This society is not my harem

[27] Idol Photo VS Genuine Lifan

——— "Fight to shoot them in the face!"

Cheng Tianbo looked up to the sky and screamed, shouting out the anger in our hearts.

In the Snow Holy Grail Battle of the International Department, Class 23 even blatantly launched a surprise attack, destroying the glorious heads-up.

Our class is naturally intolerable.

The situation at this time is that we sent out the second round of fighters to keep a distance from the enemy's formation, and eight enemies have already rushed over.

According to Cheng Tianbo's plan, this match was still a test - but our team's strongest opponent was sent.

His plan is to get rid of the strongest members of the team first, and after the arduous and glorious battles and the justice of our team - to win over the people in class 23.

According to him, he has a secret weapon. After the 23rd class has sent enough people, he will reveal this weapon. At that time, even if he can't win over all the 23rd class's people, it can at least scatter their morale.

"Change formation——!"

Zhang Qingbao yelled, with the iron crutch swaying, he grabbed the snow and threw it at the enemy. I still admire this brother who insisted on playing basketball after spraining his feet (although the reason is for the beauties of the second and fourth classes)

The enemy came quickly on the snow, surrounded and attacked the soldiers of the second and fourth squads, and the two armies faced each other with all their strength.

They were very close to us, they were fighting fiercely, and the snowball quickly shuttled among the shadows...

"Cheng Tianbo...Actually, if we sneak into the war here, we can still support Qingbao and the others. Why don't we do that?"

Looking at the worrying battle situation ten meters away, Jiang Junta frowned and said.

"No, you have to trust them, and the task I give them is to fight with all your strength."

Cheng Tianbo smiled slightly, that's right, their purpose in the plan was to reflect the justice of class 24, nothing more.


There was endless confrontation on the battlefield, and soldiers fell constantly. There was only one person left in our team, and two people from class 23 were also eliminated.

"Haha, Cheng Tianbo, you really are not opponents! Why don't you sneak attack like us? Aren't you usually very wretched, why are you insisting on your justice at this time?"

Liu Chan laughed wildly and said, I think you are not qualified to call him ordinary and wretched, right?

"Hmph, this is a battle for the goddess Xueyuehua and Shenling, Lord Alice, who are from class 24 of my university... A man must uphold justice!"

Cheng Tianbo yelled loudly, as if he was going to protect the nuclear explosion button again.

"Goddess...Master Shenling...Damn it! Why are you all in your class!"

Cheng Tianbo's words seemed to have inadvertently touched the pain in Liu Chan's heart, his eyes showed a fierce look of jealousy, and a ferocious expression like a runaway caricature appeared on his face again.

The two teams continued to fight.

"Cheng Tianbo, just wait and see! We will definitely win! In order to see the secrets of Master Xue Yuehua and the others!"

The last person in our team kept dodging, lingering on his last breath.

He was about to be knocked down, and now he didn't even have a chance to attack.

"Cheng Tianbo! We - have enough reasons to declare war on you!"

Liu Chan roared wildly, venting the jealous anger in his heart...

Cheng Tianbo responded with a cold smile.


He smiled meaningfully, then stood up straight, his eyes covered by his hair swept over everyone in class 23.

"Your reason... is to see the secrets of Master Xue Yuehua and the others?"

His voice was not very loud, but it reached everyone's ears clearly.

There was a smile on the corner of my mouth, I knew that Cheng Tianbo was going to implement his plan.

"Stop pretending to be b for me!"

An enemy player who was ten meters away from us thought that Tianbo was upset, and threw a snowball at him——

The snowball rushed towards Cheng Tianbo's face quickly.

He raised his hand, grabbed the snowball directly, and then — squeezed it to explode.

Snow water flowed down and seeped between his arms.

Cheng Tianbo at that moment was so majestic and heroic.

"Everyone... I have a proposal..."

He spoke slowly, but the enemies of class 23 were already stunned.

"Since your purpose is to see the secrets of Xue Yueka-sama and others, if you join the boys in our class 24, I will give you the out-of-print photos of Xue Yueka that I have treasured for many years and the "stealth" photos of Xue Yueka-sama, Shen Ling, and Alice. Photo oh..."

He smiled slightly, then took out a few photos from his pocket and scattered them on the ground in front of him.

"Setsugekka-sama has only photographed a swimsuit once, and that was when she was 12 years old?"

Cheng Tianbo smiled wretchedly, walked out from behind the bunker, and swept across everyone in class 23 fearlessly.

"There are also high-definition pictures of Lord Shenling and Alice - wallpapers and the like."

He continued to scatter photos down, and just paced like this, but the enemies of Class 23 did not continue to attack him.

"Haha, I won't say that I have the appearance of Master Shenling smiling..."

Cheng Tianbo said, "I clenched my fists tightly. Damn it, this kid looks so smiling, even my brother who is with her all day doesn't see much!"

However, it is indeed a very good temptation, and I am a little moved.

The smile of Shen Ling, the princess of the international department who claims to not be able to laugh——

It's been a long time since I've seen him as an older brother, how good his stealth skills should be.

His words undoubtedly had a great effect-at this time, intermittent discussions sounded in the crowd of Class 23.

"Miss Xue Yuehua's swimsuit..."

"I have been secretly in love with Lord Ling for a long time..."

"Haha, you won't rebel, will you?"

The people in class 23 have been completely shaken.

"Will we be shaken by your words! Stop talking nonsense..."

One of the five enemies on the opposite side sensed that the form was not right, and raised his hand to throw the snowball in his hand at Cheng Tianbo.

"Wait a minute."

The comrade next to him grabbed his wrist.

"It would be bad if you ruined the photo of Setsugetsuka-sama on the ground."

"That's right, don't attack him."

"Do you want to be traitors!"

He roared loudly, however, to his disbelief, a shell hit him in the next second.

The attackers are his teammates.

"I rebelled today! Brother Cheng, give me Miss Xue Yuehua's swimsuit photo!"

An enemy from Class 23 killed the person who was about to attack Cheng Tianbo just now——disqualified for the competition.


The urgent annunciator rang, and the man looked at his classmate unwillingly.


"for love!"

he shouted, stepping into our camp.

And the discussions in class 23 became more intense.

"Sorry, Brother Shovel, I quit! I really want to see Ling's smile."

"I have lived for Master Xue Yuehua since I was a child."

Several people came out of the enemy line, sighed helplessly, and came to take refuge in Squad 24. Liu Chan was trembling in situ.

This is Cheng Tianbo's plan.

Idol photo split plan.

Most of these people are fighting for the secrets of the beauties in class 24, but if they use higher secrets to win over, the general trend will be in favor of class 24.

"Haha, Cheng Tianbo, you are really amazing, you actually have this skill.

On the opposite side, the betrayed leader——Liu Chan smiled coldly.

"Let so many brave fighters in our class shake, and there is even a betrayal..."

He clenched his fists tightly, and now his expression is 100% suitable for making a runaway cartoon.

"But, I'm not a vegetarian either."


Cheng Tianbo frowned, and I also became puzzled, did Liu Chan keep a hand?

"Lu Wenxuan, show off the sacred objects of my second and third empires!"

Liu Chan said in a dark and cold voice, Lu Wenxuan stood up behind the bunker of Class 23 and threw a few CDs on the ground.

"Gentlemen from Class 24, please take a look at this—"

The disc shines dazzlingly under the setting sun on the snowy ground.

This is!

"Ghost father...Yeqin sick building, magical girl love..."

A man in Class 23 who was about to betray said in a trembling voice, and stopped in his tracks.

It turns out that Liu Chan cannot be underestimated. Unexpectedly, he also prepared a secret weapon, and this secret weapon must be adult animation.

"It's still genuine!"

He turned around and held Lu Wenxuan's shoulders.

"Please let me rejoin the camp."

He hesitated for a moment, and held Lu Wenxuan's hand, as if looking at his old father-in-law.

"Hey, isn't it, genuine Lifan?"

"Uh, how come... and my favorite ghost father..."

The gentleman (hentai) in our class seems to be unable to hold back anymore.

Liu Chan, it's easy to calculate. Is his secret weapon genuine Lifan?

He saw this situation, and the scene where our Class 24 began to shake, and he couldn't help laughing up to the sky.

——"Haha——Cheng Tianbo, it seems that your idol portrait is the best, or my genuine one!"

I saw beads of sweat oozing from Cheng Tianbo's forehead. He probably didn't expect this situation.

This - the scene of idol photo vs. genuine Lifan!

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