Chapter 185 It's Time!

Chen Pei was startled, and said anxiously: "Brother, just say what you want, don't let me guess!"

"These people want to let us pass!"

"Let us go there?"

Li Qiang nodded, ignored him, and said in a deep voice, "Hanghai City is not our Jianghai, by the way, where is Tian Tian?"

"It's fine these days, I'll let her rest for a few days!"

"Tell her not to rest, call her over!"

Chen Pei didn't dare to say anything, and hurriedly took out his phone and said a few words to Tian Tian.

After sitting in the lobby for a long time, Tian Tian rushed over.Feeling that the atmosphere was a bit oppressive, the girl came to Li Qiang's side and asked, "Brother Qiang, what happened?"

"Two brothers were left behind!"

Tian Tian stopped being naughty, and asked in a low voice, "When shall we go over?"

"Now!" Li Qiang strode out after finishing speaking, Chen Pei and Tian Tian followed side by side, neither of them said a word.

After getting into the Bentley, Chen Pei finally plucked up the courage and said, "Brother, why don't we take our brother over there?"

Li Qiang turned his head to look at Chen Pei and shook his head: "We didn't fight this time, we saved people!"

"Then it's fine for the two of us to go, why did you let Tian Tian follow?"

Chen Pei's words are not rebuttals, Li Qiang can tell that this guy is concerned about Tian Tian!

Laughing, Li Qiang turned his head to look at Chen Pei strangely and said, "Why didn't I realize that you still care about women!"

Chen Pei's dark face instantly turned purple: "Brother, what are you talking about!"

Seeing that the atmosphere eased for a short time, Tian Tian joked and said, "Brother Qiang, Chief Chen has always cared about me very much!"

"is it?"

Chen Pei blinked and said, "Brother, don't you believe me?"

Li Qiang laughed loudly, patted Chen Pei on the shoulder and said, "Boy, do your best!"

Chen Pei made a triumphant gesture and said with a smile: "I will definitely live up to your high expectations!"

Without making any more jokes, Li Qiang looked at the two of them seriously and said: "The strong dragon does not overwhelm the snake. If we lead people there, our eyes are too big, and they will definitely think that we are here to fight. Now that the three of us are going over, they will definitely not Put a girl like Tian Tian in your eyes, if you still refuse to let her go after all the good words, just kill them!"

"No problem, I'll do the assault when the time comes!"

Li Qiang nodded, glanced at Tian Tian and said: "When the time comes, restrain your murderous aura for me, and don't make the other party feel nervous!"

"Brother Qiang, there is no murderous aura in me!"

"That's quite obvious!" Li Qiang laughed and drove the car towards Hanghai City.

No one said a word along the way, and after three hours, they finally arrived in the urban area of ​​Hanghai City.

Parking the car on the side of the road, Chen Pei took out his mobile phone and dialed the other party's number.

After hanging up the phone, Li Qiang frowned and asked, "What do you say over there?"

"People are on his side, and he is letting us pass now!"

Li Qiang sneered: "It seems that they don't take us seriously!"

"Brother, don't be emotional, let's go there now!"

Li Qiang smiled and said: "Okay, you lead the way!"

Chen Pei didn't say a word, got into the driver's seat, and drove off into the distance.

Turning left and right along the way made Li Qiang a little confused. He drove for almost an hour before stopping at the door of a warehouse.

The three of them just got out of the car, and two young men in their twenties walked away from the warehouse. They glanced at them and asked in a deep voice, "Are you Chen Pei?"

"It's me, is my person inside?"

The two youths glanced at him, turned their heads and said, "Come with us!"

Chen Pei turned to look at Li Qiang, and asked in a low voice, "Brother, is there an ambush?"

"Even if there is a cannon pointed at us inside, we have to go in!" After Li Qiang finished speaking, he strode in.

This warehouse is very large, about 1000 square meters. Following the two young people to the bottom floor, Li Qiang saw a house separated by movable panels in front of him.

The three of them stopped at the same time, and the young man knocked on the door and said, "Brother Hua, people are coming!"

The door opened, and a burly man with an inch head came out, glanced at Li Qiang and the other three, and finally turned his gaze to Chen Pei and said with a smile: "Chairman Chen, I didn't expect you to come so fast!"

Chen Pei looked directly at the other party and said, "Cao Hua, where are my people now?"

"In a very comfortable place, visitors are guests. If people outside know that I leave guests at the door to talk, they will definitely say that I, Cao Hua, don't know how to treat guests!"

The three of them entered the small room, and there were six strong men covered in tattoos.

The most important thing for a big brother is to have the air of a king, and although the Cao Hua in front of him looks big and thick, he has a very strong smell of ruffian all over his body.

Cao Hua greeted with a smile: "Sit down, what are you doing standing up?"

There was only a stool in front of him, Chen Pei turned his head and was about to let Li Qiang sit down, but Li Qiang gave him a hard look, Chen Pei had no choice but to bite the bullet and sit down.

Cao Hua yawned and said: "Chairman Chen, I didn't expect you to bring two people, and there is also a woman, let me admire you again!"

Chen Pei imitated what Li Qiang said before: "We didn't come here this time to fight. I'm here now. Can my people be returned to me?"

"I have worked so hard to let you come from Jianghai City. Do you really think I will let go so easily?"

Li Qiang frowned, there must be something between Cao Hua and Chen Pei.

Chen Pei said in a deep voice: "I don't want to mention the past!"

Cao Hua glanced at Tian Tian and said with a smile: "I can let you two little brothers go, but the beauty behind you will stay for a month and serve us well!"

The obscene voice made the tattooed animals beside him burst into laughter.

Chen Pei said coldly: "What exactly do you want?"

"I want to get back what should belong to me!"

"Didn't I already give you all?"

Cao Hua slammed the table and shouted, "Do you think that's enough?"

Seeing that Chen Pei was about to explode, Li Qiang kicked the stool lightly.

Chen Pei understood, and hurriedly suppressed the anger in his heart, and said in a deep voice: "Let's stop playing riddles, and just say something!"

"Two years ago, you sent me away with 500 million. If you don't give me 5000 million today, you don't want to get out of here!"

Chen Pei asked in surprise, "5000 million?"

"5000 million should not be a difficult task for you, the head of the White Tiger Hall, right?"

"Cao Hua, don't be too arrogant!"

Cao Hua leaned on the sofa and looked at the ready-to-go animals around him and smiled, "Am I arrogant? How could such a low-key person like me do something arrogant?"

Chen Pei took a deep breath and said coldly, "What if I don't give it?"

"Then I will let all the associations in Jianghai City know that the leader of Baihutang is a person who loves money as much as his life, and will not hesitate to let his little brother die!"

Chen Pei smiled and said, "You let my people go first, and I'll give you the money!"

"No problem, I'm sorry you can't play any tricks!" Cao Hua waved his hands, and the two young people outside walked away knowingly.

When they came to the door, the two younger brothers sent by Chen Pei had been beaten with bruised noses and swollen faces, lying on the ground twitching constantly.

Cao Hua said to the outside: "Let them go!"

Chen Pei got up, came to one of them and whispered something in his ear, and told them to leave, before sitting on the stool again.

Cao Hua didn't take it seriously at all, and fiddled with his fingers disdainfully: "You don't want reinforcements coming, Hanghai City is no better than your Jianghai City, although my power is not as powerful as yours, but I am not a vegetarian after all!"

Chen Pei spread his hands and smiled: "I know, I just want them to be safe and give me a call!"

"Hmph!" Cao Hua snorted coldly and said, "I have fulfilled my words, now it's your turn!"

"Is the check okay?"


Hearing this, Chen Pei took out a check, and after writing it, he held it in his hand and said, "After what happened today, I don't want to have a next time!"

Cao Hua laughed loudly and said, "Don't worry, I admit that I'm not a good person, but I'm definitely not the kind of person who backtracks on my promises. As long as the 5000 million is cashed in, we won't make any mistakes!"

Chen Pei nodded, and just as he was handing over the check, the phone rang at this moment.

The call was from the two younger brothers just now, Chen Pei answered and nodded.After hanging up the phone, he turned to look at Li Qiang with a smile and said, "They are safe now, let's go back!"

Cao Hua was taken aback, stood up abruptly from the stool, and said coldly, "How dare you fuck me? If you don't leave me the check today, I'll kill you!"

Tian Tian, ​​who had been silent all this time, suddenly sneered: "Do you have the ability?"

"Little bitch, you are not mean? I can kill you on the bed!"

Tian Tian didn't get angry, but disappeared from the spot in an instant, and when she reappeared, a clear slap print appeared on Cao Hua's face.

"Who hit me just now?" Cao Hua shouted, covering his painful face and looking around.

Li Qiang looked at a few people with disdain and said: "Let's go back, these people don't deserve us to talk to us for so long!"

Cao Hua shouted: "Stop! What the hell are you? None of you three will leave today!"

Li Qiang glanced at him disdainfully, turned to Tian Tian and said, "Give me a minute, and I'll get rid of all these people!"

Tian Tian giggled and said: "Brother Qiang, you underestimate me too much, one minute is too long to deal with these animals, half a minute is enough!"

"Okay, it's been ten seconds now, and there are still 20 seconds left!"

Tian Tian hurriedly turned her head when she heard the words, and disappeared from the spot again before Cao Hua and the others rushed over.

Tian Tian couldn't be seen in front of her eyes at all, only these tattooed animals fell to the ground, screaming continuously on the ground.

"Time is up!"

Just after Li Qiang finished speaking, Tian Tian appeared in front of him, and said with a mischievous smile: "Brother Qiang, these people are too hard to beat, I haven't had enough of it yet!"

Li Qiang's head was so dizzy when he heard that, this girl was different from him, she would fight quickly when she started, and she wouldn't let the other party feel any psychological fear at all.

Chen Pei looked at the scene in front of her in surprise, turned her head to look at Tian Tian and gave her a thumbs up: "I said Queen, you are too good at fighting!"

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