Chapter 467 Unclog the Sewer

Canglang's response is the same as what the Muay Thai masters from Thailand said before, their master was killed by Canglang, so they have hated Canglang to the bone.

But when he heard the last sentence, Li Qiang couldn't help being moved: "Then do you know the identity of this mysterious person?"

Canglang turned his head and glanced at the man in camouflage uniform and said, "This man is right beside you!"

Li Qiangxin leaned back, and subconsciously turned his head to look at the man in camouflage uniform. Seeing him showing him a smile that was uglier than crying, he couldn't help shivering.

The two looked at each other, and Li Qiang couldn't help asking: "Uncle Ma, why do you sharpen our murderous spirit?"

The man in the camouflage uniform laughed dryly and said, "I was just doing it for fun!"

"Fun?" If it wasn't because he couldn't beat him, Li Qiang would be scolding his mother now.

Just because it was fun, he caught them like raising livestock, and made the wolf lose his memory in rebellion. No wonder the wolf is so angry. If it were me, it would only be worse. .

Sensing Li Qiang's dissatisfaction with him, the man in camouflage continued: "My face was ruined like this back then. It was a downturn, so it was like talking to someone, but anyone who saw me would run away. Finally When I had to, I saw a wolf with great skills!"

"Then you put him in captivity?"

The man did not refute, but nodded with a smile.

And the wolf beside him was gnashing his teeth angrily, but since he couldn't beat him, it wasn't easy to lose him.

Li Qiang looked at the man in the camouflage uniform as if he were insane, and asked after a long time: "Then why did you keep me in captivity then?"

"Because you are the one I chose, so I have been observing you. I found that since you left the killer organization, you have a lot of worldly taste, and you are not as ruthless as before!"

"Then you told me to show no mercy to those who get in my way?"


"Pervert!" Li Qiang didn't say it, but despised the man in his heart.

I don't know if he saw through his thoughts, the man laughed dryly and said, "Do you think I'm perverted?"

Li Qiang came back to his senses, hurriedly waved his hands and said: "No, I definitely don't have such an idea!"

"Actually, I know what you think in your heart. Sometimes I also feel that I am very contradictory. I don't want to see someone who is too murderous, and I don't want to see someone who is soft-hearted!"

Li Qiang said in relief: "If I were you, I would definitely think the same way!"

The man laughed dryly, looked at Canglang and apologized, "I apologize to you for making you lose your memory. Whether you forgive me or not in your heart, you still have to recognize it clearly!"

Canglang asked without saying a word: "What's the matter?"

"We are now grasshoppers on the same rope. Since you have successfully entered this field, you will definitely be excluded by many people in the future. You can't compete with it alone, so you must rely on Our power!"

"Allied with you?"

The man in the camouflage uniform shook his head and said softly: "It's not an alliance, it's just facing the enemy together!"

I was very concerned about this question, so I hurried over and asked, "Uncle Ma, who is this enemy you are talking about?"

"It's not alone!"

"Not a human?" Li Qiang whispered, and asked again: "Could it be an animal?"

The man in the camouflage uniform smiled and said, "I mean not one person, but a group of people!"

Li Qiang didn't know what to say for a while, he didn't expect his IQ to degenerate to Shen Qian's level, if he let this girl know, he would definitely laugh at him.

Canglang also listened to the conversation between the two, and seemed to have no interest in this matter, and said disdainfully: "If I'm not wrong, these enemies should be set up by you, but you want me to help you solve this problem !"

Pointing directly to the center of the topic, the man in camouflage uniform did not refute, and said with a wry smile: "Indeed, I set up these people, but you entered this field because of me, so it is impossible for these people to let you go !"

Canglang snorted coldly and said, "Sorry, I'm not interested in that!"

Li Qiang couldn't stand it anymore, and said in a low voice: "Canglang, these people are not the same as the people we dealt with before. If they come to you, you will not be able to fight them at all!"

The wolf was expressionless, quietly looking straight ahead.

Li Qiang sighed and continued: "If you don't want to cooperate with us, you can face these things by yourself, but if you encounter danger, you must notify us!"

The wolf didn't make a sound, and nodded after a long time.

This guy is in a fit of anger right now, and nothing can be discussed smoothly.

Telling the man in camouflage not to provoke the wolf for now, Li Qiang got up and walked out.

After driving around for a while, just as the car turned around and was about to go home, Zhu Yue called at this moment.

Because this girl's mother is at her home, Li Qiang is now afraid of Zhu Yue's phone calls.

It rang for a long time, and finally pressed the answer button bravely, but before he could speak, Zhu Yue asked, "Li Qiang, what are you doing? Why did it take so long to answer the phone?"

"I was in the toilet just now, so I hurriedly answered your call if I didn't come out now!"

Zhu Yue giggled and said, "Since you can go to the toilet, you must have time, right?"

Hearing this, Li Qiang became vigilant instinctively, and hurriedly asked, "What are your plans?"

"Where would I have any plans!" Zhu Yue let out a dissatisfaction on the other end of the phone, and continued, "Don't think I don't know what you're thinking, look, I'm scaring you!"

Li Qiang laughed and said, "What do I have to be afraid of?"

Zhu Yue giggled and said, "Do you think you can hide it from my sharp eyes? I already know the little Jiujiu in your heart!"

Li Qiang breathed a sigh of relief, although he didn't say it clearly, seeing that Zhu Yue knew what he was worried about, he didn't bother with this issue any more.

Seeing that Li Qiang didn't speak, Zhu Yue said, "Come here if you have nothing to do, I have something to discuss with you!"

Li Qiang asked instinctively, "What is it?"

"I can't tell you clearly on the phone, you will know when you come here!"

After hanging up the phone, Li Qiang hesitated for a long time, and finally drove to Zhu Yue's house.

When he came to the entrance of the villa, Li Qiang took a deep breath to dispel the uneasiness in his heart.

After ringing the doorbell, it took a long time before the door of the villa opened slowly.

He thought that Zhu Yue would appear in front of him, but to his disappointment, the person in front of him was not Zhu Yue, but Zhu Yue's mother.

Li Qiang was at a loss for a moment, rubbed his hands and hurriedly said, "Hello, Auntie, isn't Zhu Yue at home?"

Zhu Yue's mother saw that Li Qiang's face suddenly bloomed like a peach blossom, and said with a charming smile, "She's not at home!"

"That's weird, she said she asked me to come over for something!"

Zhu Yue's mother hurriedly said: "I remembered when you said that, Zhu Yue had something to tell me when he went out!"

"what's up?"

"What are you doing standing outside? Let's talk about it when you come in!" Zhu Yue's mother said as she took Li Qiang's hand and dragged her into the villa.

Unable to endure Zhu Yue's mother's stalking, Li Qiang still bit the bullet and followed in.

After sitting on the sofa, Zhu Yue's mother twisted her plump buttocks and walked towards the water dispenser.

When bending slightly, the scenery under the skirt is instantly exposed to the air.

From Li Qiang's perspective, he could see everything at a glance. Although he knew that Zhu Yue's mother was teasing him, Li Qiang couldn't help but look at him.

The pink hollow underwear winked at Li Qiang like a naughty child between the legs, and the rolled buttocks kept swinging with the twisting of the body.

Li Qiang was scorching hot watching this scene, the blood in his body seemed to be on fire, which instantly made him turn red.

Li Qiang, who hadn't been warm with a woman for a long time, suddenly had a crazy idea at this moment, which was to press Zhu Yue's mother on the water dispenser and ruthlessly ravage her.

But remembering that the woman in front of him was old enough to be his mother, Li Qiang hurriedly dismissed this crazy idea from his mind.

After she stabilized her mind, Zhu Yue's mother straightened up and brought over a cup of tea.

After handing it to Li Qiang, she sat down gracefully on the sofa and said, "Drink the water first, we'll talk about it after you drink it!"

Li Qiang didn't want to ask anymore. After drinking a glass of water, in order to escape from this place as soon as possible, he asked, "Auntie, I've already finished drinking the water. Can you tell me what's going on now?"

Zhu Yue's mother nodded and said, "When I woke up this morning, the sewer was blocked, and I, a woman, would not be able to fix it, so I asked Zhu Yue to call you to come over!"

Li Qiang kept smiling wryly in his heart, but he still said: "You can find a property if the sewer is blocked. After all, they are more skilled in this kind of business!"

"I called, but they didn't have time to come because he was busy."

Li Qiang felt dizzy, Zhu Yue's mother was determined to kill her.

Quietly glanced at her and said, "Where is the sewer blocked? Let me go and have a look!"

"Come with me!" After Zhu Yue's mother finished speaking, she continued to wriggle her plump buttocks and lead Li Qiang forward.

Seeing the charming woman in front of him once again showing her seductive gestures, Li Qiang could only take a deep breath to cover up his shortness of breath.

When he arrived at the destination, Li Qiang discovered that the place where the sewer was blocked was the kitchen.

Looking down at the water pipe, Li Qiang said with embarrassment: "Auntie, I don't know how to unblock the kitchen sewer, why don't we talk about it when the property management comes over?"

Zhu Yue's mother said coquettishly: "Oh, you've already come here, just try it. Besides, you haven't done it yet, how do you know you can't unblock it?"

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