Inadvertently, I set my sights on the wardrobe in Chuqing's room.

A dark wardrobe that goes against the pale walls.

It seems to be embedded in this room, exuding a depressing atmosphere.

"Brother, for fruits, apples, bananas and tomatoes are okay?"

When I was staring at the closet in a daze, Chu Qing who was outside the room asked me.

"Oh... yes."

I replied somewhat hesitantly.

"Okay, please wait a moment."

Chu Qing said, and then through the half-closed door, I heard her brisk footsteps, the sound of opening the refrigerator, and then she probably walked to the kitchen again.

My eyes turned to the dark wardrobe again.

What's in it.....what?

When I came back from the rain just now, Chuqing probably changed in the living room.

She didn't open the closet to change clothes from it.

This not for storing clothes.

"Forget's better not to look at it."

I clenched my fists and suppressed the curiosity in my heart.

No matter what, this is also a girl's room. It should be a perverted behavior to open her closet and look inside.


I heard the sound of the knife hitting the cutting board, and looking out through the half-closed door, I could see Chuqing's back in an apron.

She holds the fruit knife in her hand with her slender fingers, and crushes and chops the fruit little by little. The red tomato juice is cut by the snow-white blade, and the peel is cut open instantly, and the blood-like tomato juice is squeezed out from inside. It came out and slowly flowed down her fingers.

She seems to be very focused on cutting the fruit. If I sneak a peek at what's in the closet, she probably won't notice it...

And there is a door, even if she turns around suddenly, she won't be able to see this place, and it will take a long time to get here...


The blade kept cutting through the skin of the tomato and collided with the cutting board. Her arms moved up and down, and I swallowed.

just take a look....

Although it's not very good to do so, it really cares too much.

The intuition given to me by the second personality tells me that there are absolutely extraordinary things in this wardrobe.

If I don't take a look now...maybe I'm missing something in this lifetime.

Of course, it is possible that if I take a look at this now, I will make a big mistake.

My intuition told me so.

But you still have to be brave to open it, or there will always be this place that you don’t know when you are a school girl in the future, and it’s not good to feel a sense of disobedience?

I found an excuse in my heart, said to myself, then took a deep breath, made up my mind, and stretched my hand towards the coffin-like wardrobe.


She should still be chopping vegetables, should be fine.....

Try it, just take a look, just a look.

Thinking this way, I approached the closet with my hand.


The heartbeat continued to accelerate, the breathing became rapid, and the five senses were fully concentrated, while listening to the sound of Chuqing cutting the fruit did not stop.

Buckle your fingers on the pull ring of the wardrobe, and then pull it away little by little...

Right now....I should know something.

I thought so, and then with a squeak, I pulled open the black wardrobe.

A stench hit my face, the smell of blood mixed with the smell of carrion rushed to the tip of my nose, the picture in front of me shocked my senses, making it almost numb, and I even forgot how to vomit...

My pupils shrank suddenly, and I closed the wardrobe in a daze——

In that moment, in that glimpse—I saw something that I would regret seeing in my life.


"Brother, the fruit salad is ready."

I tried my best to normalize my senses and let myself forget what I had just seen.

Chuqing Xuemei has already made a fruit salad and brought it to me, but I don't have any appetite.

"Uh...Sorry, I feel a little uncomfortable, so I don't want to eat."

I said, looking at this fruit salad now, I feel an inexplicable feeling of vomiting, cold sweat oozes from my forehead, my face is pale, and I want to try my best to smile at Chuqing.

It was true that something extremely terrifying was found in Junior Chuqing's closet just now.

Is that her collecting habit, or is there a more terrifying reason, I don't know.

But the only thing I can do now is to cover it up, after all it's not good to let her know that I've rummaged through her closet.

"Brother is not feeling well... Are you all right?"

She raised her black jewel-like pupils and asked with some concern.

"Well, it's okay. The rain seems to have stopped. I think it's almost time to disturb you. It's better to go first..."

I said eagerly, now I need to sort out my thoughts and find a place to calm down.

"Oh...that's it...then brother...I'll make you a fruit salad next time..."

When Chuqing heard that I was leaving, she was a little frustrated, but she still gave a sunny smile.


I nodded, and put on my shoes eagerly.

"Sorry, I'm leaving today, and we'll play together later."

I said at the door, and waved to her.

"Well... together in the future."

Junior Chuqing nodded, and looked at me worriedly.

Then I closed the door and ran downstairs.

Next time I find a chance, I will explain it to Chuqing Xuemei. Even if her hobby is very strange, it is not good to violate her **.

I thought so, and then I was reminded again of what I had just seen in the closet.


When I came to a corner, I bent down suddenly, my stomach was churning, and I finally vomited it out.


[After Ji Shen left, Chu Qing sat alone in the empty room on the third floor.

The fruit salad was left uneaten and left on the floor beside it.

The room was once again filled with loneliness, and she was alone.

She put her hand on the wardrobe and buckled the pull tab on it.

"I forgot to lock was my fault."

She lowered her head and muttered to herself while hugging her legs.

"Brother Ji should have seen it all..."

A teardrop flowed from the corner of her eye, and then she gently pulled the wardrobe, and with a creak, the wardrobe unfolded in front of her eyes.

In the black wardrobe in the dimly lit room, there are extremely terrifying things——

It was the broken liver of an animal, sticking together, emitting a stench, and the rabbit's eyes, looking out from the closet in despair.

"How should I do it... My brother will hate me... I finally got to know each other... I finally established the current relationship..."

Chu Qing squatted on the ground, hugging her legs in despair and crying, the darkness in the room enveloped her, imprisoned her, stripped her of hope...

—— "It would be good to get rid of my brother... No one knows Chuqing's secret, and you can always be together."

At this time, in the shadows in the corner of the room, a ghostly voice sounded.

The voice is evil, terrifying and desperate, bewitching the girl like a demon.

"Get rid"

Chu Qing was stunned for a moment, her tear-filled eyes gradually lost their luster.

"So... can we be together forever?"

She asked the shadow beside her, shrunk in the darkness of the room, she stared blankly at the front, her beautiful eyes kept streaming tears, dripping onto the ground...

Ji Shen wouldn't know that he opened this black closet out of a moment of intuition and curiosity -- leading him and Chu Qing to such a dark road.

For that fleeting glance.

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