It's afternoon, hey, 2011 will be over soon, is it a pity?If you regret it, give me the collection. If you don’t have an account, register for one, and the seventh update will be sent. I’ll wait to see the collection. When the collection comes up, it’s going to explode!Ha ha!

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Suddenly, a cold voice came, the chill was piercing, even Fang Muzhe shivered, there was only one feeling, and that was fear, fear from the soul.

When hearing this voice, everyone's expressions were different. Ye Zhang's and Ye Wanqing's expressions changed, showing ecstasy. Ye Wanqing even shed tears of joy, while Fang Muzhe's expression froze. , showing a look of panic, the faces of the people in Tianluo Peak are different, the people who bully Ye Wanqing's mother and daughter on weekdays are suddenly trembling with fright, but Xu Haitian and others show a gratified smile.

"Who is it?!" Fang Muzhe asked in a trembling voice. Although he had already guessed the person in his heart, he still had to make sure.

At this moment, the shadow descended through the air, dressed in black, blending into the night, with hysterical anger on its slashed face, although there was a faint smile on his face, it was Cruel sneer.

"Ye Feng?! It's you! You're not dead..." The moment Fang Muzhe saw his appearance, Fang Muzhe almost sat down on his buttocks, panicked to the extreme, and that fear came from the soul.


"How could I possibly die? I really disappointed you!" A huge pressure came over me, and I saw Po Kong hitting his head and face with a palm. In comparison, he is really far behind.


With a slap on the head, Fang Muzhe had no room to dodge. With a crisp sound, his fair face suddenly became red and swollen, and his burly body was sent flying out, crashing into the rock.



Ye Feng broke through the air, kicked him directly, and stepped on his chest fiercely, causing the chest and ribs to protrude in all directions. Ye Feng's methods were fierce, and the scene was very bloody.

"Didn't you say that you have already fallen? Hmph, you dare to insult my mother and sister! It seems that you haven't been convinced last time! Kneeling on the ground for seven days and nights is not enough!" Ye Feng's voice was cold, full of hatred , These few strokes obviously can't dispel the hatred in my heart.

If he came a step later, maybe his mother and sister would suffer some kind of insult, which he absolutely wouldn't allow!

"No!" Fang Muzhe let out a desperate roar. Although he had not been in contact with Ye Feng for a long time, he knew that Ye Feng's methods were extremely ruthless. He had crushed and killed countless powerful people. When he was angry, there was not a single dead body!That's why her reputation became so fierce that she dared to humiliate Ye Wanqing and Ye Zhang's family because she was sure of Ye Feng's fall.

If he knew that Ye Feng was still alive, even if he lent him a hundred guts and had his elder brother Fang Muyun backing him up, he wouldn't dare to provoke Ye Feng Nilin.

"No? Huh, it's just an appetizer now. Didn't you just say that if my mother's illness hits you, you will commit suicide? Then I will fulfill you!" Ye Feng snorted suddenly, and carried him into the house .


Ye Feng knelt down on his knees, tears pouring down, seeing his mother so sick, his heart ached, he choked up and said: "The child is not filial, let the mother suffer! The child has a way, and I will treat you!"

"Feng'er, Feng'er, you are really alive! Great, great! Mother is fine, as long as you are alive..." Mrs. Ye Zhang hugged her son, talking incoherently for a while.

"Sister, protect me first, and I'll heal my mother first, and then expel the toxins for you! I want to see, who dares to provoke you when I return today, and whoever dares to come will all fall to this place!"

His voice was sonorous and powerful, but there was a trace of anger. As soon as these words came out, everyone in Tianluo Peak turned pale with shock, and immediately started talking.

"It's too crazy. Anyone who dares to provoke him will die. Wouldn't the Cangwu Mountain be turned upside down!"

"Crazy also needs to have capital. When he comes back this time, I can't see through his cultivation. Maybe he already has the strength to aspire to the top ten emperors. Alas, we'll wait and see if Fang Mu is really killed. Zhe, the Fang family will definitely not just let it go, I want to see how this Ye Feng ends up!"

"It goes without saying that the sisters of the Shen family are famous for their protection. What's more, he also has an elder brother who is a master of the third heaven, who is the Seventh Emperor. Who is the opponent? I think Ye Feng can't do it!"



A middle-grade Yuan crystal vein appeared in his hand, and the crystal clear light flickered. Ye Feng gently took his mother's hand, and guided it into her body with a meager force. At this moment, he dared not be careless in the slightest.

Yuanjing is more pure than spiritual energy. Using it to guide Qi and infuse the eight meridians, all diseases will be understood naturally. Therefore, Ye Feng has enough confidence. Yuanjing is introduced into the meridians, and Ye Zhang's body becomes crystal clear.

Ye Feng frowned slightly, and suddenly discovered that his mother's illness was not toxin at all, but bone erosion Gu!

As long as this kind of thing swallows an egg, it will breed countless cubs in the body. When these little bone erosion Gu grow up, they will devour the calcium in the human body's meridians, making Ye Zhang's body become like a cartilage disease, a little weak Hit, break bones, *poke* shatter!

"What a poisonous method! Hmph, since you use such methods to frame my mother, it's not rude to come and go!" Ye Feng's eyes were cold, and the light in his hand flashed slightly, a bone erosion Gu that was too small to be seen by the naked eye. The egg was in his hand, but Ye Feng didn't stop, sucked out all the bone erosion Gu one after another, and then gave Fang Muzhe a cold look.

"Since your mother is vicious, let you taste it first! Let your mother experience the pain in your body and her heart first!"

Fang Muzhe's eyes widened, no matter how he struggled, millions of Bone Corrosion Gu entered his body at once, and in just a short moment, Fang Muzhe was surprised to find that his bones became extremely fragile.

"What? Bone Corrosion Gu!" A chill flashed in the eyes of Xu Haitian and the others. They had heard about the horror of Bone Corrosion Gu. However, this Gu worm seemed to have disappeared for hundreds of years, and unexpectedly reappeared inside Cangwu Mountain!


"Ah! How is it possible! My hand! Ahh..."

A scene that shocked everyone happened. Fang Muzhe's hand bones were broken, bloody and bloody, his buttocks touched the ground, and there were several breaking sounds, which was heartbreaking. He suddenly found that all his hipbones were broken!The horror of the million bone erosion Gu made everyone gasp.

"Ah! I don't want to die! Don't break it! Don't break it! Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" Blurred, horrible to watch, deep fear flashed in his eyes, he didn't even dare to blink, for fear that if he blinked, the eyeballs would pop out!

"Haha, didn't you just say that if you have this disease, you will definitely commit suicide? What? Why don't you commit suicide now! Haha" Ye Feng grinned, and when he thought about it, he became even more angry.

"My God, he is so ruthless. Not only did he capture Fang Muzhe with one move, but he also drove the bone erosion Gu into his body. This kind of ruthlessness... No one in Cangwu Mountain will be able to beat him!"

"That's right, that Fang Muzhe is indeed repaying him in this world. He just taunted him, and now it's transferred to him. The retribution is not good!"


"Oh! So you bastard is not dead!" At this moment, a beautiful woman came over, and the moment she saw Fang Muzhe, her eyes shot a look of surprise, and she snorted coldly: "But what's the use! You have supernatural powers, can you save her? Haha, what a joke, a person who has been infected with the bone erosion Gu will eventually break every bone in his body, and eventually break into slag, dying of pain! Haha!"

Ye Feng was stunned for a moment, looked at the woman with doubts in his eyes, and laughed dryly: "The bastard... dies of pain? I think you are that Shen Xuejun who gave medicine to my mother and sister that day, and you have a share?"

"Middle grade Yuanjingmai, you really went to the Broken Star Continent! But even if you have such a treasure, it is impossible to completely get rid of the Bone Corrosion Gu! Yes, I am Shen Xuejun, what? Really reached the sky in one step? What a joke!" Shen Xuejun sneered a few times, watching Ye Feng completely exhaust a middle-grade Yuan crystal vein, with a slightly anxious face, he couldn't help laughing triumphantly.

"Then I'll show you to the doctor!" Ye Feng sneered, and turned to his mother, "Mother, I'm in some pain, just be patient. Heaven and earth crystal fruit, give me the gu!" He took out the spiritual fruit and asked his mother to eat it, and immediately her body glowed, and the bone erosion Gu eggs deep in the bones were expelled.

The crystal fruit that day was more like scraping bones to heal poison, it scraped open Ye Zhang's bones fiercely, and scraped out all the Gu eggs hidden in the depths. This scene left everyone dumbfounded!

"That's... Heaven and Earth Crystal Fruit... Damn it, a 12-year-old treasure, where did he get such a precious elixir!"

Face!A slap in the face!

Shen Xuejun just said no, but now Ye Feng uses the crystal fruit of heaven and earth to scrape the bones for his mother to heal the poison, and get rid of those bone erosion Gu. This is the most gorgeous slap in the face!

"Impossible! How could you scratch Gu, it's impossible!" Shen Xuejun's calm expression suddenly became irritable, and she ran over suddenly, shouting at Ye Zhang: "You bitch, you are going to die, why don't you die?" Someone used this kind of spiritual fruit to scrape your bones and cure poison, no, you can’t come back to life! You have to die!”

At this moment, Shen Xuejun was full of jealousy, her almond-like eyes flashed ferocious intent, a three-meter-high divine light erupted all over her body, a sword light suddenly appeared in her hand, and in an instant, countless rays of light burst out, piercing Ye Zhang's big acupoints all over his body seemed to kill her, and at the same time, he slapped Ye Feng with a majestic force, making him unable to move!

At this moment, the cultivation base of Tongxuan Second Heaven

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