Chapter 427 Mud

Chen Pei's loud shout made the waiter tremble, and he smashed the beer hard on the table twice, and the beer foam inside had already gushed out, flowing all over the floor.

Li Qiang has been quietly sitting on the stool watching this scene with interest. He promised Chen Pei that today's scene was cleanly smashed by Chen Pei, so he naturally couldn't make a move.

The waiter didn't react for a while, looked at the beer and said: "Sir, our drinks are guaranteed to be purchased from legitimate channels, and they will definitely not be fake wine!"

"Isn't it fake wine?" Chen Pei yelled strangely: "Then you mean that I'm looking for trouble when I'm fine?"

This rhetorical question made the waiter not know how to answer. He just meant to prove that his drink was authentic, but he didn't expect that Chen Pei's understanding would change the taste.

Just when he was at a loss, a man in a suit strode over, looked at the situation in front of him, and asked in a deep voice, "What's going on?"

The waiter hurriedly said: "Manager, this gentleman said our beer is fake!"

The person called the manager hurriedly showed an official expression and said: "Sir, our wines have orders from the manufacturers, and the wines are guaranteed to be real wines. As for your claim that they are fake wines, I think this kind You may not have drunk beer before, so you have this subconscious judgment!"

"What do you mean?" Chen Pei looked at his chest, smashed the wine bottle on the table again and said, "I haven't drunk any wine? Not to mention your kind of wine, I have even drank the wine specially provided by the Celestial Dynasty! "

"This..." The manager had a hard head and kept wiping the cold sweat off his forehead.

He has seen a lot of people who are just looking for trouble, but he has never seen someone like Chen Pei talking nonsense with his eyes open.

Without giving him too much time to think, Chen Pei patted the table and said in disdain: "Don't do this and that, call your boss over here, and I will let him drink this bottle of wine in person. Is it true or not?" of!"

"Sorry, our boss is on a business trip and won't be back for a few days!"

"Then give me a try to see if this wine is real or fake!" Chen Pei handed over the beer after finishing speaking.

The manager had no choice but to take it with both hands, put the bottle in his mouth and took a sip. Just as he was about to take it off, Chen Pei suddenly raised his fist and slammed it down hard at the bottom of the bottle.

The manager didn't pay attention, and the wine bottle went straight into his mouth, and the beer flowed continuously into his mouth.

Seeing this, the waiter at the side hurriedly stretched out his hand to stop him, but Chen Pei waved his other palm and slapped the waiter fiercely in the face.

This force was so strong that the waiter was sent flying backwards by this slap, and fell heavily to the ground.

All the onlookers understood what had happened at this moment, and the legendary smashing scene finally happened before their eyes.

The manager quickly took the wine bottle out of his mouth, looked at Chen Pei and shouted viciously: "Security, get rid of these troublemakers!"

After the sound fell, dozens of security guards in black suits surrounded him one after another.

These people sounded like security guards, but they were actually thugs of this nightclub.

Chen Pei didn't take these people seriously at all. He glanced at them coldly and said in a deep voice, "You want to kick me out? Don't you think there are not enough people?"

The manager wiped the remaining beer liquid from the corner of his mouth, took a step back and said, "You dare to find trouble in our nightclub, today I will let you know how terrible the consequences will be!"

"Damn, don't just talk and don't do it, I'm here to mess things up today, I want to see what you animals can do to me!"

After the voice fell, Chen Pei suddenly rushed forward.

In terms of skill, Li Qiang is not optimistic about Chen Pei.If he doesn't give full play to his ability to transcend ordinary people, Chen Pei will be beaten in the end.

Gently patted the table, Canglang and Tibetan Mastiff understood, stood up abruptly and joined the battle.

Despite the fierce fighting around him, Li Qiang seemed to stay out of it, drinking beer while quietly watching the fight in front of him.

Because of the existence of the wolf and the Tibetan mastiff, which are so powerful that they are not human, the battle progressed very smoothly. In less than 5 minutes, the thugs in black suits were lying on the ground trembling.

Turning to look at the stunned nightclub manager, Li Qiang clapped his hands and got up and said, "Do you know what we are here for today?"

The manager was so frightened that he hurriedly shook his head and said, "No... I don't know!"

Chen Pei came over, took a wine bottle and smacked the manager's head lightly, and said, "Didn't I already say that just now? We are here to mess things up. Didn't you say that you want someone to drive us out?" What about people? Why are they all gone?"

The aggressive words made the nightclub manager almost kneel on the ground, and Chen Pei kept hitting his head with a wine bottle, but he didn't dare to say a single harsh word, for fear of angering this lunatic and making his head open .

Seeing that he didn't say a word, Chen Pei called out coldly: "Are you dumb when I tell you to talk?"

After the voice fell, without giving the other party any chance to think, he raised the wine bottle high and slammed it down on the guy's head.

For a moment, the beer splashed casually, and after a scream, the bright red blood slowly flowed down from the head of the nightclub manager.

Kicking him to the ground, Chen Pei turned to look at the onlookers and the trembling waiter, and sternly shouted: "If there is nothing wrong, get away from me, it would be bad if I hurt you! "

Today's incident was obviously going to be a big mess, no one dared to stay any longer, and ran outside crazily as if they had seen a ghost.

In a blink of an eye, the originally bustling nightclub was empty, kicked the nightclub manager who had just gotten up to the ground again, and Chen Pei picked up a stool and threw it viciously towards the bar.

Accompanied by the ear-piercing sound of glass shattering, Canglang and Tibetan Mastiff also joined the ranks, and the three of them tried their best to destroy like madmen.

The barking and pleadings of the nightclub manager were of no avail at this moment. Li Qiang got up, came to the other party, squatted on the ground and asked, "Do you know why we smashed your nightclub?"

The manager shook his head viciously and said, "I don't know!"

"Do you know that your boss asked someone to go to another nightclub to cause trouble?"

The manager was dumb for a moment, and could only keep nodding his head to show that he knew about it.

Having said that, there is nothing more to say. He patted him on the shoulder lightly, Li Qiang got up and said: "When your boss comes back and tells him, it's best not to do immoral things in the future. It doesn't feel like getting burnt." Ordinary people can bear it!"

The strong coercion made the manager tremble, looking at the figure of Li Qiangwei'an, he only nodded and said: "I know!"

"Just know!" Li Qiang said coldly, and sat down on the stool just now.

It took Chen Pei and the three of them a long time to smash the nightclub upside down. After arriving at Li Qiang's side one after another, there was a police car honking outside.

The moment he heard the sound, the manager of the nightclub suddenly stood up from the ground, and then ran outside frantically.

Seeing the other party's funny look, Li Qiang shook his head helplessly and smiled wryly.

After the siren of the police car disappeared, a series of crisp footsteps mixed with hurried footsteps came in from outside.

Li Qiang raised his glass and took a sip of the wine, and told Chen Pei and the others: "What are you doing standing here? Sit down!"

As soon as they sat down, Xu Zhanpeng, who was wearing a police uniform, strode in, followed by the nightclub manager just now.

Things were developing as Li Qiang expected, and this time Xu Zhanpeng came here completely pretending.

Seeing that Li Qiang and the others were sitting quietly, Xu Zhanpeng glanced around again. There was no nightclub in front of him, and there were traces of being beaten by Chen Pei and others everywhere, like a ruin.

Before Xu Zhanpeng opened his mouth, the nightclub manager pointed at Li Qiang and the others and shouted, "Officer, these people are the ones who caused trouble here, so hurry up and send someone to arrest them!"

After the voice fell, Chen Pei stood up abruptly from the stool, walked over and shouted: "Do you think the beating just now was not enough?"

Because Xu Zhanpeng, a policeman, was present, the manager of the nightclub was not afraid. Instead, he said loudly, "Didn't you see the policeman here? Want to hit me? Try it!"

Chen Pei sneered disdainfully, and suddenly raised a slap in front of Xu Zhanpeng and slapped the manager's face fiercely.

The manager was stunned. He never thought that Chen Pei would be so bold as to beat someone in front of the police.

Li Qiang sighed helplessly, shook his head and said, "Chen Pei, what are you doing? Captain Xu is always in front of you, isn't it a little embarrassing for him?"

Chen Pei smiled knowingly: "Hey, Captain Xu, I was too angry just now, so I forgot about it!"

Xu Zhanpeng waved his hands dryly and said, "Boss, don't make fun of me!"

Seeing Xu Zhanpeng's submissive expression towards Li Qiang, the manager of the nightclub was stunned.

Looking at the few people in front of him in surprise, he subconsciously said, "Do you know each other?"

Chen Pei said angrily: "What's wrong with the acquaintance? Just now I thought you were a good learner, but I didn't expect to see the policeman looking like a pug. Today, let's see how I abolished you as an animal!"

The nightclub manager staggered and knelt on the ground. If he knew that Xu Zhanpeng was Li Qiang's younger brother, he wouldn't be able to do what he did just now if he was killed.

But things have already happened, even if nothing else can make up for it, now I can only admit my mistakes in the most direct way of kneeling.

Chen Pei yelled: "It is said that men have gold under their knees. Looking at you like this, there is no longer gold under your knees, but mud!"

The nightclub manager didn't dare to speak. While wiping the blood stains on his forehead, he nodded and said, "What you said is true, please don't hit me again!"

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