Jiang Junta in this way, and their speeches are gradually coming to an end.

Their ppt was tuned to the last one. At this time, we saw a few big words displayed on the slide-"hbor (next door); drive (open) you (you)"

The whole class was stunned for a while, and then some people laughed one after another.

At this time, I don't know which classmate suddenly stood up and shouted: "Can you bear it, everyone can't bear it!"

Can't stand it.

A bunch of boys also followed suit——

"Open him!"

I don’t know who yelled, the boys in the front row rushed onto the podium, and then the boys in the back row, it’s not good enough for a buddy not to participate in the flight... So even a serious person like me reluctantly participated.

We grabbed the person who was opened—Jiang Junta’s limbs, and someone opened the door—

"One two - hit!"

Everyone cheered and touched something between Jiang Junta's legs to the door.

"One-two-bump, one-two-bump!"

With Jiang Junta screaming in pain and joy, we fired him three times in a row before giving up.

"Hey, he typed the ppt, it's not my fault!"

After opening Jiang Junta, we focused our attention on Cheng Tianbo again - this scene seems to be a happy one - if there is a list of the number of times opened, Cheng Tianbo will definitely be at the top of the list.

Just as Cheng Tianbo wanted to escape, he was caught by everyone, lifted by all fours, and opened towards the door...

"Ah--enough is enough."

We don't care about him at all...Hey, this is class!

Didn't you see that Teacher Eva and the friends in our class are already stunned!

But why am I enjoying it too!Isn't this a bloody and violent event!

Facing myself who was holding Cheng Tianbo's feet, I blamed myself so much.

And this time-

"Hey, why don't you go to Kaishen! The Psychological Research Department is his harem—and little Alice is also under his clutches!"

He howled like a pig, you...are you going to drag me to die together?Not good, the eyes of one or two people focused on me!

"Alice is not being controlled, I really like Brother God - we have agreed to get married." And at this moment, my lovely fiancee - Alice spoke again, she was pure and lovely, like a silver bell Such a loli voice, to me now, is like the bell of a funeral!

You say it like this - wouldn't it attract the attention of your classmates more! ?And the combination is gross?Have you made an agreement? ?

"Open him—"

"Agreed, it's Ji Shen, that bastard, who should be opened the most."

Boys, put Cheng Tianbo down...then look at me like hungry wolves...

"Wait a minute, wait a minute—"

I opened my arms, trying to defend myself, but they grabbed me, and my feet were pulled up - floating in the air



I—wrong—in vain—ah!


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