This society is not my harem

[40] Decisive battle!night god and goddess

"If you lose—be willing to bear me a child—"

I smiled evilly, and my words echoed under the moonlit night of the silver moon.

Her black hair was fluttering, her coat was let loose, her hands were crossed, and her red pupils were looking at Xueyuehua? Miss Agra.

But her face is frosty at this time, not as shy as she was a few hours ago, even if I tease her as soon as I open my mouth, she still looks at me with cold eyes——

"By the rules, God, I must kill you tonight."

The tone was indifferent, without a trace of emotion.

Nothing like the bride I was a few hours ago.

"It seems that there is no possibility of reconciliation..."

I said helplessly, took a step forward, and stretched out my hand from my pocket.

Looking up at the sky with rolling clouds, it is estimated that the sky is about to change.

In the past, half of the awakening of the second personality was to abuse some social scumbags, and there were also weird ones when awakening in schools and clubs, uh... I remember not long ago, because of my sick cousin, I robbed a car on a rainy night and raced with the police...

These are all fortified... But this time I feel very uncomfortable. Is it a one-on-one fight with a woman, and is it my wife?

However, it must also be fought.

This is the way to completely conquer Setsugekka Agra—


I coldly glanced at the two people watching the battle - the other faction of the Dark Moon Merchant Guild.

Seeing that they have been unhappy for a long time, they think that I will be defeated by Xue Yuehua, so I will show them defeating Xue Yuehua...

"Can we fight—"

Xueyuehua's cold voice floated to my ears along the cold wind.


I nodded - in an instant, Xue Yuehua's footsteps moved!

Tap your toes lightly, like an arrow shot, jumping up like an explosion——

In the state of No. 1, it is impossible to see her movements.

But now, my brain is a hundred times more active, and I can clearly decompose and slow down her movements.

Touch the ground with your toes, press down, bend your body slightly, tap lightly, bend your body forward, and eject——

I drew the knife in the air, and then, with the snow-white fluttering around, a side knife crossed my eyes.

One second - she quickly approached me, and I leaned back to avoid her attack.

The sharp sword pointed directly at the tip of my nose, and gusts of wind blew across my forehead.

It's not that easy to deal with. How can I say Xueyuehua? Agra is also a black belt in Taekwondo and a master of fencing. Sure enough, I can't underestimate it...

Thinking like this, her next wave of attacks has also arrived, with several knives pointed at my throat, without staying behind, stabbing continuously, while I turned sideways, turned my head, and quickly dodged her attacks——

"Such a fast speed... If I was No. 1, I would have been killed long ago."

I said helplessly, turning my head to dodge Xue Yuehua's sharp blade again.

But she didn't pay attention to my words, and continued to launch fierce attacks. Under the moonlight, her graceful body stabbed fierce wind blades continuously, and the whistling sound of breaking wind resounded in my ears.

She is real and wants my life.

Maybe it was for the sake of fairness just now that he didn't kill me at that moment and gave me a chance to open the second personality.

I used the brain of my second personality, while dodging her attack, while quickly sorting out and thinking about the reason why she killed me, but I couldn't figure it out.

Why did she want to kill me?

Come to think of it, I didn't have unpleasant memories of getting her pregnant and then being irresponsible.

Hmm... If it was just for the chamber of commerce, it would be a little strange that Xue Yuehua did such a great job... I always feel that she is not such a person——

Moreover, in her eyes at this time, I did not read complete indifference, but also lingering sadness.

I must have some memories with her - I just forgot.

Dodging another round of thrusts from her, he turned and grabbed her slender arm.

"Xueyuehua... why did you do this..."

I asked softly, hoping to get some answers from her.

She immediately backhanded, and the sharp saber slashed at me beside her——

I jerked back and dodged her attack.

The ruthless star eyes swept over me, and just said a word——

"Ji God... let's finish it tonight."

With long dark blue hair fluttering, she only gave this sentence, but did not answer the reason why she had to kill me.


Not giving me a chance, the sharp point of the knife came through the wind - I was once again in a passive situation of dodging.

How to do it...

The other party is a girl.

It's also impossible for me to hit her with a single punch, and it's impossible for me to use some domineering tricks...

If it's other fights, it's okay, even if I fight two black belt taekwondo masters, I won't necessarily lose, because I'm willing to hit their bottoms, and I'm willing to beat them to a cripple.

But Xueyuehua—how could I be willing to fight?

She is not just a black belt in Taekwondo, she is also a fencing champion, and she is also holding a weapon at this time, so she is a formidable opponent that cannot be easily defeated. If you use up your physical strength—it is really possible to lose your head. to do it.

While dodging Xue Yuehua's blade, I looked around to see if there were any props that could be used.

This Yinyue 99 Chongtian was probably built by that old bastard Xue Aotian.

It was built like an altar.

Dodging her attack, constantly switching the angle of vision - the surrounding area looks very empty, only hard jade... But it is impossible to pull it out and use it as a weapon. Around the zenith.

Over there on the edge... what is it...

It's hard to notice, but I've noticed it anyway.

It was laid on the ground, a somewhat inconspicuous small high-temperature snow blower

The pitch-black metal skin continuously sprays white mist towards the outside... If there is snow, it is said that this thing will melt the snow on the roof of the building regularly, and there should be near-boiling, high-temperature hot water heated by electricity flowing through the machine.

Well... I still don't think this thing is useful.

"God you only know how to hide?"

Xue Yuehua kept stabbing me with a sharp saber, dissatisfied with my behavior of not attacking her.

"Sorry, I generally don't hit women, and I definitely don't hit my own wife."

I joked with a smile, and at the same time, my brain was thinking of a way to defeat Xue Yuehua without hurting her...

"You pervert..."

She said coldly, the sword edge became more fierce...

Trouble—is there such a method, the key is to destroy the weapon in her hand, but is it possible?This thing looks like it is made of very high-grade alloy!

Ordinary blades, I might be able to break them off with my hands... But this thing doesn't work at first glance.


I leaned back violently, dodging Xue Yuehua's attack again——

And looking this way - the sky I also see -

The clouds in the sky are slowly showing a half-gathered appearance, and then——I saw, crystal clear snowflakes... slowly floated down from the other end of the sky.

Like a graceful dancing elf.


A large piece—a large snowflake came from the other side of the sky—

Christmas snow——

Dodging another round of Xue Yuehua's attack, I moved slightly - crouched - and grabbed her blade.

Take the sword with empty hands.

The cold blade stimulated my palm, it was really sharp.

Looking at the flying snow all over the sky——I finally thought of how to defeat her—the way to smash this super alloy saber——

Yes, I can win.

"—Well, if you are defeated by me, why don't you become my woman tonight?"

I smiled evilly and said with Xue Yuehua's blade between my fingers.


Her pretty face instantly turned red, and she lowered the blade in her hand.

"You are such a useless pervert..."

Her voice reverberates here—on a moonlit night where the sky is covered with snow and the silver moon is in the sky—

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