Chapter 421

Seeing Li Qiang approaching, the people who were still beating together stopped their movements and turned their heads to look this way.

Li Qiang stopped the car and walked down, glanced around coldly, seeing that these people didn't know each other, he said in a deep voice, "Who sent you here!"

"Why are you talking so much nonsense?" Someone in the crowd yelled loudly, causing everyone to rush towards Li Qiang.

For these humble characters, Li Qiang didn't pay attention at all.

Seeing these people rushing towards him, Li Qiang didn't even move, because when he was still two or three meters away from him, his subordinates had already rushed over quickly.

More than 20 subordinates quickly intercepted these people, Li Qiang stood outside and said coldly: "Ask you again, who sent you here!"

"Stop talking nonsense, today we are going to raze this villa to the ground!"

"What courage!" Li Qiang shouted coldly, and a strong murderous aura burst out from his body instantly.

At this moment, he was full of anger. If it was something else, he would definitely not be so angry.But there is Chen Pei in this villa, if they bother Chen Pei, it will definitely make Li Qiang lose a brother.

And this is undoubtedly the same reason to dispatch the dragon's reverse scale, and to play wild on the tiger's head.

However, these animals didn't seem to pay attention to Li Qiang's questioning, instead they sneered sneeringly.

Li Qiang's face suddenly darkened, no matter what, his younger brothers were all watching.

In order to re-establish his prestige, Li Qiang suddenly disappeared from the spot without saying a word, and appeared in front of these animals in a blink of an eye.

These people were horrified in an instant, and they never thought that Li Qiang would have such a strange skill.

But just when they were surprised, Li Qiang's steel ring had been raised high, and he slammed it fiercely at the chest of the brazen guy, and immediately sent him flying several meters away.

At this moment when Li Qiang made a move, all the animals rushed towards him quickly.

The little brothers of Yihesheng also raised their fists to join the battle, as if to claim credit in front of the gang leader, everyone was fighting with high spirits, even the brothers who had been seriously injured joined in the group fight.

Li Qiang's face was very ugly, his iron fist was invincible, and he flashed back and forth between these animals as quickly as if he had entered no one's land.

With every punch, you will hear the sound of bones shattering, and the sound of wailing with severe pain echoes throughout the space.

Because of Li Qiang's joining, the battle ended in less than 10 minutes.

Looking at the lingering animals on the ground, Li Qiang walked up to one of them and asked coldly, "Who sent you here!"

"You want to know?"

Li Qiang frowned and said, "If you tell me, I will spare your life!"

"Hmph, think beautifully!"

As soon as the other party's voice came out, Li Qiang suddenly raised his foot and kicked the other party's neck fiercely.

The sound of the cervical spine breaking came from the place where the two were combined, and the person suddenly twitched and lost his breath.

Ignoring this dead animal, Li Qiang walked forward and came to the second animal.

After staring at the other party coldly for a long time, Li Qiang asked in a deep voice: "You don't need to ask me, you should know what I want to know, right?"

The other party was still stubborn, and said without frowning: "Even if you kill me, I won't tell you!"

"Okay, I'll help you!" Li Qiang sneered, raised his leg and kicked the opponent's crotch viciously.

A muffled sound came from the crotch, and the animal screamed hideously, covering the bleeding crotch with its hands.

Seemingly satisfied with the situation in front of him, Li Qiang sneered and said, "It seems that a certain part of your body is not as hard as your mouth!"

"Go to hell, you wait, although we can't deal with you, it doesn't mean you can do whatever you want, someone will kill you for us!"

"Thank you for your reminder, I will wait until that day comes!" After Li Qiang finished speaking, he did not kill the animal, but stood with his hands behind his back, looked at his subordinates and shouted: "Bury these people alive, one No one can stay alive!"


The deafening voice returned to the night sky, and the voices of crying father and mother came one after another.

Although some of these people are stubborn, there are also those who are greedy for life and afraid of death.

Now hearing that Li Qiang had issued the killing order, someone in the crowd begged: "I said, I said who sent us here, can you spare my life?"

Li Qiang glanced over, looked at an animal with a bruised nose and a swollen face, and sneered, "I have given you two chances, but no one knows how to cherish it, and you won't say it anymore. I will naturally find out this person myself, so you can rest assured." Let's go!"

"Don't..." As the voice got farther and farther away, a scream was heard, and he must have been knocked out.

Yihesheng's brothers dragged the animals to the back of the villa. Li Qiang selectively blocked the screams of these people, and sat quietly at the door of the villa, watching the dark night coldly.

What happened today has been deeply imprinted in Li Qiang's heart, and he cannot do without him if he wants to protect Chen Pei.In order for Chen Pei to have a quiet place, he could only guard the door alone to guard against everyone outside.

After taking out a cigarette and taking a puff, Li Qiang turned his head and glanced behind him.

The screams from behind the villa are still there, because the sound of the shovel shoveling the ground can also be heard.

After one cigarette was smoked, Yihesheng's brothers had already buried the animals in the ground.

After coming over, the leader said respectfully: "Guangzhu, the matter has been settled properly, we can just stay here and guard!"

Li Qiang waved his hand and said, "No need, I'm here, you all go back!"


Li Qiang raised his head, his voice suddenly became cold and said: "Don't you understand what I said?"

These people were stunned for a moment, and after looking at each other, they didn't dare to say anything, and hurriedly backed away slowly.

When he was alone, Li Qiang got up and wandered around, and finally got into the abandoned villa.

Chen Pei's screams came from the dark room at the top of the stairs, and Li Qiang could feel that he was suffering pain that normal people could not bear.

Looking at the dark room, Li Qiang took a deep breath, retreated to the door, sat on the ground and looked into the distance quietly.

As time passed by, Li Qiang didn't even close his eyelids. After the dawn sun rose, he got up, patted his buttocks and walked into the villa.

Chen Pei's voice had disappeared from the dark room in the villa. After hesitating outside for a long time, he finally took a step and walked in.

The scene in front of him was not completely dark, there was a dim scene where Chen Pei was located, so that Li Qiang could clearly see Chen Pei's appearance at the moment.

At this moment, he was almost the same as Li Qiang before. Four thick steel pipes were pierced into his body. Blood flowed out from his wound. The dried blood had solidified into black, and it was still covered with fresh blood.

A strong smell of blood wafted from Chen Pei's body, Li Qiang frowned, took a deep breath and took a step forward.

Chen Pei has passed out, but his chest is still heaving violently, it can be seen that he is struggling with the pain with all his strength.

Just when Li Qiang was about to wipe off the blood on Chen Pei's body, a creepy voice came from the darkness: "Don't touch him!"

Li Qiang quickly withdrew his hand, turned his head to look at the dark space in front of him, and said, "Can he survive this disaster?"

After a long time, the voice floated over: "Whether we can carry it or not depends on his good fortune. We cannot determine these things!"

"Then can we help him?"

"I can't!" After the decisive voice sounded, it floated again after a while: "Helping him now is harming him. I have never experienced such extreme pain with my body. Even if I step into this field, it is just Just a little bit better than ordinary people!"

Li Qiang nodded, looked at Chen Pei with some sympathy and sighed: "Brother, hold on, after we get through this time, we have nothing to be afraid of!"

Chen Pei, who passed out, seemed to hear Li Qiang's voice, and his body trembled slightly.

The man in the dark hurriedly said: "Don't talk to him, now is the time for him to break through this shackles, if you distract him, the consequences will be disastrous!"

Li Qiang was startled, and hurriedly stopped his voice, and then continued: "You are guarding outside. Chen Pei's stepping into this field this time is likely to attract the attention of many people, and they will definitely try their best to stop him. You must These people cannot be allowed to step here!"

"I know!" Li Qiang clenched his fists and said in a deep voice, "Even if I die outside, I won't let anyone step in!"

After the sound fell, the man strode out.

At this moment, Li Qiang is standing outside the villa like a big mountain, his eyes bursting with light, like two suns hanging in the sky,

Li Qiang knew clearly that Chen Pei had done too many things for him, and today was the time for him to do things for Chen Pei. Even if he died, he couldn't let anyone in.

The sun was shining brightly at noon, and Yihesheng's brothers knew that Li Qiang was here to guard them, so they sent lunch specially.

During this period, Shen Qian called one after another.

Knowing that this girl was worried about her safety, Li Qiang did not answer the phone, but sent a message telling Shen Qian not to worry about herself.

A day passed by in a flash, when the setting sun fell on the earth, at the end of Li Qiang's gaze, a lonely figure slowly walked towards this side.

The moment he saw the opponent, Li Qiang clenched his fists tightly and told him directly that the danger was coming, and it was a very difficult one.

A dreadful evil spirit quickly enveloped Li Qiang, his fists were clenched tightly at this moment, he was ready to fight at any time, as long as the opponent made trouble for him, Li Qiang would fight with his life.

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