This society is not my harem

【3】Pervert Ji Shen and Maomao Xiaohua

The dusk was getting darker, and the returning birds threw themselves into the trees. Yuanmaomao and I were sitting in the classroom of Class [-].

I, quietly listened to Yuan Mao Mao's narration.

"Well... Anyway, that's it."

Yuan Mao Mao sat at the back of the classroom with her legs crossed, and I sat beside her.

I finally understood the reason for cosplaying with Yuan Mao Mao. Since primary school, Yuan Mao Mao has always had a cat named Xiao Zhi, who was the only partner of Yuan Mao Mao who didn’t have many friends before. Since the second year of junior high school, this cat suddenly disappeared. Yes, from that day on, Yuan Mao Mao has Xiao Zhi's personality in her heart.

When no one is around, this personality has a certain chance of awakening, so today I happened to see Yuan Mao Mao cosplaying as a cat girl.

Xiaohua is really a kind girl... because of that pet cat named Xiao Zhi?

"Well, Xiao Zhi is a very cute cat, but it doesn't mean that something happened to it, maybe it has the life it wanted to live, and it left temporarily... One day, maybe it will come back to you."

I comforted Yuanmaomao next to me. For some reason, I felt that this school girl with excellent character and learning was really similar to me in some aspects. She was very popular, but she didn't have any friends to talk to. That's why I followed the girl who discovered my secret. Let me say this.

"Well, thank you for listening to me so much, I start to think that you are not a bad person."

Yuan Mao Mao smiled sweetly, and gradually let go of some of my wariness. She walked to the front slowly, took out a lunch box from the desk, and then walked to sit next to me.

"Well, it's so late, classmate, you're hungry too, this is my dinner today, let's share some with you - I made it at home at noon, it's getting cold."

Yuanmaomao smiled, stretched out her slender jade fingers, and opened the lunch box. There were ten pieces of sushi that had been made. Yes, indeed, I am a little hungry now.

"Then you're welcome."

I picked up a piece of sushi with my fingers and lightly bit down half of it. It was stuffed with meat floss. I had eaten many delicious dishes before, but at this time I had to admire the softness and deliciousness of the sushi.

"Is it tasty?"

At this time, Yuanmaomao didn't eat sushi quickly, but looked at me expectantly.

"Well, it's delicious, did you make this?"

What I said was definitely not against my will, and I couldn't help but admire from the bottom of my heart.

"Well... I did it."

Yuan Mao Mao said with some pride, and stuffed a piece of sushi into his mouth at the same time.

"By the way, classmate, is your name Yuanmaomao?"

At this time, I couldn't help but ask, after talking for so long, it's too awkward to be called a classmate all the time.

"Huh? You know my name."

Yuan Mao Mao ate the sushi, and then said in surprise.

"Yeah, I heard it from my classmates."

"What's your name, classmate?"

"God Ji."

I said slowly, if possible, I really don't want Yuanmaomao to know my embarrassing name, alas, the embarrassing name given by the family.

"Hee hee, very interesting name."

To my surprise, Yuan Mao Mao laughed at my name. In junior high school, this name was called a perverted arrogant name by others.

"Also... I'm sorry, I called you a pervert just now, but now I feel that you are a good person, Ji Shen..."

Yuan Mao Mao smiled, and crossed his hands in apologetic way.

"Well, it's okay, I did some things wrong too."

I couldn't help saying, thinking in my heart, anyway, I used to be called that often... I don't mind.

In other words, Yuan Mao Mao is really a good boy. He is worried about his little quirk and doesn't want to be known by others. He is not very wary of others. He treats me to sushi and apologizes for a little thing.

Ah——I really want to stay with her for a while longer.

But it’s getting late, so let’s go home early. First, after 07:30, even the people in the community building will leave. If I leave with Yuan Mao Mao at that time, I may be asked seven times by the guard or the director. Eight, then it will be bad.

What's more, my parents are not at home recently, and my sister has been waiting for me to eat.

I must go back.

"Well...Yuan Mao Mao, that, the family is waiting, I think I'm going back."

"Huh, it's so late?" Yuan Maomao couldn't help but look at the wall watch in the classroom.

Uh, it turned out that it wasn't because you didn't want to leave, but because you forgot the time. It turns out that Maomao School loves you, unexpectedly you are a naturally dull type.

I couldn't help smiling wryly, judging from Yuanmaomao preparing dinner by herself, she seems to be a relatively independent girl, unlike me, there are two servants at home to take care of my sister and me.

I unlocked the door and started to go out with Xiaohuayuan Maomao.

"Well, Yuanmao, how are you going?"

"My home is near Calle Square in the downtown area...well, in an apartment near Calle Square...

Huh?Kahler Square...the apartment, by the way, isn't my family living in the Kahler's also behind the square...because it's very close to my sister and my school, our family just moved in.

"Is that the apartment called Love Apartment?"

I couldn't help but ask, er, isn't it? Fifteen days have passed since the start of school, and I just found out that the school belle lives very close to me.

"Huh? God Ji, you know."

"Then Let's go together, my house is also nearby."


Yuanmaomao nodded in agreement, then picked up my schoolbag, I pushed open the class door, picked up the pusher box again, and walked towards the stairs together with Yuanmaomao.

The bright moon gradually hangs high in the sky. The bright moonlight shines through the window lattice and falls on the flower path of the school. The breeze blows over the leaf tips of the locust tree, spreading a refreshing fragrance...

I can't help but think that life is really wonderful. The two people who were strangers yesterday have now become a relationship with a common secret...and now they are going home together——

I didn't know it at the time—from today, when I chose to go to the general department, from the season when the Sophora japonica flowers were not in bloom—the story between me and them—the prelude began.

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