
where is this?


The brain was a little dizzy, but barely conscious.

Dimly, I opened my eyes—the white ceiling, um, the small table on the side was full of flowers and fruits—and looked in another direction—


It was a hanging bottle, and the blood vessel in my right hand was constantly being transfused. Not only was my right hand covered with bandages, but many places on my body were covered with bandages, various needles connected to the hanging bottle, and things connected to the electrocardiogram equipment.

Fortunately, my leg is not seriously injured. If I put on a plaster cast, I will be the same as a person who was rescued from a car accident.

Speaking of...

Why am I here?

At this time, I remembered that according to my memory, on the night of Christmas, I erupted into a second personality, fought continuously with Xue Yuehua and Xue Aotian, and finally fell seriously injured on the top of Yinyue 99.

Yinyue 99 Chongtian was locked at that time, is there anyone in 99 Chongtian who can regain consciousness and take us away?

"You're awake, little god."

At this time, a man's voice suddenly sounded beside me, which startled me. I turned my head suddenly, and a man was sitting on another hospital bed smiling.

The man looks like a wretched uncle, with flat head, short hair, scars all over his face, average appearance, always smiling...

This guy is...

My father - Ji Yuexia.

The one who gave me such a disgusting name, the irresponsible parents who don't go home all the year round, take my mother all over the place... In addition, he is the ninth generation president of the Dark Moon Chamber of Commerce with the title of [Smiling Tiger].

"How many days have I been asleep?"

There is no watch around, so I can’t feel the time. I was seriously injured last time. Maybe I slept for a long time, and from the point of view of my nutrient solution, I may have used nutrient solution instead of food for several days.

"Well, today is the first day of [-]."

My father said casually, and then I straightened up suddenly.

Hey, no, in other words, I slept for six days! ?

Ugh, it's terrible...sleeping from last year to today, from Christmas to New Year's Day.

The flowers on the table must have been given by the teacher and classmates. It's been so long since I've attended class.

"Uh...when did you come?"

By the way, I have to ask my father about this. I just looked around and there was obviously no one there.

"Hey... I've been hiding under the bed waiting for you to wake up."

He scratched the back of his head, stuck out his tongue and laughed.

Hide under the bed and wait for me to wake up! ?This is too creepy, don't be cute, wretched uncle!

I have been too lazy to complain about my father, I just complain about him silently in my heart.

"...Little God..."

Just as I was thinking this, my father suddenly spoke.

"Forgive me for one thing."

Some serious and apologetic, he said slowly.


I wondered, but I roughly guessed that when he asked me to forgive...it must be the fact that he didn't come to save me in time that day and almost killed me.

"Forgive me, and cooperate with the decision of the eighth generation president to test you."


I looked at my father in surprise, hello, that is to say, in fact, my father knew that I was going to fight Xue Yuehua?

Hey, hey... It's fine if you don't know how to stay home all year round, and let Xue Yuehua and I kill each other...! ?

"Every generation of Dark Moon's president is elected in this way, but we will not let the candidates die. The Dark Moon Chamber of Commerce is very cherished."

Isn't the battle between me and Xue Yuehua killing each other! ?Xue Yuehua is now... and I also...

I thought with some dissatisfaction in my heart, damn it, so my father was also one of the instigators of this massacre?

No, I can't help it anymore, I have to question him—my father.

Just when I was about to speak, what my father said next surprised me——

"That...Actually, your mother and I also had a decisive battle 20 years ago..."


Ah, what?

"At that time, I deliberately lost to your mother, she also thought I was dead, and was sad for many days..."

"Hey, hey... Could it be?"

I held my breath, intending to hear my father say the answer.

Father took a breath, then said slowly——

"Dark Moon Merchant Guild analyzes the two people tested by the president every session, and formulates a plan that allows them to fight quickly without dying. The person who wins the battle will become the next president, and the one who loses will be the next president. People will become the president's assistant, and usually the two candidates are of the opposite sex... so they are usually husband and wife..."


I was stunned, what kind of stupid rule is this! ?

"We analyzed the strength of you and Xueyuehua, and injected drugs into your body to force awakening. In fact, even if Xueyuehua didn't choose to kiss you at that time, you would wake up when her knife was close to your throat, and you awakened Finally, according to our analysis, it is impossible to die, even if the throat is bleeding, it can be rescued with your recovery ability..."

My father, the ninth generation chairman, Ji Yuexia said in a word.

In other words, the battle between me and Xue Yuehua was not a duel to the death, but a test to see who is more suitable to be the president and who is suitable to be the assistant!?

"However, there are still things that are not in our calculations. You actually beat Liu Cao, who was hosting the competition, to serious injuries, and challenged the eighth generation president. The most exaggerated thing is that you got the approval of that old monster ..."

"Wait a minute, Xue Aotian, didn't he get shot in the head by me!?"

I said in surprise, he should have been shot dead by me, what do you recognize or not?

"He bit the bullet you fired at him and just shattered a few teeth... But according to him, you were the first one to hurt him in ten years. And the youngest he ever hurt him people."

Bite the bullet... the old monster.

But let's ignore him for now. Putting all these aside, I have more important things to ask my father.

"—By the way, father, I want to ask one thing."

I calmed my breath and asked eagerly.

"Go ahead."

"——Snow Moon Flower, is... still alive?"

I was gripping the sheets as I saw her being struck in the heart, and for the first time in my life I experienced the pain of losing a loved one.

She must be alive.

With trembling fists, listening to the "tick-tick" sound of the nutrient solution, I waited for my father's answer.


"It seems that Xue Aotian didn't hit her heart at that time, but with his superb spear skills, pierced one of her blood vessels and several important blood vessels, causing her to faint instantly..."

My father smiled lightly, and when he hadn't finished speaking, I began to take off the needlework and measuring tools on my body.

"What are you going for?"

My father watched helplessly as I began to dismantle the things on my body. He knew he was asking the truth, but he didn't stop me.

"Go, find, her."

I said three words slowly, and tore off the needle and thread on my body.

Getting up and staggering out of bed, my brain instantly felt dizzy, and I felt a little weak in my hands and feet, because I couldn't use my strength after a long period of inactivity.

The drip stand was difficult to dismantle, so I just held it like a crutch, and staggered forward—— pushed open the door of the ward——

Xue Yuehua, wait for me.

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