"Grandpa..." This old man looks a bit like his mother. It is his long-lost grandfather. He didn't know that he still had a grandfather in his last life, but he didn't expect that after rebirth, he would be here today. Met this long-lost grandpa!

"Sure enough, he has grown up and achieved an incredible level of cultivation. His future will be limitless, enough to surpass your father! It seems that my vision was really good back then." The old man looked at him for a moment, and finally nodded, his words were full of approval , There is a look of love in the eyes, this feeling can only be experienced by the mother and sister.

"Father, grandpa, do you know my father?" Ye Feng exclaimed in surprise. He always had a feeling in his heart that his father was not dead, but he was living somewhere, as if he was going through a catastrophe!It seemed to be watching him quietly, watching him grow up.

Ever since he collected the Tongtian Map, this feeling has become even stronger. It seems that everything about him is paved by his father, including his rebirth, which has an inexplicable relationship with his father.

After rebirth, he changed his fate against the sky, changed his luck, all of these seemed to be under the planning of his father, and changed his fate.

Grandpa glanced at him indifferently, but did not answer, "This is just a clone of me. I didn't want to see you too early, but your catastrophe is coming, and I must inform you!"

Ye Feng was startled, and his face instantly became extremely ugly. These days, the anxiety in his heart became more and more serious. This is because he has never practiced, and he devoted himself to being with his family, making his mother happy, helping his sister cultivate the world, sharing his insights, and doing his best for his mother. The main reason for leaving a way out with my sister.

He has already felt that the terrible catastrophe is about to land. He is not afraid, but looks forward to it. However, he is worried about his mother and sister. Because of him, it is difficult for the two of them to walk in the Cangwu Mountain. He must help them cultivate. Soar as fast as you can and set foot on a new level.

Only in this way can he protect himself and wait for his successful return.

"Grandpa knows about my catastrophe. Is it true that the catastrophe has come as I thought? Since ancient times, no one has been able to pass this catastrophe? But all those who have experienced the God of Calamity map have fallen?" Ye Feng's eyes flickered non-stop.

"Yes, I already know, so I don't hesitate to spend ten years of hard work to meet you, God of Tribulation Map, not everyone has fallen, since ancient times, there is one who has existed for a long time and lived through the legendary vision , attracted God Tribulation Map, and successfully survived, that person is the first emperor in ancient times, God Emperor, and my Cangwu Mountain is a lineage left by him back then!"

The old man said lightly, his voice was full of vicissitudes of life, and there was a touch of worry.

D!He has successfully survived the catastrophe, and is known as the emperor of the ages. His strength is obvious. The most important thing is that he has won the hearts of the people. Even today, no matter whether it is a mortal or a warrior, he is full of respect when he mentions the emperor. No respect for it.

"Grandpa doesn't have confidence in me to survive the catastrophe?"

"Of course not. No one can deduce your fate, even if it is extremely powerful, but it is not easy to survive the catastrophe. However, I know a treasure land that is most suitable for you. After a great calamity, it’s just that that place is listed as a forbidden area, and those who enter, very few survive!”

The old man coughed lightly, and continued: "The god emperor spent the catastrophe in that dense land back then, and there are also strong people in the descendants. After facing the God of Calamity Map, they set foot on that desperate land, but they never came back. The horror of this is absolutely unimaginable. The previous emperor of the Dzi Bead Empire had already reached the top of the list of powers, but in order to obtain the medicine of immortality, he set foot on that desperate place and fell into it. The horror in it can be imagined. And know."

"What!? There is such a Jedi! The place where the most powerful people will fall, it is not an exaggeration to call such a place a place of great evil. How did the God Emperor survive and successfully overcome the calamity! What is the name of this place? Why? Why have I never heard of it!" Ye Feng was startled, and his face became very ugly.

Extremely powerful, he could kill him with just one look, but he fell into that Jedi. The horror of that place can be called a place of great evil. However, this Jedi was out of Ye Feng's consciousness. He didn't know it at all before. , and such a dangerous place.

"I don't know how to overcome the catastrophe. There were countless strong people who went to explore, but they all fell. No one came back alive. From ancient times to the present, only the God Emperor has successfully stepped out, and the descendants have completely fallen." The old man said. Shaking his head with a wry smile, he pondered for a moment, and said, "The Jedi is called [The Land of Burial]. Only that place is the only place for you to survive the catastrophe. There is no other way."

"The place of burial, what a big tone!" He tried his best to search for information about the place of burial, but he knew nothing. He was extremely surprised, and smiled bitterly: "Grandpa, it's not that I don't have confidence. , there is no chance of returning alive from the place of burial."

"Yes, with the current you, it is really difficult to come back. It seems that you have not been dazzled by successive victories. This is very similar to your father. Guard against arrogance and impetuosity, and have always been normal. The last time we met, I'm afraid it's me, and I can't see through his cultivation, alas..." With a silent sigh, the old man fell into memory.

Just as Ye Feng was about to continue asking, he was interrupted by the old man. He waved his hand, and Ye Feng had to shut up because of his endless majesty.

"I'm going too far. You will know about your father's affairs in the future. Although you can't deduce your fate when you step into the place of burial, I know your luck, and you have enough confidence. You have these things. No matter how great the difficulty is, it will become a stepping stone on the road to success, Feng'er, I will tell you the path to the land of burial, maybe, you can come back alive..."

The old man smiled lightly, full of confidence in Ye Feng, and immediately a message came into Ye Feng's mind, Ye Feng was startled, his brows frowned, the old man smiled and said:

"You don't need to worry about things here. I will take good care of your mother and sister. When you come back someday, I guarantee that their cultivation will make a great leap forward. Maybe, when you come back successfully, we will really talk Now, go, child, your future is in your own hands. Remember, don’t be fettered by anything. Although the scenery is beautiful, it’s only for a moment. Don’t be tempted by the surface. The real peak can only be reached by your own steps. come out!"

As soon as Ye Feng finished speaking, before Ye Feng had time to chew, the figure of the old man disappeared, and he was also pushed out by a huge force, and it was rumored that the secret place of inheritance, and in his hand, there was an extra brocade box.

There are big waves, and a lone boat is going upstream, driving in the fast-flowing ocean, with mountains on both sides, tigers howling and monkeys crying, and a black figure standing on the bow, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, admiring the beautiful scenery along the way.

This figure is Ye Feng. Seven days ago, after communicating with his grandfather, he bid farewell to his mother and sister and embarked on a journey to the Broken Star Continent. The place where the sky is buried is in the Broken Star Continent.

The Qiankun Continent is divided into nine continents, among which is the Broken Star Continent.

To go to the Broken Star Continent, one needs to cross the endless ocean. This is already the seventh day of Ye Feng's drifting on the sea. Of course, on this day, he crossed the ocean and entered a small stream, and this is the scene just now.

In fact, there is a teleportation array between the Broken Star Continent and the Qiangan Continent, which can pass through at any time, but this burial place is extremely strange, it is at the junction of the land and the ocean of the Broken Star Continent, from the continent of the Broken Star Continent, there is no There is no way to pass, only by water, so there is only one scene.

Driving a small boat on the ocean, through lakes, creeks, and rivers, each has a different scene. These days, Ye Feng has learned a lot and felt a little bit of natural law. His avenue is constantly improving.

That day and night, the night space on the ocean was exceptionally bright. Amid the sound of the rushing water, it looked very desolate. The lights all over him shone like a solitary lamp on the sea, reflecting in the sea.

Grandpa gave him a brocade box that day, and let him open it when he learned something on the road.

At night, countless thoughts spewed out, like a dam that had been released, and it was unstoppable. Ye Feng showed a faint smile. For another step!

Diyuan Dan!In the brocade box, there is an Earth Yuan Pill.

This Earth Origin Pill is an excellent pill to break through the bottleneck. It can be called a holy medicine. It is hard to find a pill in such a big force as Cangwu Mountain. One Earth Origin Pill can be exchanged for a magic weapon. One can imagine.

The cyan surface is pitted like an egg shell, and a mass of essence is poured into it. The Diyuan Pill is shining with green light. Ye Feng gently peels off the outer thin shell, and the light is more intense. The tangy medicinal fragrance comes. Increased in an instant.

"It's such a strong aura, as long as you take this Yuandan, your cultivation base will definitely step into the fifth heaven of the Xuanshu!" Ye Feng showed a faint smile. The comprehension of these days has enhanced his understanding of Tao, Adding an Earth Yuan Pill is enough to break through the barrier.

Puff puff!

Diyuan Dan swallowed his mouth, and there was a puffing sound from Ye Feng's abdomen, as if a mass of spiritual energy was colliding, his treasure body shone with dazzling light, swallowing the medicine completely, the whole treasure body became crystal clear, and the meridians magnified infinitely , devouring the remaining medicinal power.

Under the washing of the medicinal power, a faint smile appeared on the corner of Ye Feng's mouth. He could feel that his cultivation base was soaring, his treasure body was evolving, and even the book of life and death jumped up. Enter the ultimate realm, and finally grow into a mature flame!

Bang bang bang!

The sound of a beating heart came from the book of life and death, which was so powerful that Ye Feng was overjoyed. There were three spiritual fires hidden in his body, and finally one of the fires became a mature flame. The power of the book of life and death would increase exponentially!

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