Well, on January [-]th, after two weeks of hospitalization, Xue Yuehua and I finally recovered and were discharged from the hospital.

However, when I stepped out of the hospital, I was not very happy....


""We——decided to allow you to be polygamous and marry Alice and Xueyuehua at the same time. The chamber of commerce will fully assist, and if necessary, we can apply for false South African citizenship for you—"


This is a message from my father.

Hello!Don't interfere with my life any further!Please let me decide my love, two fiancees are too much trouble!

And---the thing I want to complain the most is why I have to apply for South African citizenship!If you live with a group of backward Hei Ge tribesmen in order to open a harem, wouldn't it be the laughing stock of the ages! ?

"Hey, God, Moonflower is leaving today."

My sister Ling, said beside me.

Uh, by the way, it is said that Xue Yuehua is going to fly to the United States today.

The study in our international department is too easy for this guy, so for her development, she still has to go back to the United States.

Although she came to my ward to look for me last night and said "If Ji Shen wants to be with me, I can stay with you", but I still refused. It's not that I don't want to be with her, but I don't want to delay her development because of me.

"I know Xue Yuehua is leaving, well, it's the plane in the afternoon, I will go to the airport to see her off."

I said softly to Ling, but my eyes looked at the sky in the distance.

It's been... so many days.

More than a month ago, Xue Yuehua came from the United States and confessed to me suddenly. Under her threat, we started dating, rushed to her concert to watch her sing, fought to protect her secret, and dated in a Christmas theme park. Mock weddings...all of these are vivid in retrospect.

Of course, what impressed me the most was the night of Christmas, when she and I had a decisive battle in Silver Moon 99, deepening the bond between the two during the battle, and finally declared war for her. Aotian.

It's a new year now.

Haha, I fell asleep for a year before I knew it.

"I don't know, will there be snow at the beginning of this year..."

I looked up at the sky and said to myself with a smile.


In the afternoon, it was time for Setsugekka Agra to leave by plane.

In order to avoid the turmoil caused by the star halo, her departure was carried out in secret, and Ling who knew she was going to leave had something to do, so now I am sending her to the plane alone.

In order to board the international flight, we first took the high-speed rail to Beijing, the capital, and then took a taxi to Beijing International Airport.

Beijing's airport and train station are completely different. The train station is full of smog and hawkers are shouting and beating, but the airport is built magnificently and orderly, which saves a lot of face among foreigners.

Uh, let’s not complain about the gap between the airport and the train station at the Capital Railway Station. Now, I’m holding the hand of the goddess?

It seems to be because I said that she looks good in a white floral dress, and today she is also wearing a snow-white lace floral dress. cap.

"God...I'm leaving soon."

She leaned on my side with some intimacy and said, boobs!Your c-cup soft breasts are pressing down on my arms!

Uh, I'm speechless, it seems that Miss Xueyuehua's attitude towards me has become more intimate after I was discharged from the hospital.

There is no feeling of happiness, no!

I'm just worried that there will be a fan of Miss Xue with a self-destruct device, seeing this scene will kill me instantly...

"Uh, I can board the plane in 10 minutes." I looked at my watch and said, and we finally reached the waiting area of ​​Setsugekka's airline flight.

".....Dear passengers and friends, hello everyone, the luxury passenger plane of flight K10 from Beijing to Washington, USA is about to take off... Please arrive at gate 5 in 08 minutes to check your boarding pass... ..."

In my ear, I remembered the voice of the airport announcement, uh, it seems that Xue Yuehua is leaving soon.

"There are still 5 minutes..."

Sitting on the seat in the waiting area, I said to her.

"Well, I will go back to the United States later, thank God for taking care of me these days..."

Xue Yuehua's pretty face was reddish, she slightly grabbed the corner of her clothes with her jade hands, and said to me.

"Also, thank you God for fulfilling my wish to get married, thank you for remembering everything at the end, and calling me Moon Flower...and thank you for fighting grandpa with your life for me."

She looked into my eyes and said seriously.

The clock at the airport was ticking, and it was less than 1 minute away.

"God... On Christmas Day, you gave me too many rewards, and I haven't given you any strict rewards..."

Xue Yuehua approached me, clung to my body, raised her dark blue star eyes, looked at me, her jade hand held mine tightly.

Uh, rewards?


Just when I was flustered by her sudden approach--

She brought her head closer, bent her arms, clasped mine with both hands, and kissed my lips.

Cool and soft touch, sweet and intoxicating breath.

----Her kiss didn't stay too long, and it left after touching it, but it gave me the wonderful feeling of kissing an ice flower in heaven.

"Crack clap clap..."

The people waiting for the plane who saw this scene applauded for us one after another.

"Girls nowadays are really active..."

"Isn't it? It seems to be another transnational love."

"Wow, so romantic."

The people around chattered and applauded for our blessings.

My face became red and hot, and I smiled helplessly at everyone, then immediately turned to face Xue Yuehua, and said to her in a low voice:

"You want to kill me, what if the second personality is awakened at the airport!?"

She kissed me, if I switched to that perverted personality, it would be possible to have a striptease in the terminal and kidnap a little loli! ?

"No way, you've already experienced it once, and it wasn't too intense. I believe in your staying power..."

Xue Yuehua stuck out her tongue and said with a smile, please don't make the kiss so unethical!

"Passengers of flight k10, you can start checking the boarding pass and boarding...Passengers of flight k10, you can..."

At this time, the radio at the airport finally rang, and I knew that Xue Yuehua Yagra was about to leave.

"God...Go away, I will clarify to everyone that it is not your girlfriend after I return to China."

She picked up the bag and got up with a blushing smile.


I nodded, will I clarify all this when I return home?Ah, great, the days of being threatened by her fans day and night are finally coming to an end!My beautiful youth is coming (although there is some inexplicable sadness)

"Not a girlfriend...because I'm already God's wife."

When I was still celebrating the end of the miserable days, she suddenly smiled coquettishly.


If I had water in my mouth right now, I would definitely spit it out.

"Hey, it's okay to be joking, please don't announce it to the public, Yuehua! It will kill me!!!"

I lowered my voice and said excitedly again.

"God looks nervous, so cute."

Xue Yuehua chuckled, as if joking.

"Huh---you're just kidding, you startled me."

I breathed a sigh of relief.

Sure enough, this guy and Shiyue-senpai are the most difficult types for me to deal with. She is a beautiful woman with a high IQ and a dark belly who likes to joke...

Well, this guy is leaving, let's make a good conclusion----

"That... Moon Flower, thank you for spending time with me these days. Two or three years later, when I am in the United States, I will accompany you to find Santa Claus."

I smiled and said, although I, an atheist, firmly oppose the existence of Santa Claus, but this is the agreement I made with Xue Yuehua when we were young.

When she heard what I said, the circles of her eyes became redder, and her pretty face became even redder.

Then, she moved slightly with lotus steps, took a step forward, and then——slammed into my arms.

"Goodbye, God, I will wait for you...Leave the first time to you, and you will also leave it to me..."

She leaned against my arms coquettishly, and after saying such a sentence in a voice as small as a mosquito, she turned around and walked towards the boarding gate.

I froze in place, my mind went blank, her figure gradually disappeared at the boarding gate at the other end, and I was still standing stupidly.

Ah, I must have heard correctly.

She did say the first time or something....

hello -----



"The first time---it's Mao!!??~~~~"

After my brain finally parsed her words and the energy for complaining was full, I looked up to the sky and shouted——

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