This society is not my harem

[67] There is no hopeful chapter now, just create it again

The gate of memory was opened in an instant, and a steady stream of past memories rushed towards the brain.

The scenes of that year and that day were quickly replaying before my eyes.

That day, Chuqing and I were left in the classroom to fill out the [Hope Questionnaire]. Then, when she was writing the three words [I want to die] on the paper, I broke into her life and wiped her Despair, wrote her hope.

"I want to be a bride", which was written casually as an example at that time, has become her hope for the past seven years and even in her life.

But I, a scumbag, completely left all of this behind.


Standing in front of her, I clenched my fists and said these three words slowly.

I did not say some false advice and begging, but directly apologized.

"I just remembered the memories of seven years ago, Chuqing, I don't know what happened to you that year. When I saw that you wanted to die, I couldn't help but help you, but it was on paper at that time. What I wrote down...I completely forgot."

I said in front of her that the train was rolling over the rails and flying by, and the trees and rural houses on both sides were rushing back.

"I recalled it. That year, when I wanted to drink water after playing table tennis, you should have been the one who kept delivering the water. You have been silently watching me from behind me, taking care of me...but I... ...but I gradually forgot about you..."

I clenched my fists, and my fingertips penetrated into the flesh.

Recalling everything in the past, Chuqing in front of me is no longer scary in front of my eyes. On the contrary, I sympathize with and love her.

That year, she encountered a huge disaster that made her want to commit suicide. Finally, I gave her hope, but I forgot about her. She has been alone for seven years, keeping away the blind eyes and bullying around her.

Although she is a murderer, but before that, she was still a school girl who needed me to save.

"elder brother......"

She lowered her head, lowered her voice, and slightly loosened the joints that were pressing on the knife.

My words have worked, will she forgive me?

Thinking like this, but in an instant, my pupils shrank—she quickly clenched the fruit knife again, and then slashed towards me—

I quickly dodged backwards, staggered and half fell to the ground, and the knife scratched my right arm, and blood flowed down my right arm.

Although the artery was not injured, the right arm was cold and painful, and the flesh was obviously cut, and the blood flow continued...

"Hee hee hee hee hee hee...."

Holding the fruit knife in her hand, she watched the blood on my right arm fall all over the ground, and laughed excitedly again.

"Brother...Didn't I say it? It's not because you forgot me to be angry, I am an existence that is easy to be forgotten... I don't mind at all, all I want is to be with my brother It’s just perfect love, maybe it’s the awakening of my mother’s soul in my body... When my mother killed my father in front of my eyes, and then disassembled my father and put it in the refrigerator, I was so scared that I dared not eat it for several days The meat is gone..."

She laughed wildly, her delicate body trembling slightly.

I also finally understood the reason for her despair seven years ago. At that time, did her mother brutally kill and rape her father in front of her?

"Now... I want to kill my brother just like my mother, and then take my brother to travel around by train for a few days... I will die with my brother when I get tired of playing..."

She said slowly, holding her hot face, constructing a terrifying and hopeless future.

I calmly listened to her words, and then made a major decision——

"Chuqing, I can be killed by you, it can be regarded as repayment for the forgetting of these seven years..."

I lowered my head, clenched my fists and said.


[Dark Moon Nova on the ninth floor of the Dark Moon Chamber of Commerce in Central Moon Province]

"will die--"

Qin Ye spoke slowly, Cheng Lingwu's pupils shrank, stood up, and grabbed Qin Ye's collar.

"Qin Ye, what nonsense are you talking about? Didn't the young master not be fully awakened before he could be assigned a mission with a high mortality rate?"

The door on this floor was trembling with Cheng Lingwu's thunderous roar, he asked angrily.

"Don't worry... Minister Cheng, I haven't finished yet..."

Qin Ye held his hand and said calmly.

"The young master may indeed die, but the chances are extremely slim."

He continued.

"After your analysis, it's so slight that you can't even wake up? You know that, right? No. 1 young master, in front of a killer of that level, can be killed in just one second!"

"That's true...but since the president dared to hand him over to me, there is a reason."

Qin Ye continued.

"We all believe that Young Master Ji Shen is a [chosen person], a miraculous existence. If he doesn't want to die——he will break through everything and show us."

Qin Ye smiled, and continued to drink tea.

"I can be killed by you, it can be regarded as repayment for the forgetting of these seven years..."

I stood upright, bowed my head and said.

"However, my life is not mine alone. Behind me, there are sisters, cats, Alice and various friends and relatives who have been changed by my existence... Now, I cannot die."

With a change of tone, I said so.

"Hee hee hee hee... Brother, you don't have to think about other people. I don't have to think so much like brother. I don't have anyone else except brother..."

After hearing what I said, Chuqing let out another shrill and terrifying laugh, and said while holding the fruit knife tightly on the spot.

"There are others, Mao Mao, Ling, they should all be your friends?"

I said slowly, her delicate body trembled.

"The song you sang is beautiful and spreads hope. Those wretched boys in school have always admired you and wanted to get to know you..."

I continued.

"There has always been despair, friends and hope, all of which do not belong to me..."

She sneered, then clenched the knife again——

"There is no hope, I long as I can be with my brother forever—"

The blade stabbed at me quickly, this time I didn't retreat timidly, but took a step forward.


The blade was stuck in my shoulder, and the splashed blood gushed out, splashed on Chuqing's black robe and pretty face, and also splashed on me.

A strong tingling sensation stimulated my nerves, and my blood was running fast. This time, what occupied my heart was no longer fear, but the desire to save Chuqing, to change this status quo, and to Hope to convey to her **——

——"If there is no hope now, just create it again."

I held the blade she stabbed into my shoulder, looked at Chuqing tenderly and said.

He said the same thing as me seven years ago.

Junior, I can give you hope.

Thinking in my heart like this, at that moment, my brain became active like an explosion - the bones of my whole body changed rapidly - at the same time, my eyes quickly - were stained with a layer of blood red.

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