This society is not my harem

[5] Stupid brother... am I the same?

"Let's go home together, student Ji Shen."

Under the gaze of the classmates in the class, Yuan Mao Mao said with a sweet smile.

"Hey, hey...Ji God, why, why do you know her! Maomao-sama, but I decided to strike up a super-difficult beauty a month later!"

The boy next to me was already blushing, and he held my hand tightly... Uh, buddy, this actually hurts a lot, by the way, your name seems to be Cheng Tianbo, right?

I remember the boy in front of me, after calling out his name during self-introduction, the boys in the class laughed after hesitating for a while, and the girls also blushed and laughed... Cheng Tianbo——Cheng Tianbo.

Thanks to the obscenity of his name, I didn't cause much of a stir when I introduced mine.

So I still have a deep impression on the classmate in front of me. He is a guy who studies hard and regards "pickup" as his second life...

"Sorry, brother has decided to go with me."

At this time, Ling's somewhat cold voice sounded, she moved slightly with lotus steps, approached me, hugged my arm, leaned slightly against me, and said to Yuan Mao Mao at the door.

I was a little surprised, uh, it’s been a long time since my sister was so close to him, and she even hugged my arm, uh, my arm seems to be pressed by a soft mass, is it Ling’s chest?

Looks like she's not quite the airport yet.

I thought of it reflexively, but I blushed for my behavior in an instant——uh, I’m such an amazing person—did I care about the breasts of my sister just now! ?

"Hmm... are you Ji Shen's younger sister? You're so cute."

Different from Ling's somewhat indifferent attitude, Yuanmaomao is still enthusiastic.

"Sorry, Yuan Mao Mao... My sister is not easy to get close to others, offended."

I scratched my head, and said with some trouble, er, Ling was not such a child... Although she was indifferent to others, she would not be so direct... I don't know what happened today.

"However, my sister is unwilling, so there is nothing I can do. Hee hee, I wanted to thank God Xia Ji."

Uh, thank you, classmate Maomao, I feel that I am sorry for you for what happened yesterday.


Ling didn't speak, but still looked at Yuanmaomao with some hostility.

"Then, during the holidays, I'll treat Yuan Mao Mao to dinner, um, this is the phone number—"

I noticed that the atmosphere was a bit stiff, so in order to liven up the atmosphere, I handed Yuanmaomao a note with his phone number.

Well, by the way, when we're having dinner together, let's ask about the Mao Mao Classmates Club.

Please eat and talk.

"Hey... Ji Shen's phone number, okay, I'll contact you later, then I'll go home first."

Yuan Mao Mao stuck out her tongue, smiled sweetly, took the note from God Ji, and left.

"Goodbye, be careful on the road."


I nodded and watched Yuanmaomao leave, she is such a good girl, polite and cute...

"Ah—it hurts."

I suddenly felt a sharp pain, and Ling stepped on him hard.

"Ling, what's the matter?" I asked a little puzzled.


Ling snorted dissatisfied, and walked forward with the trolley case first, her long twin tails flicked in front of my eyes, and she didn't wait for me anymore...

"Uh... what did I do wrong?"

I smiled helplessly and said, I somehow made my sister angry.

"Ling...hey, wait for me!"

Looking at the fluttering ponytails gradually disappearing at the other end of the corridor, I shouted and chased them out.

【"Suddenly felt that Ji Shen is a very powerful person."

At this time, Cheng Tianbo, who was in the class, stared blankly and said slowly.


The students nodded in agreement. 】


"Uh, Ling, why have you been inexplicably angry since just now?"

I caught up with Ling who was hurriedly walking ahead and said.

"It's nothing."

Ling gave me a white look, and said with some dissatisfaction.

Forget it, never mind, my sister has reached this age, and she will have her own temper.

I thought about it in my heart, and then I left the school gate together with Ling, and walked along a quiet street towards Kahler Square... I don’t know when it started, and I don’t know how long it lasted, Ling and I always walked side by side without talking to each other with...

Maybe it's because our two lives overlap too much, maybe it's because we have a good heart, so we don't have much to talk about, just walk together, watching the sky gradually darken, watching the street lights gradually light up, watching the same scenery like flower petals fly by side...

This kind of life, although ordinary, is really beautiful.

Because she is my lovely sister, even if she walks the same path at the same moment every day, she never feels bored.

However, my sister and I are both students of the International Department. In the future, we may be assigned to different corners of the world because of our academic performance...

Well, I don't know how much time I have left with Ling.

I know that although Ling and I are walking and living together now——but because of the examination and admission reasons, three years later, it is very likely that I will be selected to a university in a different city, or even a different country, or even a place far apart on the earth. Two places far away——At that time, it might not be me who was by Ling's side.

"Well, Ling, I suddenly thought, if you have a boyfriend after a few years... I will feel very lonely."

As I thought about it, I couldn't help but blurt out what was in my heart.

This is my truth.


After hearing my words, Ling paused for a moment, blushed slightly, quickened her pace, gradually moved away from me, and cast me a back view with twin ponytails shaking again...

Uh, what's the matter, sure enough, Ling is still angry, although I don't know why...


[The street lamp elongated the girl's back... The night wind blew up, blowing the flowers on the tree...

The girl is not frank, and has always buried the fact that she likes her brother in her heart.

She walked slowly on the night avenue full of falling flowers, and murmured——

"Stupid brother... Aren't I the same..."

When the flowers and leaves fluttered, the girl blushed, pursed her lips, and said softly...]

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