Her beautiful eyes—finally no longer indifferent—in the pupils of my killer bride—tears kept falling...

My right hand, which was as hot as one hundred degrees—holding the frozen blade——I tried my best——


After a crisp metallic sound—the blade, shattered—

It broke like shattered ice, scattered, and shattered in the air—and then fell to the ground—

The blade in my body also fell off, and the blood flowed out, covering the ground...

Silver Moon 99 Heavy Sky——

I fought Setsugekka Agra on the summit—and then, at the expense of my left shoulder and right hand, I destroyed her seemingly indestructible saber through extreme heat—and I won the victory.

His face was pale, and he was gasping for breath... The plan was successful, but this should be the hardest battle I have fought with my second personality so far...

I completely destroyed the saber in Xue Yuehua's hand - it should be made of some kind of high-grade alloy, the hardness level is strong, but since it is metal - most of them have unavoidable properties - under the huge temperature difference, it is extremely It is easy to break... and I first freeze Setsugetsu's body, and then use the hot right hand soaked in boiling water to destroy her knife——

I even used my body to hold her blade in place just in case.

The blade in her hand broke, I tore off a piece of clothing, tied the wound to stop the bleeding, and wrapped my right hand to protect it from further burns...

The battle is over.

"Ji God... why do you... have to pay such a high price..."

Xue Yuehua said tremblingly, and collapsed in the snow. At this time, my right arm was already red like a branding iron, wrapped in the sleeve, and my left shoulder was already bloody.


I was silent for a while, then slowly squatted down——

——"I, Ji Shen, marry Xueyuehua wholeheartedly. No matter whether it is good times or bad times, rich or poor, healthy or sick, happy or depressed, I will love you unreservedly and believe in you completely. We To be a part of each other, to live the rest of my life as equal and faithful companions."

I whispered the speech at the wedding into her ear, and said softly——

Bloody fingers brushed her dark blue hair, and she smiled slightly.

And she - Xue Yuehua? Agra, shed tears again like a child...

Tears flowed from her beautiful eyes, dripped on the snow, and gradually spread, spread...

"God Ji..."

She parted her red lips—as if she was going to say something to me—but then—


There was the sound of gunfire—her voice stopped abruptly.

I was stunned.

At that moment, a dazzling light shone behind Xue Yuehua——

A bullet flew out of her chest—mixed with her blood—sliced ​​her flesh with a poof—

Right in the heart, the bloody bullet hit the wall of Yinyue 99 Zhongtian——

In less than a second—all of this happened without warning, suddenly, and unreasonably—

Why, why!

I looked up - looking at the man who made it all.

Xue Aotian is like a giant tower, standing under the cold moonlight, holding a pitch-black pistol in his hand, and the pistol keeps emitting smoke... There is no emotion in his eyes, as if he just shot and hit him, no? His own granddaughter, but an outsider.

He shot, one shot right in the heart of Xue Yuehua.


"Snow Moon Flower... Moon Flower!"

I hugged her, and held her with blood on her chest in my arms, and the snow was falling from the sky—like the flying flowers of a cherry tree, blowing and hanging on our bodies continuously... Snow Moon Flower is still Without knowing the bleeding, her face also quickly turned pale...

"...I knew it was going to be like this... There was only one of us to live from the start."

Xue Yuehua's words began to become vague, and it seemed that blood was churning in her throat... Finally, a deep red blood flowed down from the corner of her lips...

"What God said to me just now...I heard it all...so happy...so happy..."

Xue Yuehua lay in my arms, warm blood flowed through my fingers...

"Stop talking, it will make your bleeding worse...it's okay!"

I shouted loudly... This is the first time for me in my second personality to be so impatient and restless.

Knowing the result—if it hits the heart—he couldn’t live no matter what.

But I used my own language, "It's okay..." to deceive my heart.

"God... Do you know why you chose to kill you...Because, I thought about it differently, if you killed me...if it was you...you will be in pain and blame yourself for a lifetime Bar……"

I'm stunned... It's not really a complicated reason, she wants to kill me, that's all - this is a battle between the two of us and only one can survive... In her heart... maybe survive Is it even more pathetic to be a person who lives alone... to bear guilt, self-blame, hatred for oneself, and live alone for a lifetime...

She knew early on that Christmas day would usher in the end of me and her.

So a few weeks earlier, I came to our school and made friends with me—became boyfriend and girlfriend.

That's why I was asked to listen to her singing—singing to me the wish in my heart—the wish of "no war, no pain"—everything.

That's why—that's why I'm dating me today—that's why I'm so tender and cute, and that's why I told me all that at the last wedding...

——[I, Xue Yuehua, am willing to marry Ji Shen wholeheartedly... No matter in good times or bad times, rich or poor, healthy or sick, happy or depressed, I will love you unreservedly and believe in you completely.We are part of each other, as equal and faithful companions for the rest of our lives. 】

...【Marrying you, Ji Shen, is something I have been looking forward to...】

——[Maybe our future is not good... But, I have always, always loved you. 】

Memories clearly appeared in my mind, and only then did I understand the meaning of what she said at that time.

Everything was predestined long ago.

It is destined to be this kind of ending—one of us must fall from the top of the ninety-nine heavens to the ground—while the other stands on the top of the silver moon ninety-nine heavens—overlooking the city— — to be a lonely, ruthless master.

"God...do you still remember the agreement we made when we were young..."

Xue Yuehua's voice became fainter... like a candle blowing in the wind.

"One of the promises... has been fulfilled...we are married...but Santa Claus..."

She smiled sadly, snowflakes stuck to her beautiful eyelashes, and dripped into her beautiful star pupils...

Her voice was so low that maybe she wasn't sure if she was still talking.

"There will be..."

I silently agreed.

"That would be great...God..."

Her smile is beautiful, a smile much more beautiful than moonlight

- "God - I love you."

The red lips parted slightly, and in a voice that was almost a whisper, he spoke the last words.

The hand that grabbed my sleeve also let go at that moment...

His eyes were closed, and his hands fell into the cold snow...

"Santa Claus..."

I silently whispered with a wry smile.

At that moment—somewhere in my brain—it seemed to be unraveled—the snowy sky, the silver moon in the sky, and the night full of falling flowers gradually became clear in my mind...

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