my best fiancee

Chapter 24 Using Love Crazy Just to Pretend

Chapter 24 Using Love Crazy Just to Pretend

The gangsters on the ground were trembling, and they nodded repeatedly as they looked at Li Qiang with an evil look on his face: "What's the problem?"

Li Qiang asked sharply, "Who told you I was in this car?"

"Luo Zicheng, after he told Brother Zhao, Brother Zhao ordered us to come."

"It's really this beast!" Li Qiang sneered coldly, glanced at the trembling gangster on the ground and turned his head to get on the Mazda.

Shen Qian and Du Xueting looked flustered. Although they were high-level executives in the company, they were women after all, and they were still a little scared when facing what happened just now.

Seeing that Shen Qian was quite frightened, Li Qiang let her sit in the back seat and drove away from this place by himself.

After arriving at the villa, Du Xueting was the first to recover from the panic: "Li Qiang, what happened to those people just now?"

Li Qiang didn't want to hide it, so he took a big sip of water and said, "Zhao Kai sent them here to deal with me."

"Zhao Kai?"

Seeing that Du Xueting seemed to know him, Li Qiang asked unhurriedly: "Sister Xueting, do you know him?"

"I don't know!" Du Xueting shook her head and said, "I know that he is arrogant and domineering in Jianghai City because his father is the Minister of Public Security."

"Any more?"

Du Xueting shook her head: "That's all I know, but why did Zhao Kai deal with you?"

Li Qiang sat on the sofa and said with a smile: "I don't know, maybe I look more handsome than him."

"Stop bragging, you see Qianqian is still alive, it seems that she was quite frightened just now."

As soon as Du Xueting's voice fell, Shen Qian suddenly came back to her senses, and said dissatisfiedly: "I'm not intimidated, I just think that this stinky scum really has a lot of tricks."

Seeing that Shen Qian was really fine, Li Qiang laughed and said: "It doesn't matter who I am, the little witch's future husband can even deal with the witch, these few shrimp soldiers and crab generals are not in my eyes at all."

"Say you're fat and panting? Don't you know how to be modest?"

"You know, my elementary school teacher often taught me that humility makes people regress, and pride makes people improve, isn't that true?"

"Is your elementary school teacher a veterinarian? It is humility that makes people progress!"

Li Qiang was surprised and asked: "Is there still such a thing?"

"Too lazy to talk to you!" Shen Qian stood up disdainfully, and walked towards the room on the second floor.

Du Xueting glanced at Li Qiang, sat on the stool and asked in a low voice, "Li Qiang, there is something I want to ask you."

Seeing Du Xueting's serious expression, Li Qiang realized the seriousness of the problem, so he didn't laugh, nodded and said, "Sister Xueting, just ask if you have anything."

"What have you been doing for the past five years?"

"Didn't you say it all? What's wrong with the pig that has been raised for five years?"

Du Xueting said meaningfully: "You can fool Qianqian but you can't fool me. It can be seen from your performance at the last meal and this time. Your past five years are definitely not as simple as you said."

"Hey, Miss Xue Ting doesn't believe me? I've been raising pigs for five years, but a colleague who raises pigs said that he can subdue the dragon with eighteen palms, and he will do it if he has nothing to do. Over time, I will do it once or twice."

"Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms?"

"Yeah, I was puzzled at first, but in the end he mysteriously told me that his ancestor was Qiao Feng, and that guy must have watched too many TV shows and got mad."

Du Xueting couldn't help laughing and said, "This guy is really interesting."

Before Li Qiang opened his mouth, Shen Qian's disdainful voice came from the second floor: "This is called like to flock together, and people are divided into groups. Of course, crazy friends are crazy, how can there be normal people?"

Li Qiang retorted: "I don't want to listen to this. You are a little witch, how can you have such a lady friend as Xue Ting?"

Du Xueting giggled and said, "Li Qiang's mouth is getting sweeter and sweeter."

"Sister Xue Ting, you know people and faces but don't know your heart, this stinky scum is definitely not that simple."

After Shen Qian finished speaking, she went downstairs and looked at Li Qiang and groaned: "Smelly shameless, you can hide it from sister Xueting but you can't hide it from me. Let me tell you what you have experienced in the past five years."

Shen Qian's expression was definitely not a joke, Li Qiang frowned and nodded: "I'll listen to what you say."

"You haven't raised pigs at all in the past five years. In fact, you have been staying in the mental hospital all the time."

Seeing Li Qiang looking at her with a half-smile, Shen Qian had a confident expression: "After you ran away from home five years ago, you suffered a lot and caused schizophrenia, so you were forced to enter a mental hospital."

"It's really like that."

"Nonsense, don't look at who I am!" Shen Qian gave him a disdainful glance, and continued: "After you escaped from the mental hospital, you have been in two states, one is obscene and the other is violent. "

Li Qiang said with a smile: "Your imagination is so rich, it's a pity that you don't write novels."

Shen Qian pouted her mouth and said proudly: "Did I say it to my heart? Don't think I don't know your details."

Li Qiang smiled bitterly, looked at the time and hurriedly got up from the sofa: "Sister Xueting, I have something to go out first, don't let the little witch run around, she was stimulated just now, and now she seems a little nervous."

Du Xueting smiled coquettishly: "Don't worry, I will never let Qianqian go out and hurt others."

"Sister Xueting, why do you always speak for this scum?"

"I've said it before, I'm right about things and not people."

"Little witch, just stay here, don't run around and scare people." Li Qiang smiled triumphantly, turned his head and walked outside.

Pass through the small tree and soon come to the opposite square.

Seeing Zhang Yang sitting quietly on the stone bench, Li Qiang hurried over and asked in a deep voice, "Did no one trouble you last night?"

"No, but when I went home, I saw some people flirting with women, so I taught them a lesson in the past."

Li Qiang nodded in satisfaction: "A hero saves the beauty?"

Wang Yang's face turned red: "Brother, don't make fun of me. I also want to become stronger as soon as possible, so I followed what you taught me before."

"That's right. If you have nothing to do in the future, practice more. If you get beaten more times, you will learn how to fight." Patting Wang Yang on the shoulder, Li Qiang turned his head and said, "Now go buy you a mobile phone and contact me like this." It's also convenient to get up."

Starting from the square, the two took a car to an Apple store in the city center.

Looking at all kinds of expensive love madness, Wang Yang was a little timid, and whispered in Li Qiang's ear: "Brother, I think it's better to change to another store. The mobile phones here cost thousands of dollars, and I can't afford them."

Although Wang Yang's voice was very small, it was still heard by the salesperson of the Ai Crazy store, and subconsciously showed a mocking expression.

Li Qiang saw it, glanced at the other party and said loudly to Wang Yang: "The little brother who is crazy about love is just for pretending to learn how to sell mobile phones."

The salesperson's expression turned ugly when he heard that, Li Qiang ignored the other party, knocked on the counter and asked, "Take out one of the newly-launched Love Crazy 5s."

The salesperson took out one flatteringly. After paying the payment, Li Qiang glanced coldly at the low-minded salesperson and said to Wang Yang, "Work hard in the future. If you have nowhere to go, you can only sell mobile phones!"

Wang Yang understood and nodded hastily: "Brother, I will not let you down."

Li Qiang nodded, leaving the blushing salesperson alone in a daze.

On the side of the road, he taught Wang Yang how to make a phone call with his smartphone. After he wrote down his mobile phone number, a black Mercedes stopped beside them.

The driver in the driver's seat got out of the car and said with a blank expression: "Our boss let you pass!"

Li Qiang narrowed his eyes slightly, and asked coldly, "Who is your boss?"

"Chen Pei."

Hearing the word Chen Pei, Wang Yang made a gesture to rush over and beat the driver.

Li Qiang grabbed him and said to the driver: "Your boss is really inefficient, you only came to me now."

The driver didn't say a word, and turned to get in the car.

Signaling Wang Yang not to get excited, the two of them got into the car one by one.

Speechless all the way, the car stopped after entering a huge warehouse.

Li Qiang got out of the car and looked around, but he couldn't see anyone at all.

Wang Yang was a little worried and whispered: "Brother, this time I have troubled you, no matter what happens in a while, just leave me alone and leave here as soon as possible."

Li Qiang said with a chuckle: "Don't get excited, no one wants to touch a single hair of us today, or I'll tear up this warehouse!"

After Li Qiang finished speaking, he found a place to sit down, lit a cigarette, and quietly waited for the person he was waiting for.

After more than half an hour, there was a rush of footsteps behind him, and there were more than 50 people at least.

When the sound stopped, he covered his gauze-covered face with his bald head and respectfully said to a young man who was about 24 or [-] years old beside him, "Brother Pei, it's that lifeless animal who hinders me from collecting money!"

Although Chen Pei is not very old, he has a very strong aura, and he looks like someone who has experienced strong winds and waves.

He glanced at Wang Yang who was always ready for battle, then looked at Li Qiang and said flatly to his back: "No matter who it is today, don't even think about getting out of this warehouse safe and sound!"

Li Qiang just sneered and didn't speak.

Chen Pei's eyes suddenly became cold, and he shouted in a deep voice: "Brother, I don't want to do it myself today, so I took off an arm and sent it to me!"

Li Qiang lit a cigarette again and ignored the other party at all.

Seeing this, the bald head said viciously: "Brother Pei, this kid is short of pumping, I will take my brother to drag him here now, and see how long he will remain stubborn!"

"Huh? Bald head, don't you think there are not enough words on your face?" Li Qiang turned around slowly while smoking.

When seeing Li Qiang's appearance, Chen Pei, who had always been unshakable, trembled slightly, and his brows were furrowed in an instant.

Memories that had been dusty for a long time emerged quickly, and an excited smile appeared on his face the next moment.

Before he could speak, the bald man next to him pointed at Li Qiang with an iron rod and cursed: "Little bastard, why are you laughing? It won't be too late for you to cry!"

As soon as the voice fell, Li Qiang hadn't said anything, but Chen Pei raised his hand uncharacteristically, slapped the bald man's head and cursed: "Shut your mouth, it's none of your business here!"

The bald head hadn't figured out why things had turned out like this, so he asked with a confused face, "Boss, this kid hit our brother, why did you hit me?"

"Shut up, don't you think it's not enough to be ashamed?" Chen Pei's expression at the moment took a 180-degree turn from before.

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