This society is not my harem

【71】Manual braking

Maybe it's weird and untrue to say that.

At this time, I broke the glass of the high-speed rail sightseeing car, grabbed the glass frame, and climbed from the car to the top of the car at a speed of [-] kilometers per hour.

I firmly stepped into the depression on the roof, and inserted the fruit knife of special material that my school girl gave me into the roof to fix myself so that I would not be blown away by the strong wind.

The strong wind generated by the galloping train kept tearing at my clothes and hair, making it hard for me to keep my eyes open, breathing and walking.

Uh, walking around on a [-]km/h train and thinking about how to stop the train.

This is not a dream or a joke, but something that really happened to me——

I can say that if I am not in the state of second personality now, I should not be able to stand such a situation for a second.

"Ah... I'm so uncomfortable being blown by the wind, I need to hurry up."

I thought so, bowed my body, and scanned the surrounding scenery.

The sky is a full moon, there is a slight smog in the air, the trees and houses on both sides are rushing away through the wind, the train is dark, the contact electricity is constantly intersecting with the train, the train rolls over the rails, and trembles slightly Suddenly, electric sparks emerged from the contactor, and the sound of the wind rang in my ears. The whole train was like a black dragon rushing forward in a torrent.

How can we stop this train?

It must be out of control.

Go directly to the front of the car to block?

Can't do it.

The speed of four hundred kilometers per hour, coupled with such a large mass impact, even now my flesh and blood have been hardened countless times, and my strength has reached superhuman levels, but I am still a person after all, not those nonsense sci-fi romances The aliens and robots in the play, like the people in the future, can easily block the train and dial back the missile by hand...

If I rush to the front of the train now, there will only be one end--I will be smashed to pieces.

Even if the train is dragged on the side or behind the train, it will only be dragged and run.

And no matter what I do, the train doesn't slow down because of my push or pull.

What's bad about the train is the control system, not the power system. A steady stream of power will be injected into the train...



By the way, I can destroy the power system of this train.

A train that has destroyed its power system will not stop immediately and cause danger, but will gradually slow down until it stops.

That's works.

I slowly swept over the train. The high-speed rail is powered by electricity. The power is transmitted from a distant transmission plant to the contact electricity, and then the contact electricity is conducted to the pantograph and other devices, and then the power is continuously connected to the train. .

It is impossible to directly destroy the contact, because if one is destroyed, the train will continue to fly forward, and will contact with a new power supply device to obtain new energy.

What I want to destroy is the link between the train and the power source - the pantograph and a series of devices connected to the contactor.

This series of devices, a total of ten, are distributed above each compartment.

They are made of steel alloy and are firmly fixed. It is quite difficult to break them.

And I have to be careful not to get an electric shock. In case of an electric shock, although I won't be electrocuted to death with my strong heart function and recovery ability, maybe the train has reached the terminal and crashed before I passed out.

It is indeed a very dangerous task, I want to quickly destroy ten power system link devices.

But I don't have time to hesitate. The train will arrive soon, and the longer the delay, the worse it will be.

"It's going to be a big fight...The Chamber of Commerce knows that I am destroying this thing on the high-speed high-speed rail...The level of this task may reach level seven..."

A little sweat dripped down my forehead, and I laughed at myself.

Then, without too much hesitation, I took a deep breath, and then slightly bent my legs—to accumulate energy—


My feet stepped on the train, and my body flew forward quickly. In order not to be swept away by the airflow, I leaned over and jumped, my hands kept touching the train, and I inserted the fruit knife into the roof of the train. In the dent, it looked like a cheetah swooping.

The red pupils swept across the first prey in front of them - the power system connection device of the tenth carriage.

OK... destroy it.

Thinking of this, I pulled out the fruit knife from the inlay on the roof with my left hand, grabbed the ground with my right hand, kicked my legs, and flew towards the power system.

The thinking and judgment of the brain reached the limit in an instant, taking into account the wind force and the surrounding force, effectively avoiding the charged part through observation, and stabbing towards the power system device with my left hand——


The sound of metal sounded, and I cut a shallow ditch in the device, but there was no sign of breakage at all.


I spat and flew upside down for a certain distance under the effect of the rebound, but I rushed over again.


Sparks kept popping up in front of my eyes, and finally, the damage to the connection of the power system was already very large.

"Break it for me!"

Shouting loudly, I grasped the ground with both feet, walked around to its side, then clenched my right fist, and slammed towards it——


Under my attack, the connection finally broke. After it let out a low moan unwillingly, it flew backwards and flew to the bottom of the train...


I took a deep breath and finally solved this one——

"Emergency...emergency, conductor, please come here."

A conductor who was observing the situation of the train suddenly shouted excitedly, and the conductor who was just about to write a suicide note also rushed over after hearing the news.

"what's up?"

The train conductor asked as he walked, but when he saw the screen, his eyes instantly widened.

"No. [-], No. [-], and No. [-] power link system link is broken?"

He looked at the screen and said in a daze, it was the first time he saw the power link system broken after being a train conductor for so many years, you know, even if this thing is struck by lightning, it is very difficult to break.

"Well... that's true. With seven power systems, it is very difficult for the train to maintain the current speed of [-] kilometers per hour. If it loses contact with several power systems, the train should lose power... .”

The conductor said slowly.


When the train conductor heard the news, he laughed out loud.

If it is at other times, losing power is a big wail, delaying time and affecting the reputation of the high-speed rail company.

Today, losing momentum and slowing down is a great blessing and salvation for them.

"Although I don't know why this happened, but if ten power systems can be destroyed within the time limit, we can still be saved."

The train conductor said slowly.

"Report remaining time."

He instructed his men.

"The remaining time has been accurately calculated - we still have nine minutes and 13 seconds."

The conductor in front of the screen swallowed and said slowly.

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